Hero’s Creed

Chapter 626: Beheaded

"If you go on like this, and you will be suppressed again, everyone will be useless!" DuPont frowned, looking at the situation around him. Yue Yi ordered, "No one can do it, strengthen defense!"

The head of the Boston Red Sox must have an unspeakable relationship with DuPont, because as soon as his words are spoken, those mercenaries will be executed immediately. If the head of the team is put on other teams, the head will not be mad enough to engage in a major cleaning. But Valentine didn't even put a fart.

"What do you want to do?" Alonzo questioned. "There are five double-headed flying dragons on the top of the head. The longer the storm is exposed on the road, the more attacks will be received."

It's no wonder that Alonzo is in a hurry, because with such a fart effort, the double-headed flying dragon has increased to five heads, even if it is only the elite level, as long as it can fly, it will cause great trouble to the team.

"Yeah, our flying cavalry can't stop them!"

The deputy regiment was also quite helpless. If the ground launched an attack, they would not care.

"Cici, Downton, Mueller, send your demon servants to intercept them!"

DuPont's tone is not to be discussed, but no one will bother with him at this time.

"Let me do this coolie again?"

The Crystal Dragon was impatient. He glanced at the flying dragons after he appeared, complained to Sissi, and then began to look at the Fortress.

The flying dragons are not stupid, they all bypassed the crystal dragon, but they have not yet attacked, and they are blocked by a firebird.

"My devil can't fly?"

Mueller looked helpless.

Suddenly two super beasts appeared, the terrifying soul radiated majesticly, and the flying dragons hovered, and there was fear, but with a rapid flute sound, the flying dragons roared and went crazy again. Attack by bypassing the super beast.

The dragon man who manipulated the flying dragon also knew that he could not achieve any substantive results under the suppression of the two super beasts, so he arranged two feints, and the rest went straight to Sissi.

The princess' gorgeous gorgeous equipment is so eye-catching, and she will know that she is a big fish if you look at it.

Downton's Dragon Cannon can clean up flying super beasts. But the loading is slow. The cost of an elemental shell is two million gold coins, and he is not willing to.

The gun shot the bird. Downton is ready to hide, but unfortunately it always goes against the wish. The little walnut who wanted to slaughter the dragon had a sprint on the war bear and rushed to the lowest point under the flying dragon. She jumped hard and jumped directly onto Feilong's back.

Little Lori brandished a death messenger with a heavy cut, sharply embedded in the neck of the flying dragon, and the blood shot.

Feilong wailed and looked back with a breath of dragon while evacuating in the direction of the flight.

"My Emperor Polo!"

Downton was startled, if the flying dragon took the walnut away. Where is he looking for? So immediately jumped off the back of the Green Devils, chasing behind.

The mercenaries were immediately attracted to Downton, watching him run like an angry bull on Obsidian Boulevard, after approaching the dragon. Pedaling heavily on the ground, he jumped into a six-meter high building, followed by another jump, rushed out nine meters high, landed on the roof of the building in front, sprinted by inertia, and then leapt out of the roof .

Downton hung in the air and reached out to catch the flying dragon, but the dragon beast flapped its wings, and changed its direction to avoid the route of his fight.

"It's over!"

"If he falls so high, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!"

"Too rash, he actually wanted to catch Flying Warcraft, isn't it a joke?"

Looking at Downton falling from the sky, the mercenaries sighed, why the flying arms crushed the ground arms forever. That's why you can't reach it, you can only be beaten passively.

Catch the dragon!

Downton waved his left hand, and the blue magic energy cable shot out. After approaching the flying dragon, he became a big hand and grabbed its right leg.

Like swinging, Downton drew an arc and fell behind the flying dragon.

"My Emperor Polo, will this work?"

"What martial arts is this?"

"Isn't he a paladin? Why is it wilder than a violent battle?"

The mercenaries were almost dumbfounded, especially watching Downton slammed a flying heavy warhammer against the dragon's back, and the dragon's body suddenly showed a 90-degree bend and stopped at the same time. They began to fall, and they all shrank their necks subconsciously.

Such a blow, it hurts to watch!

boom! boom! boom!

Flying Dragon hovered, trying to drop Downton, but he couldn't control the balance anymore under his continuous hammering, and fell to the ground without suspense.

Walnut was holding the badge of the demon servant to release the air rays, but was thrown out inadvertently.

"Air rays, go to pick walnuts, leave me alone!"

As soon as Downton shouted, he touched the dragon and hit the floor, and the splashed gravel rushed around, crackling.


Juliet was startled.

"Cough, don't worry, I'm fine!"

Downton spit out the blood foam in his mouth and came out of the dust in the sky. He was relieved to see that the small walnut was caught by the air rays before falling to the ground.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The mercenaries cheered, and the morale was so strong that they could kill the flying Warcraft in one person. This is definitely a brilliant record.

