Hero’s Creed

Chapter 625: Dragon Ranger

"Actually a bishop-level healing technique!"

The mercenaries had good eyesight, and naturally recognized higher magic, so they rested and greeted Downton on their own initiative.

On the battlefield, there is one more powerful Templar, and the survival rate of mercenaries has not increased. The most important thing is to boost morale.

"If there is another fight, you must not rush forward, give it to us, you are responsible for the treatment."

The captain patted Downton's shoulder with a smile, and if he knew he had such a powerful magical skill, he would never let him rush out to help Little Loli. If he died, he would lose money.


In the past two years of becoming a magician, Downton finally realized the professional advantages of the priesthood. In the team battle, he was the object of focus.

The harassment of the enemy has not been interrupted. The kobolds and jackals are like **** in the trench. Under the blessing of bloodthirsty, they ran out of every fork in the tunnel and launched suicide attacks on the mercenaries. When the corpses pile up, there will be a corpse explosion.

The Heat and the head of the Red Sox coincided with the elite team to arm the fork in advance, ordered to speed up the march, and ignore the entanglement of those cannon fodder.

After a two-hour march, the Pioneer arrived at the exit.


The slate above the head was lifted, and the dim light spilled in.

The heavily armoured mercenaries rushed out, rushed to the predetermined position with their shields, and built the defense with the fastest speed.

The second batch came out of light-armored mercenaries, armed with crossbows to warn against all areas that might throw out the enemy.

"Princess be careful!"

Palin jumped out and reached for Lassie.

"Don't think of me as a princess. I'm an adventurer like you now."

With a snap, Sissi patted Palin's palm and crawled out with her teeth. Her violet leather armor sewed by the master was already covered with blood and minced meat, and the smell of the smell came out, which was disgusting.

Looking back at the exit, Sissi endured. Did not shed tears. Although it was nice to say, she really didn't want to burrow again. u That feels too depressing, and inside, because of terrain restrictions, Super Beast cannot summon it. Once in trouble, you can only rely on yourself.

"If you want to make a fortune, you have to eat the bitterness that others can't eat." DuPont handed a cowhide water sac to Sissi, "wash it!"

Valentine and Alonzo also rushed over and asked for warmth towards Sissi.

It felt good to be cared for, and Sissi thanked her and glanced down at Downton while others were not paying attention. He found that while he was taking care of Juliet and Twilight, he was still observing the surroundings, and he didn't mean anything to his princess.

"I'm Her Royal Highness Princess of the Lombard Empire. Shouldn't you please me? Huh. It must be a trick to play."

Sissi had met men who did not scorn her, but it turned out that those guys used this method to get her attention again.

It can be said that after living for so many years, because of the relationship between identity and appearance, no matter where she goes, Cici is always the focus of the moon, without exception.

Downton did not think so much. When it comes to looks, Charlotte is the most beautiful in his heart. When Juliet is dressed, she is a little worse than Sissi. The sisters Elaine and Celes are still in a long body, which is difficult to judge, but It was definitely a great beauty, not to mention that after seeing Di Lanxue, Sissi couldn't give him a stunning feeling.

Holding the thigh of the princess, Downton certainly thought about it, but letting him whisper to please Cici, he still couldn't do it.

"Go! Go!"

After the broken mercenary came out, Alonzo immediately urged the scout to go on the road. This time it was their turn to lead the team. (Pingnan Literature Network)

This is the dwarf's living area, covered with criss-cross obsidian floors. Because of the long years, it is covered with thick dust.

Surrounded by neatly cut high-rise buildings, hollowed out to become cave dwellings, if they live in dwarves, those windows will light up lanterns, and every night, there are endless lights, like a galaxy falling, but now only the breath of death and dampness Chill.

"Quick! Quick!"

So many people couldn't cover up the trail at all, and could only enter the sewer at the fastest speed, so the vice regiment screamed and urged.

An advantaged leader is to talk to all the plans before the operation. Valentine and Alonzo are undoubtedly competent. Since they entered the tunnel, they have not looked at the map once, which has invisibly saved them. Less time, and it will give the mercenaries a feeling that everything is under control.

"From here, you have to cross seven streets and run about 2,500 meters. After approaching the palace, you burst into the interior from the sewer."

Dupont rode on the flying horse, pointed the king city with a horsewhip, and introduced Sissi.

The layout of Furnace Fort is the same as most human cities. It is outside the residential area, guarding the palace. The palace is a small city. Even if there is no Guards stationed, it is more difficult to enter the front, so it is difficult to take the drain. Good choice.

Sissy nodded, showing that she was able to take a breath after riding on the mount, but the mercenaries still had to run on their legs.

Space magic is too expensive, and it is definitely not a miscellaneous fish, so even those elite adjudicators can only sigh.

Of course, if the demon servant is suitable for riding, it can be made up.

Uh! Uh! Uh!

