Hero’s Creed

Chapter 600: Expensive loot

Twilight and Downton's performances are very stunning. Generally, the Judgment Stage has no courage to fight against the Dragon Slayer, because the chance of victory is very small, but these two are good, and they have successfully counterattacked.

"It's too big!"

Firebird looked at Robben's shattered body and laughed. This is Downton's second Dragon Slayer, and there will be more in the future.

Downton and Twilight didn't have the excitement of killing the strong through the ranks, and looked calmly at the loot.

"Give you!"

Downton picked up the wildfire and threw it to Twilight.

"I am a mage, what should I do with this?"

Twilight gave Donton a glance, is your kid too generous? This is a legendary weapon worth 20 million, which is actually handy.

"Then I will divide your money!"

In Downton's view, this should be the most valuable spoils. Naturally, the twilight should be given first. This girl really has an appetite for him. Regardless of fighting or personality, the two people are like spirits, almost no verbal communication. Can understand each other's thoughts.

"No need." Twilight refused. "Find his space magic outfit."

Holding the wildfire to stir in the minced meat for a while, Downton found a space ring, he had intended to take it back to Homer to crack, did not expect Twilight to be.

"Do you look down on people?"

Five minutes later, the magic lock opened and Twilight threw the ring back to Downton. (Pingnan Literature Network)

"Your allocation is the same."

Downton shrugged his shoulders, feeling that Twilight was too real.

Twilight shook his head and stopped talking, perhaps because of his strong dominance. Those who were unbearable would leave him one by one, so recently. She was trying to be silent, trying to be a regiment member, otherwise she used her habit to take away the head of Downton.

Twilight definitely has this ability, and for so many years, she served as the command issued by the conductor. lU can't do more than Downton said.

Of course, the head of Downton did well, so she happened to be lazy.

Downton poured all the things in the octave ring to the ground, several purses full of gold coins, two suitcases, all stacked with neatly stacked gold tickets, rough estimates, about 6 million .

"You take these!"

Downton pushed both the cash box and the purse to Twilight.

"I'll take one."

Twilight had just held the cash box and Downton's big hand was pressed against it.

"No. The team is also disciplined. I have taken advantage of how much effort and how much I take." Downton's tone was firm. "Otherwise we will shoot twice."

"Oh, people all think that there is less money, you're better!"

Twilight teased.

"Without a fair distribution mechanism, no team will last long. Besides, I value you more than these money."

Downton is anyway the Duke of the West, sitting in an underground city. If you are short of money, go to Porosna to turn over the box, and then be more cruel, and you can charge more head tax. However, such characters as Twilight can never be measured by gold coins. Only friendship can bind her to her side.

"What are you talking about?"

Twilight blushed. Grabbed a handful of gold coins and hit Downton.

"Uh, you misunderstood me. I'm talking about your ability, not you." Downton explained quickly, but found it ambiguous. It seems that he can't look down on other people's appearance, "No, they all value it."


Twilight covered his mouth and chuckled, and for the first time in her walk, she saw Downton's overwhelming appearance for the first time.

"Can you wait for a while?" I'm still waiting to appreciate the loot!"

The words of Firebird made Downton and Twilight make two big red faces.

A medicine box marked with a red cross, containing two million worth of top-level potions. For Downton, who is a pharmacist, these things have little meaning, so they all gave Twilight. M

The last remaining box was actually polished with crystals, enough to put down an adult rhinoceros, lift the lid off, and a huge dark red coral tree appeared in the sight of two people.

"What do I think it is?"

Corals gleamed brightly and darkly, as if breathing, and occasionally the flare would fall. It is very beautiful. Coupled with such a large growth, it will definitely take decades to form. It can definitely sell for 10 or 20 million. It's a very good piece of art, but Downton doesn't like these very much.

"It's not art!"

Twilight reminded that he put on a pair of white gloves and inspected the coral tree.

"Huh? You mean it's something on the list of magic monsters?"

Downton was not stupid, and immediately reacted, seeing nothing special with his eyes, so he released the soul power, and it was unexpected, and the abnormality burst.

The coral tree was like a whirlpool, squeezing Downton's soul, and he was shocked to cut off the connection.

"You put your hands up and try!"

Twilight took out a dagger, cut it on the coral, and immediately a viscous red liquid flowed out, but before it fell to the ground, it completely turned into a gaseous state. Before it evaporated, it was sucked into the body by the coral tree again.

"this is?"

Downton touched the coral, and immediately felt that the magical energy flowed into the coral tree uncontrollably, even if he was pulling with his soul, he could not restrain this loss.