The other flying dragons rushed to Sissi, and the attack did not stop.

"Don't let Downton win the jackpot!"

Valentine is also an iron-blooded man. As the leader, he is obliged to maintain the face of the mercenary regiment, so he takes advantage of the dragon to kill Sissi, his body is pressed down, and his knees are bent, followed by a spring full of force, toward The flying dragon in the sky shot out.

The dragon dodges, and as a result, Valentine's right hand shoots a chain, directly entangled it, and then a vigorous swing.


After the dragon was turned in a semi-circle, it hit the ground heavily.

Alonzo pouted, and it should be a waste of combat power in such a place, but looking at the excited howling mercenaries, he gave up persuasion.

The Dragon Ranger also seemed to be frightened by the scene in front of him. The offensive paused temporarily, but it quickly became dense again. It seemed that there were several people who were close to Downton and Walnut who had been ordered to shoot them. .

Arrows are like rain, because of the demon-breaking effect, Downton's soul shield is completely unstoppable and can only resist.


Downton let go of his warhammer and his fists slammed all around!

Bakong Hammer Turtle!

boom! boom! boom!

Hundreds of azure demons the size of rhinos can drop from the sky. Swept through the building where the dragons hid and smashed it into rubble.

Everything was quiet except for the dust like the sea of ​​clouds.

The mercenaries stared dumbfounded at the ruin more than three hundred meters away, and could not understand why a Templar could be so destructive.

"Are there really long-range martial arts?"

The eyes of Valentine and Alonzo lighted up. What does this martial art mean to melee? Idiots can think of it.

In a flash, a lot of clever ways came to mind in the heads of the two regiments. This martial art will definitely not be sold, and even if it is shot, it will be an unaffordable price. So you can only use some means.

Valentine looked at DuPont, who gave him a restless look.

"Running is not allowed next time, otherwise you will be confined."

Downton was going to be angry. He had wanted to keep his cards, but now he shows most of them. How can he play as a pig and eat a tiger?

"Got it!" Walnut's **** were paired together, very wronged. "Actually, I won't be in trouble."

"What if? This is the Forge Fort, maybe how many eyes are hiding in the dark and peeping at us, you will never change this careless habit, I will never take you out to take risks next time!"

Downton was really angry. Clamping the walnut under his arm, he slaps hard towards her ass.

"Ooo, I won't dare anymore!"

Little Loli cried and apologized. In fact, with her defense, this slap did not hurt at all. She cried because she felt Downton’s concern and anger. This time she really angered the big brother this time.

The flying dragon lost several heads in an instant, and some of the rest were somehow good. Taking advantage of this stunned god, the ghost hunter stunned from behind, tearing the wings of a flying dragon.


Flying Dragon screamed and fell from the air, struggling, trying to restore balance.

Alonzo charged and jumped close with a shadow, while pulling out the double-edged battle axe behind him and slashing towards the dragon's head.

puff! puff! puff!

Several yellow magical energy blades shot out, chopping the flying dragon's head into minced meat, followed by another axe in its abdomen, wow, the internal organs and blood were sprinkled down like a rainstorm, and the stained street was mottled.


The body fell and hit a big pit.


The hot mercenaries cheered with excitement, venting the backlog of tension squeezed by their hearts, and also proving that their leader was not worse than others.

"Downton, I haven't seen you in a while. Are you better than before? Where did you learn this martial art?"

Mueller seemed to inadvertently ask for information.


Bakongquan's stunt as a barbarian king is absolutely epic. The people who know goods are not coveted. Downton doesn't want to cause Tanan trouble, so he refuses to disclose it.

Valentine and his team showed such an expression.

Palin pouted, and he couldn't add to the depression, and he also had the opportunity to learn the domineering fist, but unfortunately his body didn't reach the standard, he could only miss it.

After Downton did this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The dragon's sneak attack also stopped. Besides, the mercenaries slowed down, they were all shielded, and they were not given the opportunity to snipe.

After walking through the two-kilometer living area, the mercenary regiment dropped a total of 72 bodies and injured more than a hundred, which was an acceptable loss.

The sewers have not been used for thousands of years, and there is no rainy season underground, so there is no smell or silt, and the team passed easily.

"Are you sure this is?" Rarely without enemies, Valentine pointed to the manhole cover above her head, and finally had the leisure to ask more, "Where is it?"

"It's the warehouse of the palace, the place where the ordnance is stored!" Mueller urged, "Go on, you can get anywhere!"

The shield soldiers were still the first to climb out, and the forensic duties were always protected in the middle, and they would only be allowed to act when they were determined that there was no danger.

"The same is life, because the occupation is different, the treatment is different."

Sissi lamented that if she was not a princess, she would have to act as a shield for the legal system like ordinary melee.

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