Hero’s Creed

Chapter 978: 1st Empire!

  In the entire large conference hall, the birds were silent, and the generations of the countries looked serious and sat down in a critical manner, all of which showed the best manners.


  Heinrich immediately conquered everyone with his powerful iron blood field.


   "I always think that the most precious thing in life is time. It is a waste of it, it is murdering life, so-called you, raise your hands to vote!"


  Heinrich didn't like to go around, so he went straight in.


  Although Heinrich did not elaborate, everyone understood what he meant by raising his hand to vote whether he was eligible to be the leader of the PKU Westland Convention Organization.


   "This momentum, Gee!"


  The cheap **** ridicule. As a recognized first person in the young generation, Saint Gerald's empire hope star, Heinrich has no idea what scene means to play, he will do whatever he thinks.


   "No... isn't it an anonymous vote?"


  A representative under the oppression of the diplomat of the sovereign country, Brittania, had to bluntly raise an objection. As a result, because of tension and fear, he bit his tongue several times.


   Quite a few of the standing teams are actually the same idea, at least anonymous, voted against it without worrying about being discovered.


"is that useful?"


  Heinrich's faint three words made the audience stunned, then shocked, and then silent.


   can be sent by the king to participate in important summits of the northern nations, and all of them are well-meaning politicians, so they naturally understand Heinrich's words.


   Any so-called fair and fair voting elections. But it's just a means to deceive the people. The final competition is still strength, not to mention Heinrich. Any representative of the Nine Empires wants to know what votes everyone voted for, so it’s a joke to vote anonymously.


"The establishment of the NATO is of great benefit to the northern countries. Now the evil spirits are recovering. It is more important to concentrate the use of the population and wealth of the various countries on people's livelihood, economy, and research and development of magic technology. Instead of Used for war and internal friction!"


  Heinrich didn't give a speech, but what he said at random was all built up, making people think.


"Why do you have to focus your eyes on the Western Turkish continent? Everyone has a different nationality. But they are all Western Turkish, why don’t you go on a plane expedition? To conquer other continents, you just want more population, territory, and more Big right? In those planes, you can do whatever you want!"




  Heinrich's words, make the audience upset, expedition to other planes? They haven't thought about it. They wake up every day, and the most eager thing is to see an extra land on the border. That means an increase in population and taxes.


   Many representatives showed a sad look. They found that Heinrich was indeed worthy of the title of Empire Star of Hope, when their eyes were confined to the three acres of land. He has focused on other continents.


   "But we don't have enough technology for plane shuttle!"


   Some people questioned.


   "So it is necessary to concentrate the wealth and talents of various countries and use them to tackle key problems!"


   No one spoke this time, and everyone is not stupid. This method seems to be fair and upright, but in the background, it will also search for talents and capital reserves of various countries. You know, these two are the foundation of a country. Once lost, there will be no future.


   "You are all villains, you are holding, but it is just a sesame seed, but you think you are getting the world. Seeing everyone passing by like a robber, you want to rush to **** it!"


  Looking at the group of representatives with ghosts and different thoughts, Heinrich was so angry that it was because of these short-sighted guys that Xitu Continent had been in chaos.


   "Once the NATO is established, our St. Judeland Empire will open the top ten universities in the empire to member countries, and will open the Magic Technology Center to them to share scientific research results!"


   The delegates were accused by Heinrich and looking for an excuse, they heard the latter sentence and straightened their waists.


   "Are you serious?"


   There were shocking inquiries from the representatives of third-rate countries.


   "The agreement will be clearly marked!"


  Looking at the big conference hall where there was a sudden discussion, Heinrich's mouth showed a slight imperceptible ridicule. Humans are indeed selfish creatures. When they see the bait, they will be so eager to fight and want to bite.




  Homer exclaimed, "This guy is too familiar with human nature, and his political skills are terrible!"


   Only those veteran politicians of the great empire would realize that Heinrich had dominated the meeting.


   He came up with a deafening and provocative opening speech. The strong hands-off voting proposal and the insider of the vote shocked everyone. Following another question, there was no election manifesto, but it was better than the election. Everything he did was so natural and natural.


   None of you present found that although they were thinking, all they could think about were Heinrich's intentionally induced directions, and their real ideas had long been overwhelmed.


   Even a small number of people still maintain the ability to think independently, but in this large range, they will soon be assimilated.


  Heinrich's last proposal to share the magic technology is like a sword, piercing their hearts.


   St. Judeland's empire has the world's first magic technology, even if other empires are coveted, not to mention those second- and third-rate countries.


