Hero’s Creed

Chapter 623: Crypt Siege

The area around Forge Fort was once full of obsidian avenues, with bustling suburban towns. With the passage of time, it has now been submerged in dark forests. When a stone is smashed out, it can startle countless flying birds.

"This is the dwarf emperor known as the city of steel?"

Sissi sat on the flying dragon and used the monocular telescope worth millions of gold coins to admire the furnace fort located dozens of miles away.

Because the dwarves and dragons lived, the city was not dark, with some yellowish sparks dotted, and the towering tower on the tower was hung with large crystal lights, and the light emitted could be seen far and wide. Representing the territory of the Red Dragon King, trespassers die.

The forging and construction techniques of the dwarves are indeed worthy of being ranked in the top three races of the Western Soil Continent. The furnace fort is actually hollowed out and built directly in a large mountain up to three thousand meters in height. The superb craftsmanship does not see the cutting of the axe. The traces make this city and nature a natural one, as if formed naturally.

"found it!"

A mercenary shouted, breaking the atmosphere of silence, and everyone showed an excited expression and gathered towards him.

There are stacked trees next to it, the torches crackling and burning, shining on the holes on the ground, a group of mercenaries just dug the big entrance, and the soil has not been cleared, and the five scouts are already holding crossbows under the order of the vice regiment Pick it in.

The underground of Furnace Fort is covered with spider-web tunnels, and covers an area of ​​50 kilometers outside the city.

This is a dwarf's defensive facility. Any invading legion will not be close to the imperial capital, but will be subject to continuous sneak attacks. Whether it is pursued or not, it will delay the march.

For dwarves who are good at mining mines and tunnels, this amount of engineering is almost unbearable. They are born experts in tunnel warfare.

In their defense plan, even if the empire falls, they can hide in the ground and attack the enemy. Only after so many years have passed, no empire can capture the king. Instead, he was driven out by Smaug.

"The idea of ​​tunnel warfare is good. Why did Smaug still live?"

Palin was surprised, and he would have a headache when he encountered this tactic.

"At that time, the dwarf was defeated in the war against the dark elves, and the male lost more than 50%. Smaug killed the king of the dwarf at that time, resulting in several princes who were unwilling to deal with foreign enemies and were fighting for the throne. In short, the situation was A mess."

DuPont shrugged.

"The dwarves didn't want to give up the Forge Fortress. In the final battle, the Grand Prince defeated and occupied it, but in the face of Smaug, he was gradually weakened until he died."

Valentine's loud voice rang, and she wanted to express herself in front of Sissi.

"The dwarf king on the second continent, strictly speaking, is not orthodox, but a defeated hapless ghost. He certainly did not expect to go to the second floor that year, but instead he was able to sit on the throne. By the way, go The two princes on the fourth floor were defeated by the drow elves and made into dark mummies."

Alonzo intervened, not letting his opponents specialize in the front.


Sissi exclaimed.

"Yes, the high priests of the drow elves can use dark magic and a lot of potions to make the strong ones into mummies. Fight for them."

Valentine deliberately lowered her tone and increased the atmosphere of terror.

"Living people?"

Sissy was a little scared.

"Yes, corpses are fine, but they are not as powerful as those made by living people." DuPont sighed, "fall into the hands of Drow Elves. I can't die if I want to die."

"It should be said that if you die, you will not be at peace, and your soul will be used by them, either after offering sacrifices to the Rose Spider, or to wake up the puppets and feed the beasts."

Alonzo has been in the ground for a long time, and is most familiar with these drows.

"What if I get lost inside?"

Sissi looked at the tunnel entrance and was a little worried. As for the beasts, she knew that it was the artificially domesticated and fed Warcraft, but until now it has almost been lost, and it is only for the drow, a race that retains a trace of ancient heritage, that it will be lucky. There is a secret method of nurturing.

"If you get lost, you can only wait to die, but under normal circumstances it will not happen."

This is what the adventurous rookie said. If it was changed to someone else, Valentine would spit it out, but when it was changed to Cici, he explained patiently.

The mercenaries have at least five ways to determine the route. What should be considered is the problems of collapse, flooding, gas, etc. If you encounter a sneak attack, it will be even more troublesome.

The atmosphere gradually solidified with the walk of time. After half an hour, according to the regulations, the first scout should come back to report the initial situation, but so far I haven’t even seen a personal image.

"They're not going to die?" Cici pulled Downton's sleeve and asked quietly, "What should I do next?"

"It should be the whole regiment."

Downton frowned, looking at this situation, and sending people to die was better than starting the whole group.

The two commanders and DuPont found Mueller together, and after confirming that the map was ok, they gave orders to the whole regiment.

"you are right."

Sissi was both excited and uneasy.

