Hero’s Creed

Chapter 965: Snowman Wedding

The princess wedding was about to take place, and the king announced a week's vacation in the city, so colorful flags fluttered everywhere and laughed. ?

Downton, as the hand of the king, the actual leader of Drankfork, the newly rising first star in the north, is naturally in the ranks of the invited, but he is only ranked according to the invitation, and cannot enter the first auditorium, only to observe the ceremony in the distance That's it.

Fellaini's father came to Xueman, to host the wedding as a guest of honor, naturally due to Downton's relationship with others.

"Duke Rhein is so narrow-minded and treats you like this!" Glancing at the invitation from Downton, Sissi dropped it and extended her right hand, "Duke Downton, how about being my male partner?"


Downton chuckled. Every invited guest can bring a partner. This is also common sense for high-class banquets. He was originally planning to take Celesce, but Rosicky said he would take his sister, so he agreed. After Sissi, as for Xia Luo, he did not dare to invite, because Shiyou would be rejected.

The Dragon Guardian Elixir has recently made breakthrough progress, so the sage wolf has no time to waste on the wedding of people who don't even know.


Sissi threw a fist in excitement, but was not rejected. This was a good start.

"then what do I do?"

Little Walnut gritted his mouth and stood beside him, looking at Downton with sorrow, can't go to the banquet, can't he taste the food?

"Of course you go with us!"

Sissi squatted, stretched her index finger and scraped the tip of Little Loli's nose.

The long-lost sun once again smiled, and the snow on the street was already cleared away. A luxury carriage drove past, leaving a rut stained with snow and gathered in front of the palace.

Some citizens have already waited around the palace early for celebration and welfare. On the wedding day, part of the daily area of ​​the royal palace will be open to ordinary citizens, visit at will, and do not charge any tickets, so it is very attractive to them.

"It must be very busy today!"

Through the car window. Xiqian looked at the tourists, they didn't care who married them, whether the marriage was humiliating or humiliating the country, they only care about enjoying a week's vacation.

Downton leaned on a chair covered with thick Warcraft fur, and the whole person wanted to sleep comfortably. Looking at the citizens who were looking forward to it, he couldn't help but feel emotional. Once upon a time, he was also one of those civilians. No, worse than them, he is afraid of vacations, because that means no income, and his sister’s tuition and living expenses cannot be guaranteed.

Now, Downton has qualified to enter the palace, attend banquets, and even some third-rate small countries. He should also be greeted with one hundred times, fearing that one accidentally angered him. Initiate war and lead to the destruction of the country.

Not to mention that the giant of the Lombard Empire stands behind Downton. Even the air force alone can destroy a royal palace.

There is an example of the Wigan Kingdom, which king is not trembling, in case Downton goes crazy. In the middle of the night, do you want to die on the bed?

The royal palace of any kingdom is built in the hinterland, and it is impossible to penetrate all the way without breaking through the border defense, but now. Downton’s air force can be driven straight in, which is easier than entering their back garden.

"Look, it's Princess Sissi's carriage!"

"I heard she fell in love with a civilian named Downton, I really envy that guy!"

"Come on, the civilian you said has already wiped out the two countries. People are now the first new star in the north. What are you?"

The citizens clamored, and some men were sad because they couldn't see Sissy's appearance. No way, Her Royal Highness the Princess was destined to be not a person in the world.

As the carriage entered the palace, the tall palace wall blocked the jealous and jealous eyes of those citizens.

Here is another world, with neatly dressed servants and maids standing on the side, waiting to be sent at any time.

Elegant and well-dressed aristocrats talked in groups of three to five, and discussed a variety of topics, hunting, horses, outings, and even war and business, but only did not have emotions about the hardships of life, because it insulated them .

When the carriage stopped, the waiter quickly greeted him before asking the emperor to get off, and asked whether to open the door.


Little Walnut pushed the door of the car, jumped down, and looked around curiously.

"Walnut, be quiet, Sissi, be careful!"

Downton first walked down, then turned around and reached out to the princess. He still understood the gentleman etiquette.

The waiter's face remained the same, but he was scolding something in his heart, because helping the noblewoman get off the bus, this is the only benefit of the waiter. Since they saw the Bavarian family crest on the carriage, those waiters have moved without trace. Using this festival to meet the princess, even pulling a hand is happy, but Downton snatched it away.

With a skirt in her hand, Sissy walked down the carriage like a proud swan, and embraced Downton's arm, just like a couple of years.

"You can hold her to bed every day, and grab this opportunity with me!"