"It's called Dusk Coral. It grows in the Endless Sea and ranks 46th on the list of magical monsters. It's worth about 200 million gold coins." Twilight Science, "These coral insects are propagated by magic energy, so the effect they bring It is the transformation and extraction of magic energy. It can parasitize on anything, use the enzyme elements in the body to decompose and transform the material into magic energy, and then absorb it."

"Enzyme element?"

Downton remembered the enzyme molecule he had seen in his dream, which seemed to be a protein.

"Yes, in addition to the four basic elements of wind, fire, water, and earth, there are other rare elements in this world. The enzyme element is one of them. In fact, it is also in the human body, but you can't feel it."

Twilight explained.

Downton finally knew why Homer and Twilight had a common topic. Talking to people with great knowledge would be ashamed if they kept up with the rhythm of others.

"The twilight corals feed on magical energy, so the bones contain abundant magical energy. After death. The corals' corpses form corals, which is the accumulation of their bones. Naturally, this is full of magical energy."

Twilight's fingers crossed the coral, "This large coral tree, at least accumulated more than five years, the magic power it contains. It is enough for you to strike the sixth order, so the opportunity is not lost, hurry up!"

Robben was too unlucky. Using the identity of the Dark Brotherhood as a senior, he blackmailed a big sea merchant. Fortunately, he got this evening coral and worked hard to accumulate five years of magic energy. It was to prepare for the impact of the second order of the Tu Tu. Downton is cheaper.

"Don't you need?"

Downton understood the meaning of Twilight.

"What I lack now is not magic energy. It is perception. Besides, your rank is too low. If you want to attack the tomb of Saint Coffin, it is not the Dragon Slayer. It will almost certainly die."

The Eight Great Coffins are the greatest epic heroes of the Western Continent. How can their tombs be so advanced, if Downton had strong firepower, far beyond the same level. Twilight will not team up with him, but even so. She was still full of worry.

"Okay, then I'm disrespectful."

Downton is also not a hypocritical person. This generosity can be rewarded in the future. Besides, after coming to the underground world, the enemies encountered are very powerful, and the death is enveloped at all times. So he can't wait to make a move as soon as possible.

"It's not too late. Let's start rushing. Let me and Firebird help you protect. You can put your heart in your stomach."

Twilight quipped and turned away. Too close distance will affect Downton.

"Be careful!"

With a tingle, the firebird flew away.

Looking at the huge coral tree, Downton once again has a deep understanding of the atmosphere of the twilight. There is no doubt that this girl is definitely a noble aristocrat, or at least extremely wealthy at home.

Even though Twilight only drinks water and eats bread at every meal, it is simpler than the Puritans, but her net worth is absolutely great. With Downton’s unsightly vision, she can see that her weapons and equipment are all superb, at least one Zhang Magic Carpet can make Sissy envious.

Sitting cross-legged, Downton took a few deep breaths, and after getting rid of the misunderstandings, he began to think of the Holy Angel. In just a few minutes, he entered a state of deep meditation.

In the depths of the soul, the roots of the towering soul trees are well-developed, and there are thousands of them. They are all plunged into the void, and they are absorbing magic energy every moment.

Its main trunk is thick, the foliage is luxuriant, hundreds of millions of flowers are blooming, rare and colorful, and the crown is like a cloud. When the soul is blown like a breeze, the sea of ​​flowers will rise and fall like a wave.

Twilight glanced back, Downton's soul fluctuation was still as strong as before, and within ten minutes, the magic energy had begun to rush to the place where he was.

The light flickers, like the stars at midnight.

The concentration of magic energy increased, and the activity of the coral at dusk also increased. It actually twisted slowly, competing with Downton for the magic energy in the air.

"My Emperor Polo, this guy wants to drain me too!"

Downton clearly felt that countless subtle soul powers like tentacles, touching his soul tree, came feelings of longing, greed, rejoicing, sharing, etc. He knew that it was the emotion of countless coral insects.

"Can't be cranky!"

Downton runs his mind at full strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~ radiates soul power, Chongjie is most afraid of miscellaneous thoughts, and the soul information from countless coral insects makes him like a person thrown into the dense city, everywhere They are all in the shadows, and the ears are full of noisy whispers.

The soul angel spoke again, chanting the hymn in a low voice, and the speed of the wings shooting down increased again.

Some coral insects felt that there was a huge amount of magical energy in Downton's body, and they actually floated up and landed on him, preparing to parasitize.

Visible to the naked eye, Downton's body is covered with a coral layer, like a dark red armor.

Downton was unmoved and calmed like an old monk from a thousand-year-old temple. With the power of the soul angel, the coral tree was drawn, and a large amount of soul power escaped, emitting a red light, making it like'burning' of.

Coral insects from the endless sea felt the crisis and began to save themselves. Numerous soul consciousnesses were united, furiously impacting Downton's soul tree and destroying his soul.

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