Hero’s Creed

Chapter 599: Bakong 0 crack, bombing and killing the dragon!

The strength between the Judgment Stage and the Tulong Stage is a qualitative fly-by. The Tulong Stage is characterized by an increase in life, which means that the magician's body begins to evolve and climb to a higher level of life form. Pingnan Literature Network)

The Judgment Stage cannot use the charge technique continuously, but for the Tu Long Stage, a single jump and heads-up can jump over tens of meters, and the body strength is not the same. After the Tu Long Stage, they can take the ruling stage by themselves The following attacks.

Although shocked by Downton's performance, Robben didn't care about it at all. After all, in traditional understanding, the gap between the two is too big. He believes that up to five moves will blow Downton.

"The trouble is that firebird!"

Robben watched the first element. The one-handed sword in his hand burned up a bit, and with the shaking of his wrist, he sprayed a dozen fire snakes and chopped down to Downton's neck.

From beginning to end, he didn't glance down at Downton, because it was unnecessary.


This kind of naked-naked-naked contempt made Downton feel terrified. Instead of evading, he played domineering punches and slammed into hard attacks.

boom! boom! boom!

Battered Strike completely ignored those fire snakes and thundered the blades again.

"court death!"

Luo Bengao smiled, an adjudicating order, dare to pick up his own attack with bare hands, it is hardly alive.

This one-handed sword is named Wildfire, and is about one meter three in length. It is a legendary inferior grade and is worth 20 million gold coins. It can increase the power of martial arts, so that each magic fire snake has a ruling order of attack power.

After being attacked by dozens of ruling fire snakes, Robben did not believe that Downton could hold it up, but the expected charred black body did not appear.

After the fire snakes hit Downton, they all exploded, setting off huge shock waves and blowing the corners of their clothes. But even Downton's hair didn't hurt.

"How is it possible? Are you an extremely rare flame immune constitution?"

The surprised and inexplicable Robben immediately felt the fist intersect, and came a strong force. He almost took the wildfire off by the shock. This boy's power was greater than he expected.


See Robben at ease. Downton finally realized the power of Tulongjie. As for those fire snakes, he had long since got the body of the fire god. It is already a fire-free magic physique. In short, in this world, no flame can hurt Downton.

Twilight ignored the sunspots. Instead, he cast spells to protect Downton and started two dozens.

Robben's original intention was to kill Downton and Twilight, and then persuade Firebird. If it doesn't listen, then go to war. Anyway, he has a hole card and is not very worried about it. But now the plans are all disrupted by Downton.

"Honestly, what kind of humanoid do you have in Warcraft?"

Robben roared. Although the killers failed, he still could not admit that a ruling could resist his attack.

"Can you help me?" Firebird strangled all Warcraft. Hovering next to it, "I feel a very uncomfortable breath from this guy."


The main task now is to steal the magic power, Downton is not stupid enough to play a duel with Robben.

"Black Rhinoceros, help me for three minutes!"

A badge of devil servant Robben wore on his chest flashed a glimmer of purple light, a black rhino came out, roared, shaved his hooves twice, and rushed towards the firebird like a steam chariot.

Zila! Zila!

The one-horned blue light of the black rhino's head flashed, one after another, lightning flashed to form a power grid, which covered the Tang Firebird and wanted to capture it.

Firebird ignored the power grid, and suddenly accelerated and shot at the black rhinoceros. As an elemental body, although it was good at magic attacks, it preferred melee.

"Downton, defense, I will attack!"

Seeing that Downton's several attacks were ineffective, Twilight reminded and began to prepare for the big move.

"it is good!"

Downton no longer succeeds, one backslides back, grabbing with both hands, showing the dragon-trapping style.

Mo Nengsuo shot out, and after approaching Shattered Hundred Cracks and Flame Demon's Hammer, he grabbed them and pulled them back into his hands.

"What martial arts is this?"

Robben’s eyes were almost stunned, but he was the Tulongjie anyway. He still had some eyesight, and he could tell that Bakongquan was definitely a legendary martial art.

"Don't you want to know in your life!"

Downton ran out of position, blocking Twilight and Robben.

"Die! Die! Die!"

Robben roared with a sonic technique, wildfire waved, and five flame dragons were immediately spun out of the blade, roaring and crashing into Downton.

boom! boom! boom!

The long dragon blew up, the flames spread, and the shock wave lifted all the soil on the ground.

Downton ran out of the sea of ​​fire unscathed, his arms cut out the seal, and oppressed Robben's space.

"Is it really flame immune?"

Robben still didn't believe in evil, and used magnificent moves. When he hacked Downton, countless Mars flew out of the blade, and quickly gathered together, forming a tornado.

call out! call out! call out!

One by one fire snakes were ejected from the tornado like a horse honeycomb stabbed. In a moment, the entire field of vision was filled with these wandering elements.

The dwarf patrols saw scalp numbness, such a intensive attack, except for hard resistance, there was no place to dodge.

"Look where you are hiding this time?"

