Hero’s Creed

Chapter 624: Flayer

The priest began to sing and spread the magic at the first time of the attack, but it was only hindered by the terrain. Only a few mercenaries could enjoy the state blessing.

Facing the kobold with his blood-red eyes flicking, Walnut brows and smiles, without fear, a step is blocked in front of the tunnel, and the battle axe slashes.


The axe cut into the shoulder, chopped the first kobold into two petals, and sprayed blood on the wall of the cave.

The mercenaries were all well-trained, blocking every fork. Several people worried about the walnuts and hurried over to take her place. As a result, Little Loli had been killed.

"Isn't it? So powerful?"

Watching the small walnut push like a tank like a chariot, the kobolds were covered for more than ten meters, and the mercenaries' mouths were wide open to plug a watermelon.

"Walnut, be careful!"

Downton cast three hands of magic, dazzling white light illuminates the dark cave wall, looks very sacred.

"Paladin, here!"

Seeing this scene, the mercenaries nearby hurriedly greeted each other, and at the same time they were relieved that there was a Paladin on their side, and their combat effectiveness and safety factor increased by at least one grade.

To say what kind of occupations the races in the dark world hate the most, it must be the Paladin. Undoubtedly, the holy spells are very harmful to them. Just seeing the light will stab them with eyes that have adapted to the darkness.

Downton continued to cast his spells, trying to take care of every mercenary on the front line. He was not tired yet, and the captain had shouted to stop it.

"Okay, stop your hand and save some magical power. These fishes don't need you to cast their spells."

The kobolds are too weak to be worth the waste of magic power, otherwise they will be in trouble if they encounter a protracted war, and the other mercenaries are nodding, they do not know. For Downton, these costs are not even a fraction of a cent.

"When going out to fight, the magic energy must always be maintained at more than 60%!"

Seeing Downton and Sissy together, the captain thought he was a rookie, and explained patiently.


Downton was taught with humility.

Cici couldn't help but he had a new understanding of Downton's good temper. If you change to other nobles, I am afraid it has been refuted. After all, it is very self-esteem to be despised.

In such a narrow terrain, the wizards cannot perform magical support. If they are not careful, they will hurt their own people. Fortunately, the enemy is not strong, and even a little riot can not be caused.

"Don't care, fight steady!"

The captains yelled and greeted the second echelon close by. Ready to change defense, but at the moment of retreating, an invisible wave of energy shocked like a tsunami.

boom! boom! boom!

The shock of the mind swept through the tunnel, and the mercenaries who were affected directly shook their hearts, as if they were hit on the head by a siege hammer, and there was a slight sense of dizziness.

The tactical actions of the front-line mercenaries immediately changed, and the kobolds took the opportunity to charge, and the machete fell on them.


This time the people who came to the ground are elite. Well-equipped, the kobold's machete can't break the defense. This made the captains a little relieved, just to remind the team to pay attention to the explosion of the mind, and the body on the ground suddenly exploded.

boom! boom! boom!

The corpse explosion technique was used to turn the kobold corpses piled up on the floor into human bombs. Although each one was not powerful, it was only at the war rank. But there are enough of them.

Fragmented flesh ~ body, internal organs, blood, bones and sticks flying everywhere, smeared everywhere, the frontline mercenaries suddenly encountered a surprise attack and could no longer maintain the defense line.

Also covered by corpse explosions are kobolds. But these guys obviously got bloodthirsty, and even if they were injured, they didn't feel it, and glared at them.

"Quick, build defense!"

The captains had just shouted, and the next wave of psychic explosions came again, and what was even more troublesome was that a group of sturdy jackals rushed out of the tunnel.

Compared to the kobolds, these powerful parties immediately broke through the line of defense and entered the team.

The only thing holding the tunnel was the small walnut, and her mind burst was negligible for her. She was covered with an oval shield and slashed towards the jackals, and in a moment he chopped off a body.

Some jackals ran over and attacked the walnuts from behind.

"Go away!"

Downton waved the flame demon's hand, opening the door wide and wide, forcibly advancing, and going to meet Little Loli.

The effect of bloodthirsty is similar to the rage aura, but its sequelae are too serious. After being blessed, it will lose the wolf, and only the thought of hacking all life opposite is left in his mind.

The purpose of this spell is to turn the warrior into a murderous man who is not afraid of death. The evil casters of the dark camp love the most. Even the worst cannon fodder can consume a lot of energy from the enemy.

"It's crazy dog ​​tactics again!" Homer reminded. "Be careful, the opponent's commander is very powerful, and there are warlocks of the Dragon Slayer!"

Paralyze opponents with kobolds, pile up enough corpses, and cast mind burst and corpse burst at the same time, then supplement with powerful attacking jackals, enough to open a line of defense and enter chaos.

Even if the Miami Heat and the Boston Red Sox are well-trained and suddenly encounter this kind of tactics, they will fall into a recession. There is no way. Too many tunnel openings are too scattered and the terrain is narrow. It is impossible to establish a second defense in time.

