Hero’s Creed

Chapter 949: Burning City

What about the hundreds of thousands of defenders? Downton didn't expect to attack at all, and his purpose was to destroy the enemy's supply line, weaken their combat power, and then use this as the bottom card to execute the next plan!


In the combat command room, Supreme Commander Boser looked at the map, thinking about the location of Downton’s main corps. Elsingborg was in natural danger, and there were more than 100,000 troops stationed. He did not think that Downton would come over without a brain. However, after seeing the great results of the air raid, he did not dare to neglect.


   "Are all fire-fighting measures prepared?"


  Both asked.


   "Everything is perfect!"


  Necessary staff responded patiently, but the bottom of my heart vomited, this is the sixth time the commander has asked.


   "How about aerial surveillance? Did you find anything?"


  Both turned his head and glanced at the evening where the burning clouds were about to pass.


   "No!" The staff hesitated for a while, but still told the truth, "But they are too tired. Are they planning a few days' vacation?"


  Boser also has more than a dozen magicians with flying Warcraft. He asked them to organize the demon servants into three teams and patrol the sky without interruption every day.


   "No, the enemy warship appears, I must know the first time!"


  Boser refused.


   "But even if we know it, we don't have enough air defense power, we can only watch the castle blow up!"


   A staff member suddenly opened his mouth, causing silence in the room. This is the advantage of the arms. It can be said that the sky of the enemy country is the back garden of the Downton Legion, which can be ravaged at will.


   "Otherwise make camouflage? Will the material be transferred to another warehouse?"


   has a staff proposal. I have to say that even if the information is leaked, this is a good way to deal with the bombing. Unfortunately, it is too late.


   Boom! boom! boom!


  The sound of Zhentian's explosion suddenly came, and the whole house could be felt shaking in the headquarters.


"what happened?"


  Both asked, and his face changed greatly, waking up to what happened, he got up anxiously, hit the crotch by the corner of the table and couldn't take care of it, and threw himself at the window.


   Sure enough. In the direction of the city gate, huge fireballs are rising into the sky. Just like the flame mushrooms planted, the smoke rolled down and drifted towards the city in the autumn wind.


   The war came at a cruel pace and came instantly. Bringing death and fear, the gate of the city was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire in an instant.


   "Hurry, go to the fire and organize the defense, you must block Downton's regiment!"


   Can sit in the position of commander-in-chief, Boser has a few brushes, only looking at the direction of the bombing, it is determined that there will be follow-up enemy forces. He calmed down and walked away, personally boarding the battlefield to stabilize the military. On one side, he issued orders in an orderly manner, directing the deployment.


   With the spear of the ancient spear as the leader, the airship formation bombarded the city wall in order to explode the city wall before the enemy responded, so as to gain more invasion time for the ground troops.


   "The bombing is completed. The first brigade is heading northeast. The speed is sixty, the second brigade is heading southeast and the speed is sixty!"


At the top of the bridge of the ancient spear, there is a row of red magic lights. With the operation of the ship's communication soldiers, the magic lights are constantly flashing, and the lights are spoken to command the battle.


  At the same time, in order to avoid mistakes, the two goblins also held the military banner with magic light, stood on the deck, waved at the same frequency, and played the banner.


  The steam airships turned their heads, then spread out, and proceeded to their respective theaters according to the command. The ancient spear slowly advanced eastward, dropping bombs from time to time.


   The mission of the flagship is to block all soldiers who are supporting the city gate.


   Boom! boom! boom!


Flames of flames rose, powerful shock waves raged on the streets, overturned everything around, the floor was blown out of the pit, the stones flew around like bullets, and the heads of some soldiers were smashed. .


  Smooth screams and wailing came out from the smoke, and the crumbling corpses flew around.


  The soldiers saw this horrible scene and were so guilty that they dare not rush.


   "rush past, rush past!"


The generals were grimaced. When they saw that the soldiers disobeyed the military order, they pulled out their swords and cut them over. Several important city defenses can be arranged here. They are all generals who have been promoted by solid military merits, for the glory of the soldiers. And future, they will not retreat.


   The heads of the soldiers rolled down, and the soldiers had to charge with a daring head and die in front. At the very least, they could get a pension.


   On the western soil continent where half-slave and half-feudalism is the mainstream system, human rights? That thing was never born.


   Bang! Bang!


   A section of the tower was blown up and fell down. The dust was smashing and hit a lot of unlucky ghosts. The nearby wooden structure houses also burned up, and the fire was skyrocketing.


   "A bunch of idiots, spread out, don't block on the avenue, rush from those alleys!"


   A large captain came and shouted loudly that this kind of bombing is more terrifying than the crossbow arrows, and it is impossible to hide from the house because it will be buried together.


boom! boom!


   Two flare bombs with fiery red flames shot into the sky and exploded into dazzling fireworks.


   "Quick, reinforcements!"


  Ten thousand people were anxious and saw that the horse could not move forward, so they jumped down and took the lead with a steel knife to charge.


  Fireworks represent that the enemy has broken through the city walls, and the situation is urgent.


"So fast?"


