Hero’s Creed

Chapter 948: Fire and flames

"The war has just begun. That **** Downton has only won one game. Is there anything to brag about?"

Fellaini was disdainful in front of his friends, but he couldn't hide the sour tone. On the night when he received the report, he drank a drunk, even if he didn't want to admit it, he knew He can't beat this record in his life.

After listening to Xing Geuri, Jagged said nothing and went straight into the training room, sweating harder.

The attention of this war is not high, because the gap between the national powers of the two countries is too large, and the result is almost no suspense, that is, because Sissi likes the relationship of Downton, some people are preparing to watch him out of luck with a joke. But the results of the battle shocked them.

In addition to the battle that Downton had laid in the southern border, many emissaries now began to re-examine him, and gradually understood why Bavaria, the Guice family, and the Saint Laurent royal family would throw out olive branches.

"It is indeed a big family, this person's vision is really sharp!"

Some emissaries had to correct their attitude towards Downton after they were emotional.

The war continues!

Samosay didn't expect that Parr would lose so badly and so quickly that the entire line of defense was not established, and there were many loopholes. Although the adjustment speed had been accelerated the first time, it was not enough.

It is rumored that Commander Parr has gone to the treason, but after all, he is in a high position, his connections and forces are intertwined in the country, and the battlefield cover of the heroes is doing well. The enemy's scouts haven't been able to pass the specific news, so many people don't believe it.

Pal, as one of the highest commanders, naturally holds the defense map and strategic plan. This is also the focus of the Satsuma’s military controversy. If Pal is treasonous, these plans must be modified immediately, otherwise the enemy will use them, which is a fatal weakness.

"God help me too!"

Looking at the defense map brought back by the Rangers, most of the enemies had not yet responded, and Downton made a decisive decision. Send troops to break the enemy.

"It's so easy to win this war!"

Homer sighed.

Pal Khan burst out, suddenly regretting his surrender. He didn't expect that the military department hasn't adjusted it yet. This level of combat plan is absolutely confidential. Downton relies on it. Targeted arrangements can be made in advance, ambushes, harassment, etc., which is almost unfavorable. It can be said that he knows any actions of the enemy in advance.

It's like playing a game, even if the opponent knows how to make a mistake, if he can't win, then Downton can go find a tree and hang it.

The entire army of Drankford was dispatched. Build superior troops locally to wipe out enemy forces as much as possible.

"It's too late to die now." Downton comforted Pal. "I haven't seen a tough guy who can keep silent under Beyonce's torture!"

"The Duke laughed!"

Pal smirked. He did regret it, but he didn't dare to say it. Then, he remembered the horrible scene in the prison.

Beyonce didn't sentence Pal. He just let him go, when he walked out of the prison. It feels as if he has escaped from **** and reborn.

"If I do it again, I think I will still confess truthfully!"

After recognizing this reality, Pal sighed sighlessly. No wonder that for so many years, he could only climb up to the Dragon Slaughter hardly, and could not enter again. It turned out to be a lack of will and mentality.

"Duke, I hope that after this war, you can let me go home, I will give up the title, and only ask you to keep my family's life!"

If Par's heart is dead, this battle, the number of soldiers killed and wounded by him will definitely not be less than half a million, and Samosai has lost the initiative and replaced it with an ordinary commander. Under such pressure, I am afraid that it will collapse early. Too.

"I will reserve the title for you, and be a rich man. If you can get out of trouble, maybe you can make another breakthrough in the rank!"

Downton smiled, Parr finally had a trace of shame, otherwise, he would not dare to use it, even if he did not remove him according to the original promise, he would waste his life.

Parr's surrender was very encouraging morale, and the enemy's plan leaked, resulting in various companies and companies, and several victories. Several victories have gradually spawned something called self-confidence. The soldiers feel that they are invincible and unstoppable.

Morale broke out, and a lot of loot was harvested, causing several corps to fall into fanaticism, especially the hilly indigenous corps. They did not rest at all. They continued to fight continuously. They were red eyes one by one, raging like wild wolves in Samoa. On the land.

Everywhere is passive, the war has reached this level, even if there is no exact news on the front line, the military department knows that Pal has an accident, and they immediately modify the combat plan. Unfortunately, this is not a period of modern warfare with developed communications. It is very expensive to adjust the overall situation. time.

The most cutting-edge magic communication technology is mastered in the nine empires. A Satsuma is unqualified, coupled with the elite Drow Ranger to disperse, covering the important battlefield around the clock. When those regiments receive secret orders, the battle situation has eroded. It's almost impossible to clean up.

A week later, the military department received the exact battle damage figures.