   In this world, anything can be weighed on a balance.


   Just now, the delegates were worried about the domestic talents and funds being annexed. They are still worried now, but they are insignificant in the face of the benefits they are about to get.


  Once the Northern Alliance was formed, the delegates felt that the king would be a bauble in all probability, but what does that have to do with them? These nobles will still have power, and as the domestic situation improves, their rights will increase.


   "Wait, Heinrich is so cunning, he wants to use the power of the nobility to disintegrate the king, and pave the way for his conquest of the north!"


  Homer was the first to react. So shocked, this is still thanks to its tens of thousands of years of experience, too many intrigues to think of. Otherwise, the core essence of this northern parliament cannot be accurately captured.


  Heinrich sat on the head, watching the deputies, shook his head boringly, and confronted these miscellaneous fish, it was a waste of time.


  The Western Continent has existed for tens of thousands of years. Except that the Eight Great Saints once once unified the world, the mainland has always been a pattern of many countries. This has always been the case in the North.


  Heinrich was often in his childhood in the great library of the empire, and studied the vast and smoky historical books.


  Using war to unify the north? Even if there is a lot of trouble. But Heinrich believed that he could do it, but what was the fun? After all, the eight holy coffins have already done it, and after their own death, maybe only a few generations have passed. The north will return to this chaotic situation.


   "I want to use an unprecedented way to resolve the disputes in the Western Territory, so that they will always become the inherent territory of Saint Jutland!"


  Heinrich could not be doubted as a genius, so he formulated a NATO program to expedite other planes? He naturally thought about it. He had long wanted his soldiers to reach other continents and establish the emperor's great cause, but that was after the unification of the Xitu Continent.


  According to the actual situation, this term is just a bluff. His goal is to pass over the talents and wealth of other countries in a cloak of kindness and integrate the north. It is imperative to make St. Jutland the first empire in the West.


   "If Heinrich succeeds, his achievements will surpass the eight holy coffins!"


   Listening to Homer's description, even the cheap **** couldn't help but marvel, staring at him for several minutes.


   "The gap is so big!"


   Downton was somewhat desperate, he established a free trade zone. It has been a long time since the country's economy improved. However, compared with Heinrich's plan, which is enough to affect the future of more than one hundred countries, he still sees nothing!


   "This kind of political wisdom and wrists require a lot of experience, don't be discouraged, you will have a chance!"


   Homer comfort.


The emperor and the nobility belong to the ruling class. When facing civilians, they will always be external, but there will also be differences within. The power of the king is strong, and the bureaucracy is naturally weak. This is what they do not want to see, so Heinrich will An opportunity to weaken the king's power and strengthen themselves is put in front of them. How can they not be tempted?


   "I agree that Heinrich is the leader of the NATO ~!"


   Someone raised their hands. This is a representative of the Saint Judeland department.


  The messengers waited and watched each other. It was time to stand in line. The sooner you stand, the greater the trust you will get. Of course, the risks are not small.


   There is no free lunch in the world, it depends on whether you have enough guts, so after the initial thinking, after weighing the pros and cons, all the arms were raised.


  As more and more arms were raised, the rest of the messengers were not calm. Although Heinrich didn't look over, they always felt that their eyes were on their bodies, which made them feel like sitting on a needle.


   "The pressure is great!"


   There is a magic circle in the large conference hall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The climate is suitable and the temperature is as warm as spring, but the messengers are still cold and sweating, such as the rain.


When more than half of the arms raised, the hesitant messengers felt the pressure of surging like a tsunami, they wanted to seek allies, but Heinrich's conception was too perfect, even for the old politicians of other empire There is no excuse for deliberate destruction.


   "You don't raise your hands to vote, do you have any ideas?"


  The silent Heinrich suddenly opened his mouth and frightened the messenger he was watching.


   "No, no idea!"


   The messenger quickly raised his hand and even lowered his head to avoid Heinrich's gaze.


   saw this scene, and the messengers knew they could not wait any longer, so they raised their hands one after another.


"what should I do?"


   Downton asked, at this time, still rely on Lord Homer!


   "Follow Sissi, you are afraid of a bird, you are a man who wants to become the Prince of Bavaria!"


   Cheap gods ridicule.


   "Do you believe me or not, I will tear down your altar now?"


   Downton was depressed.


   With Woodford sitting on the left side of Heinrich raised his right hand blankly, so far, except for the representatives of the six empires, only Downton has not expressed his position! (To be continued)


  Ps: Thank you book friends for their regular rewards for "rogue expression"!

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