This is still thanks to the good quality of the mercenaries. If they are replaced by ordinary teams, the first wave of offense will be unstoppable.

In the tunnel, there is not much room for flashing and moving at all, it is completely a dead-knock, this kind of battle is actually Downton's favorite.

Every time the Warhammer swings, it will not only bring out an orange streamer, but also fly a body. The sound of a fracture sounds creepy.

The enemies set the eyes of the wizard to observe the battle. Including Downton, the outstanding battles are all taken care of by a wave of mind bursts.

Downton stumbled a few steps and also suffered a few attacks from the jackal, but he wore dark clouds and snow leather armor, and the other party could not break the defense.

The mercenaries blocked the enemy's offensive and were about to arm, and the corpse explosion was again just right.

boom! boom! boom!

Many people were overwhelmed by the shock wave, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

Like a meat grinder, the walnuts killed more than thirty meters. The tunnel behind them turned into a flesh and blood corridor, and the blood demon meat sauce piled up on the calf.

"Huh? Empty?"

After flying two unlucky eggs, Walnut suddenly found that there were no jackals in front of him. A few dozen meters away, stood a humanoid with a staff.

"Discover the big goal!"

When Walnut is happy, he can't wait to charge.

"Walnut comes back, that's the demon!"

Homer yelled that the Demon Slayer is a natural caster and has a talent for mind bursting. Known for being cunning and treacherous, how could it stand alone in front of the enemy? Thinking with your knees, you can also know that the tunnels next to it must be full of melee.

"This guy is so ugly, like a big octopus!"

Walnut didn't dare to disobey the tutor, and obediently retreated.

The adult Destroyer is about one and eight meters tall, very thin, except for the staff, heavier swords can't be picked up.

Their skin appears lavender, cold and cool. It's like snake skin, and there is a slimy layer of reflective mucus.

Destroyer has no pupils and only two milky eyes. The most remarkable feature is the four octopus-shaped tentacles near the mouth.

Their favorite thing is to tear open the enemy's head and taste each other's brains.

"Pastor, prepare to disperse!"

The captains also saw the frightening demons, shouting in exasperation.

Demon, as the name suggests. Most good at spiritual magic, except for the heart burst that can make the heart stop and frighten. They can also control the enemy's brain to enslave them.

The mind-spelling spell is not like a blast of the mind, which can directly hit the mind regardless of the terrain, otherwise it will come out at the beginning of the battle.

Destroyer shot, a purple aura fell on Walnut.

Little Loli got a good body and continued to run like nothing else. Don't look at the simple walnut, but the soul is not weak, if you want to control her, don't think of the Dragon Devil's Heart Devil.

Several mercenaries were controlled, though reluctantly. But the movement in his hand was not slow, and he waved his sword at his companion.

"Stun them!"

After all, it is a senior mercenary group that has been around for many years. It has long had a lot of experience in coping with it. Otherwise, it will definitely be a mess.

"Just kill it all the time?"

The situation stabilized. Sissi watched the servants of the former servants and the jackals fall into the pool of blood, and they were uncomfortable with this one-sided slaughter.

"of course!"

The captains have no mercy. At this time, the hands are soft, and the one who died is his own.

Smaug is not an idiot, so there is a tribe of flayers here, although the number is small, but it is quite difficult.

It is okay to rely on kobolds and jackals living in tunnels to kill some single-adventurous adventurers.

For Heart Demon, these inferior races are cannon fodder. After blessed with bloodthirsty, let them rush into battle. No matter how much they die, it is not a big deal to catch them. The scare of these two races with high fertility is considered waste utilization. Too.

The high-ranking jackals finally played, their armor and weapons are better, and their lethality has increased greatly, especially those that have been specially selected and have been contaminated with dragon blood.

The mercenaries suffered casualties, but the situation is still under control.

"Shoot the heart-slayers!"

The captain asked the crossbowmen to carry out long-range suppression, and because of fear of traps, he did not lead the charge.

Jackals are not orcs~www.wuxiaspot.com~Because apart from the occasional upright walking accident, they have no human-like characteristics, not to mention their hair, there is also a wolf head, and the huge wolf kiss and fangs look fierce.

These guys are omnivorous and eat everything. Downton saw several heads actually picking up the heart that fell to the ground and stuffed it directly into his mouth to chew.

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of miscellaneous fish, it won't make the climate!"

Dupont comforted Sissi, talking kung fu, there was a cheer in front of it, it was the master of the mercenary regiment who was dispatched, and he cut down the leader of the flayer who led the team.

Downton smashed the sternum of a high-level jackal and found the enemy retreated like a tide.

"Treat the wounded, consolidate the body and move on!"

The order was passed down layer by layer, and staying in the tunnel for an additional second was a little more dangerous. Everyone didn't even clean the battlefield. After lifting the wounded, they pulled out.

Downton casts a healing wind to heal nearby mercenaries. (To be continued...)

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