The attendant's disappointment was overwhelming, and stared sadly at the backs of Downton and Sissi. He also planned to not wash his hands for a month after he succeeded.

No one cared about the thoughts of a servant. The nobles around saw Sissi arriving and immediately put out the most perfect smile, quickly greeted him.

"Sorry, please feel free, I want to be quiet with Downton!"

Sissi worried that Downton felt left out and uncomfortable, so she rejected these nobles and signaled them to leave.

The old nobles said that the young nobles came to pursue Sissi, and now they are driven away, even if they are reluctant, they agree.

"Damn, what good is that Downton? Actually let Princess Sissi chase back?"

"Except for your family, everyone is better than you!"

"Do you want to fight? Come on, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Some young nobles quarreled quietly, while others watched Sissy birdie staying beside Downton. He laughed with him and knew he had no chance, so he gave up decisively and pursued other valuable female guests.

At this time, there is almost no quiet place in the royal palace, and the back garden is the hardest hit area.

"Are there any nobles you want to know?"

Sissi hesitated and asked. The implication is to introduce him.

"thank you!"

Downton smiled. The high-end banquet is the place to socialize and expand contacts. How many people ask for an invitation is not enough, so the opportunity is very precious.

Even if Deranke backs against Lombard, he should strive to increase his allies. This is a qualified politician.


Seeing Downton not blaming himself, Sissy's mouth showed a sweet smile, and he was really empathetic.

As a junior, there are several forces that must be visited, such as the Guice family and the Saint Laurent diplomat, he does not know why the latter helped himself.

This guy is an old fox, faced with Downton's inquiry, and skillfully changed the subject.

"You will know soon. Sorry, I still have things!"

The diplomat left.

"I feel like he looks at my eyes, it's very interesting, it seems to wait for a joke!"

Sissy frowned.

"Are you more concerned?"

Downton was puzzled, but soon there was no time to say this. The master of ceremonies announced the start of the banquet. For a time, the entire palace was brilliantly lit. The sound of strategizing is intertwined.

As long as you enter this Vanity Fair, you have to play according to its rules. Downton pretends to be cold, which will only reduce his reputation, making people feel that he is not easy to get along with.

Downton formed a coalition with the neighboring countries around Samosir, so they had to talk to the messengers of these countries, and they had to talk and laugh.

Downton knew that every move he made would fall in the eyes of everyone. The connotation is speculated, so the current conversation at least shows that he is not alone. These dozens of coalition forces are in the honeymoon period, and there may be cooperation in the future.

The neighbors of these countries. How could it not be worried? Therefore, I will also find Downton, listen to the truth and reality, and the country adjacent to Drankford. I am even more frightened. Whether it is true or not, I have to send him a signal of sincere desire for peace.

"how do you feel?"

Seeing Downton frown, Sissi teased and handed a glass of juice carefully.

"It's more tiring than a scepter!"

With regard to Sissi's concern, Downton is also gradually indulging in it. With the status of Bavarian roses, he is willing to put down his body to cater to himself. This love is enough to move him.

"You are killing the scepter now, are you killing them?"

Sissi gave a small compliment.

"Go, see a friend again!"

If at this gathering of emissaries of various countries, holding Sissi's hand and making an intimate gesture, it is undoubtedly the strongest joint declaration, enough to deter all countries that are willing to deal with Drankford, but Downton cannot do it.

"Hey, hello, pay attention to the image, the princess is here!"

The princes of several third-rate countries were talking together, and when they saw Sissi coming, someone quickly reminded them.

"What to pay attention to? People just pass by, they won't look at us anyway!"

Despite being a prince, but the national strength is too weak, it is not as wide as a real power marquis in Lombardy. How do you let Sissy look at herself?

But even if they say so, they still have their chests closed and put on their most perfect stance, in case they are loved by others at first sight? Then the chance is only one in a billion, and they don’t want to give up.

"Hey? How did they come here? Seems to be looking for us?"

Someone finished talking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and saw Sissi greet Chadley.

"Damn, you lucky guy, I want to strangle you."

A companion whispered half-truth, half-truth, sour.

"It's because of Downton!"

Chadley explained, and quickly greeted him, but he didn't forget that he felt like a big man, and everyone else followed suit.

"That day in the square, thank you for persuading me!"

Downton punched his chest lightly. Although he didn't listen, Chadley dared to stand up and say a word, which was worthy of his thanks.

"I knew that you could finish Wade's abuse, and I wouldn't talk much, but you must be careful. The elf is very arrogant.

Chadley dare to make credit. (To be continued...)


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