The two cliques were defeated, the 24 million soldiers were beaten and disabled, and the total casualties were as high as 200,000. If Downton had insufficient strength, there was no way to expand the results. I am afraid that the captured prisoners and descendants must exceed 30. Ten thousand.

Step by step, step by step, the scout was wiped out on a large scale. As Samosei lost his eyes and ears, he could not capture the position of the main Downton Corps.

"No need to guess, it must be Elsingborg, which stocks a lot of military supplies!"

A general looked at the map and smashed the table fiercely.

"How is it possible? Here is in the rear, I think bombing is the most. If the Downton Army goes deep, you will definitely be dumplings!"

Another general made a speech and won the approval of many people. Until now, Downton has proved his military talents. The elite Fort Elsing, although delicious, can definitely knock out the teeth of the enemy’s mouth. , They don’t believe Downton can’t see it.

"Dumplings? Where are your troops? I'm sure that all military operations before Downton were carried out around the attack on Elsingborg. The nearby regiment was either killed or expelled. In short, this line of defense, There must be a lot of loopholes now."

The general refuted.

"Okay, even if he arrived in Elsingborg, there were two Dragon Slayers and 100,000 elite troops and 200,000 militiamen stationed, no, maybe more!"

Some people questioned that for hundreds of years, this fortress has been used as a reserve for military supplies. The solid foundation has been built, not to mention the brothers of His Majesty the King. There is absolutely no possibility of rebellion.

"Yes, except for the internal rebellion, I don't understand who can capture this city!"

"The most important thing now is to shrink the defense of the troops, reorganize the front and establish a united front. Don't rush to find Downton's main force and quickly defeat him. It is no longer possible."

Other generals echoed, but in the end they looked at the Supreme Commander.

"To mobilize all the legions and advance towards Elsingborg at the fastest speed, Downton must be here!"


The commander hit a punch on the castle figure marked as the most important by bright red fonts. He not only understands the military, but also understands the people. Young people like Downton, coupled with the current situation, definitely want to make a decisive decision as soon as possible. Battle, so he will desperately attack Elsingborg.

In the autumn twilight, Downton appeared outside a huge fortress with barbarians, demons, Krupp, and dwarves mixed heavy armor.

"His, fortunately we have airships, otherwise we want to rely on ground forces to capture this city, absolutely fatal casualties!"

Even a well-informed guy like Blackhand, who looked at a castle built halfway up the mountain, made entirely of hard steel and huge granite stone, was also very cold.

Elsingborg’s geographical position is superior, and it is the main throat road leading to King County. On the left and right sides of the waterfall are the waterfalls gathered by mountain streams. Only one route can be attacked on the front, because the defenders can defend all The power is concentrated on the front.

"Even if the warships blasted the gap, our troops were too small, and fighting in street fighting was too bad, and it was easy to fall into the enemy's position!"

The scalp looked numb at the head of the demon.


Arnold sneered and immediately asked Downton, "Master, our barbarians are willing to be pioneers and open the door to victory for you!"

"The right to attack first is our dwarf!"

Black hands are not allowed.

"Nonsense, it is also our turn to show Krupp's strength!"

Chief Krupp patted his chest and fought loudly. He took a roasted goose leg in his left hand and was eating and drinking. He lived in the rich land and beautiful environment of the Western Soil Continent. This group of indigenous people did not want to return to the hot lava. go with.

"Big Chief, wait a second, our hilly legion will arrive soon, will we leave the opportunity to attack first?"

An ogre that followed was on one knee and begged Downton.

"Are you crazy?"

Downton felt that if the ogres continued to fight like this, they would be exhausted even if they were not killed.

"Exhaustion is better than starvation!"

Ogre silly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I heard that the fortress opposite was full of materials, they couldn't sit still, they were coming from another battlefield.

The Supreme Commander guessed right. All Downton's military operations were to defeat the defense line and get through the main road to Elsingborg.

"There is not much time, the enemy should have reacted, and must be sending troops here, so before the siege, the castle must be resolved!"

Downton put down the binoculars, "Signal, the raid begins!"

The accompanying Drow Guard took out a crossbow and fired towards the sky, and the signal arrow exploded into a gorgeous firework in the sky.

"The Krupp and the dwarves attack first, and the demon men then, after they break the position, you enter immediately. Instead of solidly defending, you break up into small groups, conduct guerrilla warfare, set fire, and change places. I ask you to be in the shortest Time, causing riots!"

The terrain is too dangerous, because Downton does not want to use the night to attack, "The barbarian is the main attack, follow me, go straight to the other party's warehouse, and wait for half the city to burn, then all go back!" (To be continued)

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