Luo Bengao laughed, but this was a big move at the bottom of his box. One blow could kill the magician who ruled the seventh-order peak, and hit the dragon-order. So he turned to kill Twilight. In his opinion, Downton must be undoubted.

"I don't want to hide!"

Downton charged directly, smashing the flame snake all the way, and in the continuous elemental meteoric explosion, before hitting Luo himself, the war hammer smashed.


Robben stepped back and followed the overwhelming ice gun.

The Dragon Shield is cruising fast, defending itself, and smashing those ice guns.

Twilight was unmoved and focused on casting spells.

White frost mists with a diameter of half a meter are formed in the air. They glance at Robben and spray ice guns. Their temperature is extremely low. Even if the fragments fall to the ground, they will freeze the surrounding weeds and the ground. Layers of ice.

"Slaughtering Dragon Stage?"

Luo Ben's face was dignified, and Twilight's attack power had reached the Tulong level, which made him feel bad, and was going to kill her first.

Launching the charge technique, Robben rushed to the twilight with an afterimage, but he didn't wait to get close. Downton came from a diagonal stab and hit him, causing him to miss.

"Go away!"

Robben waved his sword, but found it impossible to repel Downton. So continue to charge. He originally thought Downton would not be able to keep up, but did not expect this kid to flash again. Stop in front of you.

"My Emperor Polo, why is your body tougher than Warcraft's?"

Seeing Downton perform five consecutive charges in more than ten seconds, the body did not appear to collapse and disintegrate, which made Robben very puzzled. But he soon had no time to think about it, because Twilight's magic came again.

As we all know, the longer the spell, the longer the casting time, the more magic energy can be mobilized, the greater the power of magic, in general. In such a dangerous place, Twilight will not choose lengthy magic, it will be miserable in case of a raid, but she trusts Downton. So he cast his spells.

Suppressed by the ice gun, the flames began to bombard, and Twilight dared not use lightning because it would affect Downton.

"Damn, who the **** are you?"

Robben was injured, but his psychological depression was even greater. He couldn't break through a ruling order and was so mad.

"Master, how are you? If you can't, just run, I can't beat it!"

The battle of Warcraft has always been fierce. In just a moment, the black rhinoceros has been traumatized all over the body, all covered with scorched marks, and black smoke full of burning smell.

"Withdraw!" Robben gave Donton a stern look, and decided to give up. "You boy, wait, I will calculate this account with you."

"Am I letting you go?"

Downton released the Flame Devil's Hammer, grabbed it with his right hand, and shot the dragon.

Robben, who jumped on a tree branch more than thirty meters away, only looked at the magic of evading the twilight. He didn't check it for a while. He was caught by the magic claw and pulled back.

Opportunity was not lost, Downton radio shot, using a big trick that was not too skilled.


A huge barbarian formed by magical energy emerged from behind Dunton, and in the roar of shaking, he punched hard.

boom! boom! boom!

The magic barbarian's punching speed is too fast, and Robben's dynamic vision can't keep up, only feel countless fists hit the body.

The boxing wind is like a storm, shooting like a sharp blade, and the air is rapidly oscillating and bursting.

This was like a pantomime. When the barbarian's fist stopped, the sonic boom was swept around. The soil on the ground was swept by the shock wave, just like a tsunami, directly piled up a half-meter high soil wave.


Robben, whose face was full of unbelievable expressions, fell from the tree branch. His whole skin burst and became a blood man.

Downton’s rank is still too low, leading to the power of Bakongquan being too low, otherwise it will be enough to beat Robben into meat, and even the soul will dissipate.

Twilight remedied, a black knight suddenly appeared in front of Luo himself, his long sword unsheathed, and after beheaded his head, he blinked and disappeared again.

Downton had a deep understanding of Twilight's strength in her heart. This girl is like a deep pool. When you think that the bottom line is discovered, she will give you a'surprise' again.

Twilight coughed and vomited several blood.

"Are you OK?"

Downton stopped flying and supported her.

"It's okay!"

Twilight appreciates Downton's character. If you change to someone else, she must have questioned her rank early, and whether the black knight was just talent or magic.

Downton waved his blessings to the two men, and looked at the dwarves with a strong brace.

"We surrender!"

The dwarves begged for mercy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But at the foot of them was Sa Huan'er, running towards the jungle.

Downton had intended to bomb them, but before he could beat the turtle, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest and spit out a big sip of blood.

Using the unskilled domineering, he injured his body and it will take a while to cultivate.

"Forget it, some ordinary people, it's boring to kill."

Twilight is not afraid of those guys going back to call people, which is definitely a manifestation of strong self-confidence.

"Firebird, haven't you resolved the battle yet?"

Downton ridiculed that the Black Rhinoceros was no longer practical. At the moment of Robben's death, he was ready to escape, but there was no chance at all.

"Nonsense, if I were not distracted by you, I would have killed it."

Firebird rolled his eyes. After all, Downton faced Tulongjie. He didn't worry about being fake. In case the master was killed, he had no place to regret it. Fortunately, he didn't let himself down.

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