Hero’s Creed

Chapter 964: North ~ about

I don't know when, the crystal clear winter snow floats again.


   Square, quiet and terrible, everyone held their breath and looked at Downton who walked to Wade, some people guessed he would win, but did not expect to win so easily.


   Actually, Wade is too big, and the ace shadowless player at the bottom of the box is useless, otherwise he is determined to fight guerrilla warfare, and can delay the time, so as not to lose so cleanly.


   "Downton, he is the deputy head of the Knights of the Magic Bow, killing him will cause great trouble!"


  Chadley saw Downton holding Wade's head with one hand, and lifted him up. He shuddered in shock and reminded him.


   He was well-intentioned, but it was a pity that he made it difficult for Downton to ride a tiger. He originally planned to let Wade go, but he did it again as if he was afraid of Wood's prestige.


   Hippogryph climbed up and fluttered his wings frantically, ready to fight again.


   "I don't know what it is!"


   Downton had just grabbed his fist and was about to get rid of the horned beast. The mirror stopped violently shaking, like a lake bombarded by a volcano underground, it seemed to be boiling.


   Without any hesitation, Downton teleported.




In the eyes of everyone, I saw an arrow flickering and flickering, although the speed was not fast, but it was completely unavoidable. Even these onlookers felt that they were locked, it seems that they will be shot in the next second, so they seeped Out of cold sweat.


  Jianyedong passed through the remnants of Downton's teleportation, then disappeared in place, appeared without warning behind Downton, and stabbed the vest straight.


   Downton turned on the domineering state. Holding a giant grimace, a note turned and beheaded and chopped on the arrow.




The violent shock wave spread like ripples. Pushing back backwards beyond everyone's control, the arrow did not break immediately, but flicked only a few times after shaking.


  I don't know when to get up. Wood is already standing next to Wade, checking his injury and flying back. Just like having life, it fell into his quiver accurately.


   "It's Wood!"


There was no small exclamation in the crowd. Some people looked at him with respectful expression.


   was born in the rich Wood, between words and deeds, always so elegant gentleman. Even if the deputy head was beaten, he put his anger on his heart.


   "Downton, long time no see!"


  Wood turned his head and looked at Downton. He had not forgotten this young boy who had first met at Furnace. Unexpectedly, in a few years, he had grown to such a terrible state.


   The arrow just now has a strong law effect, no matter where the prey hides. Will be chased and killed, if you want to avoid injury, you can only intercept hard. But how many people can stop Wood's attack?


  Wood said hello, also because Downton took the arrow and proved his strength.


   "Wood, are you here too?"


   Gerard hurried over, and if his guess was good, the two men fought. But it was a big misunderstanding.




  Wood nodded and greeted him, although it was far from the blood. But courtesy greetings are still necessary.


   "The spirit of the elf is still as proud as ever!"


Gerrard said with a dizzy expression, who was also confused, but fell in the ears of wood-like talents like Wood, suddenly heard the subtext, he couldn't understand Gerrard Why did he start for Downton because of his scandal with Princess Sissi? But soon, he caught the eyes of Lord Marquis passing across Downton's fingers, where there was a ring.




   Wood's eyebrows were slightly tufted. He looked downtown for the first time seriously. Sure enough, there were many similarities between him and that person.


   The two did not speak, and the onlookers did not dare to disturb, so they stood so obediently, but their minds did not stop, comparing the two handsome.


  Wood's facial features are well-proportioned and angular, and are recognized as beautiful men in high society, but Downton stands with him, completely inferior, but tough and gentle, and has a terrifying style.


   "Wood, are you coming to the North Conference?"


   Just when Wood wanted to say something, a luxurious carriage drove across the blockade and stopped in the square. Princess Sissi took the skirt and walked down.




  Wood smiled bitterly, looking at Sissy's concern for Downton's eyes, he knew that it was impossible for him to get justice for Wade, it would only make the relationship colder.


   "Not hurt?"


  Csie asked the accompanying golden robe priest to heal Downton.


   "It's okay!" Downton pointed to Wade. "Save him first?"


   "No need, I will take care of him. In addition, when Wade wakes up, I hope you will fight again. This time, he is underestimating the enemy. Many arrow skills have not been used yet!"


  Wood's simple sentence, but full of many meanings.


First, as we all know, Wood defeated Wade. He let two people fight again, that is, Downton's strength is not enough to fight him, and also gave everyone a subconscious mind. Wade is not inferior. Second, he is so That said, Tangton was invisibly placed in the same position as Wade, lower than him. Third, Wood did have the strength to say this. He only inferred the battle between the two from the degree of destruction of the ruins. And the martial arts used, this experience and eyesight are enough to explode most geniuses.


  Don't wait for Downton to speak, Gerrard interjected.