   Seeing the firework for help, Boser was taken aback. Within five minutes from the beginning of the bombing, the enemy had already attacked? How terrifying should the combat power of the Downton Army be?


  At the end of the bombing, when the warship turned around, the Dwarven Heavy Cavalry Regiment began to charge. They rode on the Iron Ridge Dragon, wrapped in heavy armor, like a steel storm, and rolled towards Elsingborg.


   After that, the Krupp giants, mainly based on the lava dragon and rhinoceros mounts, were dressed in hellfire armor. Because they were painted in flame colors, the corps charged, and it looked like the lava was running, wanting to swallow everything.


   "Hurry up, enter the position, throw catapults, crossbow cars, let go!"


   officers shouted. The subordinates were allowed to enter the defense zone, and there were not many goblin bomb reserves, so the Air Force could not carry out carpet bombing. It can only be targeted at certain points, so the other city wall defense areas have only been attacked by some shock waves and gravel.


   Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!


   Along with the huge noise of the crossbow string vibration with thick arms, huge stones rose up into the sky, followed by a three-meter-long crossbow gun intensive shot.


   "Lift the shield!"


  With the order of the black hand, the dwarves lifted the tower shield hanging on the saddle, covering the whole body.


  Throwing stones at the road, these soldiers practice enough on weekdays. In addition, there is only one channel, even in a panic. Coverage also reached two thirds of horror.


   "Speed ​​up!"


  The black hand shouted as the projectile flew in.


   All the cavalry stepped on the stirrups, brushing the lower abdomen of the spurs of the iron ridged dragon with military boots, and the horses ate. Speed ​​up the sprint immediately.


   Even if the black hand time difference was calculated well, there were still a few people at the end of the team who could not immediately increase the speed because of the cavalry in front of them, so they faced the stone directly.


   They have no fear, but the spine is arched, the body curls, and the left arm retracts. At the moment when the stone is about to hit, they are like a loose crossbow. The entire spine bounced off and the left arm exploded vigorously.




  The shield hit the coconut trebles five or six times the size and opened them.


   "My Emperor Polo!"


  The soldiers who saw this scene at the head of the city. Almost shocked the eyeball, sprinted to avoid the projectile, many elite cities, especially the Wolf Cavalry, is simply a gorgeous performance, but throwing a stone. This is not possible for all legions.


   "Look at those fire armour soldiers!"


   Some soldiers exclaimed, they could not recognize Krupp's identity. It can only be called in this simple way.


  The crossbow gun was aimed at the dwarf in the front. They jumped over quickly. Krupp could stay away for a while, but these guys sprinted without fear.


  Compared to the dwarves, these natives from the lava realm are more sturdy. They didn't even do defensive postures, but when the crossbow gun came, they blasted with a war hammer.


   Boom! boom! boom!


  The ballistas were all shattered and scattered into pieces of wood flying.


   "What a fool, attack!"


  The officers shouted, but unfortunately there was no time for the second wave of attack, because the first element fell from the sky, screamed sharply, and flew over the city head.


   Almost everything was ignited where the firebirds were. The soldiers were blazing like a torch. After the sunset, they still illuminated half of the sky.


   "Block them!"


   The ten thousand people who were on duty tonight shouted, and the heavy steps were dispatched. The gap must be blocked. Originally, there should be a civilian on the city wall to fill the gap with quick-setting materials, but they were all burned to death.


   "Flying axe projection!"


   After the black hand shouted, the dwarves pulled the short-handed flying axe from the armed belt, throwing it out with all their strength.


   The first batch of people carrying shields into the position and striding again just saw the figure of the enemy. As a result, a wave of battle axe was like a cloud before the storm, and the black pressure swept over.


boom! boom! boom!


   Even if it was covered with a tower shield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the dwarves were too powerful, and the heavy steps were injured by viscera and thrown out with blood.


   The tight formation suddenly fell, like a bite of cake.


  Wait for the rest of the soldiers to arm, the dwarf heavy ride has been killed, just like a chariot, directly crushing the past.


boom! boom! boom!


   are all soldiers who have been hit and flew, and they have fallen everywhere. Every time the dwarf's tomahawk wields, it will cut out a storm of blood and blood.


  Remnant limbs, broken arms, internal organs, raining like crazy, letting the surroundings instantly smeared with red.


After heavy riding, the surviving soldiers haven’t come to remember that the goddess is on, and the Krupp giant swept over again. Compared with the dwarf’s short torso and arms, even if they don’t have to return to a giant body shape, the warhammer waving is enough. Enveloping a huge range.


   The air seemed to freeze.


  Where the two heavy rides left, there was a horrible corridor of flesh and blood. All the sounds disappeared. As long as the soldiers were hit, they would be injured without dying and passed out.


   "It's over, it's all over!"


   After seeing the demon who rushed up, swept the nearby enemies with talent magic, the long-term fighting will completely collapsed, and let a group of more than 1,000 magicians kill the city, who can stop it? [Unfinished continuation text provided by Flash God Shadow Team@影承Bring @听风的狼@字书文@伤感滴滴@仙波]

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