Downton is silent, it doesn’t need to be guessed at all. If he is the head of the team, he will not stop because of the death of a few people, otherwise the manpower and material resources consumed before will be wasted. Besides, there is a national vault waiting in front. , Full of spirit to inspire the members.

"Immortal!" Valentine failed to grasp, and torn the note to leave. "The Pioneer group is ready to leave in ten minutes."

At the surface, the two teams can summon more than 10,000 mercenaries casually, but here, due to the geographical relationship, they only have more than 600 people available, even if they are all magicians, they dare not have Not at all.

Downton and his team were able to stay at the back of the team with Sissi’s bargain. This is the safest position. Even if they encounter a sneak attack from the rear of the team, they don’t have to take the lead, and they can leave the tunnel as soon as possible when retreating.


Palin jumped out of the tunnel and raised his arm to pick up Sissi.

"I can!"

Sissi gave Palin a white glance and jumped down. So many people watched that she didn't want to be treated as a petite burden.

"His Royal Highness' attitude is good. It can inspire morale."

DuPont complimented timely.

Palin's mouth twitched. Compared with Downton, he felt that DuPont's threat was greater. After all, this guy came from the Dupont family, and his identity was very prominent.

Sissy entered the tunnel and immediately felt a cold, damp breath. It was like a cold-blooded grass snake scratching her skin, making her shudder with a shock.

After walking less than thirty meters, Sisie glanced back and wanted to withdraw. It was too depressing here, as if imprisoned in a cage, making the whole person uncomfortable.

The tunnel is only two meters high and three meters wide. For the dwarf's body, there is a lot of space. But human beings can't do it, especially Su Ya, a hybrid of natural height and height, and a hybrid of Valentine, are almost uncomfortably dying. It is inconvenient to encounter enemies here, flashing and moving, and the combat power is reduced by at least half.

Listening to the cold call next to her, Sissy did not want to be underestimated and bit her lip. Go ahead with your teeth.

"Go ahead of me!"

Downton keeps Juliet and Twilight in his vision, leaving Su Ya and Tanan behind.

Lao Bu and Cindy couldn't bear the temptation of the vault. Also followed.

The tunnel is intricate, dark and humid, the light of the lantern is printed on the wall of the cave, the figure sways, like the minions of the monster.

"No, you can't hear anything."

Walnut gave up. The tunnel is full of echoes of the collision of footsteps and armor, and no other sounds can be heard at all, even if you want to be alert.

"Leave it to Pioneer, just pay attention to the side roads."

Downton warned the walnuts not to run around, otherwise they could not be found.

Fifteen minutes later. Fighting suddenly broke out in front, the sound of fighting almost tearing the eardrum.

Valentine had anticipated this situation early, so it was arranged that Yishui's adjudicative order was elite, and the enemy's steps were blocked.

"not bad!"

Palin breathed a sigh of relief. If there was a collapse and crowding in the tunnel, he would be trampled to death if not killed.

The shouting continued for twenty minutes before stopping. The enemy's tactics obviously wanted to use a fierce offensive to frighten these invaders and let them retreat, but failed.

"It's trash kobolds, don't worry, move on!"

There was a loud cry of herders in the tunnel.

When the **** smell rose up, Sissi also saw the kobold's body, all tattered and piled up in the tunnel, the ground was soaked with blood and meat emulsion, and the ankle was submerged.

After walking for more than one hundred meters, this fleshy promenade was not over, and Cici finally couldn't help it, vomiting by holding the cave wall.


DuPont passed the water bag.

"You don't need to control me, let's direct the team!"

Sissi thought she was useless. So many people vomited by themselves, but she was a little lucky, but she was wearing knee-high boots, otherwise the blood and flesh were poured into the boots, and it must be disgusting. .

The kobold has a low IQ and has a natural possessiveness to the sands. It is also a natural mining expert. They can always find the gold mine by smell, and then punch holes to stay.

It is the wish of every kobold to cover the cave with gold. These in the tunnel are obviously a group that has been forcibly migrated because they only want to live in a gold mine~www.wuxiaspot.com~The dwarves who are loyal to Smaug are after all A few, unable to arm in all areas, can only use kobolds, but these guys’ fighting ability is really worrying, they have thrown away hundreds of corpses, even two tribe shamans have died, and even one mercenary has not killed dead.

"so boring!"

Walnut looked around at his toes, but saw nothing but his back, so he looked left and right toward the tunnel passing by.


Suddenly there was a burst of binge, and the kobolds carrying machete rushed out of the forks on both sides of the tunnel. They were full-bodied, with scarlet eyes open and daring to fight.

"No retreat, defense in place!"

The commanders shouted immediately, but the tunnel was too noisy to hear anything. Fortunately, the tactical qualities of the mercenaries were not bad. The one close to the fork lifted up directly, and the back quickly hurled arrows on the crossbow. (To be continued...)

ps: I have a cold, but continue to work hard to update!

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