More than a dozen lights flashed, Downton's horses released their mounts, and then a scream of ‘My Emperor Polo’ shouted.

The mercenaries stared at these rare mounts in dumbfoundedness, and their running steps were subconsciously lightened, fearing that they might disturb them.

Sherman War Bear, Hot Nightmare, Holy Unicorn, plus Little Loli's Void Ray, Twilight's Magic Carpet, Xueman Falcon Eagle...

"My Emperor Polo, are these people too local?"

Some mercenaries who are sensitive to money have estimated that the total price of these mounts alone is already an astronomical figure.

"Chong! Chong! Chong!"

Carrying the Frost Dragon Gun, Walnut changed to the War Bear, and when it came to the charge, he still reloaded his mount.

"What happened to these Shermans? Did you dig the tombs of the troll Millennium Empire?"

Valentine ridiculed that as a violent warrior, he just fell in love with these red furs at a glance. The soul mount in heavy armor, the two ivory spikes on the shoulder armor are so overbearing, you can definitely poke the other's cavalry into skewers.

"If there are others, can you sell it to me? I have 30 million gold coins!"

Alonzo is not as euphemistic as his competitors. Instead, open the quotation directly. As a long-known Tuluan powerhouse, he is also the head of the famous Heat Mercenary Corps. He really is not bad.

"Sorry, this one is not for sale!"

Downton refused, with Dupont present, and his secret could not be kept.

"Fifty million!"

Valentine also made an offer. In fairness, this price already has a premium of more than 10 million, only high or low, but unfortunately Downton was not a hard-earned civilian who had to spend a day and night to sleep for his living expenses for a few silver coins.

"Downton, don't you have a war bear heavy riding regiment? Isn't it worth selling him?" Mueller interjected. "It's a rare mount for others, but it's just a plaything for you."

"A war bear rides heavily?"

Valentine's eyes suddenly shine. Stared at Downton.

"Can we take risks after we finish? Anyway, you can't carry tens of millions of gold coins with you anyway?"

Downton didn't want to sell, but he didn't want to engage in a rigid relationship, so he could only use procrastination tactics.

"Relax, I won't let you lose."

After knowing that Downton had nothing to do with Sissy. The heads of the two regiments did not take him seriously, just a new duke of a third-rate country, even if offended, could he come to his country to find trouble? Even if he puts pressure on the embassy, ​​he will not be ignored.

"Enemy attack! It is a flying arm!"

"It's a dragon!"

The sound of scouts suddenly sounded, making the footsteps more rapid and messy.

A two-headed flying dragon with a height of 12 meters appeared in the field of vision of everyone, and immediately reached the team's sky, his head flicked, and a scorching dragon breath spewed out.

The mercenaries drew their shields to dodge, and the formation was chaotic.

Crossbow arrows shot into the sky, and there were magic counterattacks, but the attack was too fragmented and had little damage to the enemy.

"Don't panic, it's just an Yalong beast, the most powerful but the hero level peak, there is nothing terrible." Valentine roared and stabilized his emotions.

call out! call out! call out!

Taking advantage of the two-headed dragon's harassment to attract attention, the Dragon Ranger hiding in those caves showed his power, and the long arrow aimed at Sissy and his team to kill.

Owning rare mounts is naturally a character like a sergeant. As long as the team is killed, the morale will plummet even if the team does not collapse.

"All shields!"

Palin dodged the broken magic arrow from the dead end of his vision and shouted.

"All accelerate!"

Valentine urged.

The dragons were very cunning. After noticing that they could not kill Sissy and his party, they began to kill the mercenaries, especially the captain who commanded the shouting, and they were given special attention.

Seeing that their men were shot, the two commanders were super helpless, and the Dragon's tactics were too insignificant.

Let the double-headed dragons attack, and the dragons hide in the dark and do not show up at all. Due to the scattered position, the mercenaries' mages cannot suppress the fire and send the mercenaries to chase, which is absolutely nowhere to go.

Not to mention that your side is unfamiliar with the terrain, and sometimes you can't catch the dragon. If the other side arranges some infantry for defense, the attacking mercenary is absolutely dead.

The Heart Demon ran~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So everyone had expected that they would be attacked after entering the Forge Fort, but they did not expect this kind of troublesome harassment.

To be honest, not many people have been shot dead, but the screams of the wounded and the situation of being chased will make morale plummet.

"Princess, can you get your ghost hunter out?"

The team's flying cavalry is too few, and it is useless to dispatch, so Dupont put his attention on the princess.


Sissi summoned the ghost hunter, but even the super beast, the speed is extremely fast, and he can't do anything in the face of the Dragon Ranger who hides in those houses after being scattered.

"The street fight is the hardest!"

Downton sighed, and there was no good solution. He remembered the street fights he had seen in the country in the dream, all of which were meat grinder battles. Fortunately, there were not many shooters, otherwise his own losses would be greater. .

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