   "The duel is too hurting, it is better to sit down and have afternoon tea together and watch the movie!"


   Gerrard played a round. Although he did not have much contact with Downton, he also knew that this was a disobedient personality, otherwise he would not bomb the Wigan Empire remotely for revenge!


   "Wade has lost, how about asking you to play in person?"


   The messenger of the Gis family and the diplomat of Saint Laurent stood up and spoke, and all the lines were facing Downton, which surprised the onlookers.


  With so many powerful spokespersons, Wood can only press what he wants. After all, he came to Xueman this time to be the leader of the PKU Westland Convention Organization and needs allies. It is necessary to balance the relationship between the various forces, so it can't be hard.


  If Wood’s political skills are powerful, Downton doesn’t know yet. A week later, he was amazed.


   The North Conference, which had been in a stalemate, followed Wood's arrival. It was like a wheel with lubricating oil, and it drove to the highway. In addition to the nearly ten major forces, all other generations voted in favor.


   "Go on like this, Wood will be the leader of the Parliament!"


  Qian Qian sighed. But for this result, it is not surprising.


   "Great. It would be better if Heinrich could be seen!"


   According to Sissi's news, Downton knew that this was Wood's challenge to Heinrich. You know, the original leader is in the pocket of the most talented heir of the Supperung family. After all, the convening and basic program of the NATO parliament is also led and formulated by him, but he is taking risks in the secret world. , Did not appear.


   "Heinrich is very mysterious, and wherever he appears, there must be important things happening!"


   in the identity of Qian Qian. All worshipped Heinrich who had only seen a few sides, showing how powerful his charm was.


   Downton shrugged his shoulders, even if his legion could fight again. That is to say, it is a bit of a deterrent in third-rate countries. In the eyes of the nine empires, it is no different from that of the dragon, so let alone the leader, even the seat of the consul, he can't get it.


   "Hey. I praise Heinrich, why didn't you respond?"


  Cici puckered her mouth. White Dunton gave a glance and was very dissatisfied. She thought he would be jealous or something, but the result was completely silent, which proved that she didn't care about herself at all.


   "Then I will blow him up now, OK?"


   Downton chuckled. Heinrich’s fiancee was His Royal Highness Princess Dilanxue of the Twilight Empire. Even if Sisian tried her best, she might not be able to grab others.


  The two princesses are in the same name, and are called the two most perfect Bai Fumei in the mainland. After marrying them, you can struggle for hundreds of years and immediately reach the peak of life, but in fact, Sissy is still worse.


There is no reason for him. Sissi’s life is too comfortable. It is completely a flower in a greenhouse. But Di Lanxue is different. As a teenager, he suppressed the biggest and craziest coup since Twilight founded the country and continued Guo Zuo. Although she did not ascend the throne, the entire continent knew that she was now the actual power of the empire.


Di Lanxue's military and political talents are unparalleled, and he is famous for the king's loneliness, nobleness, and integrity, so he won the title of Lion Ji. On this continent, countless men will feel ashamed when facing her, except Heinrich, even Wood Such talents do not feel worthy of her, only dare to secretly love.


"Be careful, Di Lanxue turned to you to settle the accounts, and secretly told you, she is the youngest record of the Tulong and Scepter stages in the mainland, but she kept it. Now, should Lion Ji be a marshal? Not entangled in government affairs, she is known as the youngest girl who can set a new record on the legend."


Sissi pouted, she got everything in the world, arguably the happiest girl, but in the face of Di Lanxue, there was always a sense of inferiority lingering in the heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Emperor Lan Xue may also envy you! "


   Downton sensed Sissi's sadness and flicked her head for a while to talk about it.




  Cici wrinkled her nose, but she was very happy in her heart. She couldn't help but hugged Downton's arm. He really had a delicate mind and a kind of gentleness that couldn't let go.


   Juliet, who was a black and white maid, stood beside her, and saw this scene, bit her lip.


   "I'm thirsty, Juliet, go and help me pour a cup of afternoon tea, and then bring some cookies." Sissi said without looking back, "I don't want to eat pastries today!"




  Julie Ye bowed and left, closed the door of the room, looked at Sissy's appearance beside Downton, and didn't know what to mutter.


Under the communication and guidance of Wood, the forces of all parties began to mingle together. The formation of NATO has become unstoppable. For Downton, he lost the opportunity to annex the small countries around him, but he could not even win a seat.


  I don't want to waste time and waste time. Downton called Abagong and asked him to act as a watch, healed himself, and then played with Sissi.


   If it is not that Princess Xueman and Prince Rhein will hold a grand wedding in a week, this will be a very wonderful time.  




(To be continued) [This text is provided by Flash God Shadow Group @麒麟迹] If you like this work, please come to the official website to support the author.

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