Hero’s Creed

Chapter 979: 3 great imperial princesses!

  Wood's hand raised some slight exclamation in the scene, but quickly suppressed it again. On this occasion, there were no artificial times.


At this moment, almost all the eyes of the representatives were nailed to him. As the younger generation, he was most qualified to challenge the existence of Heinrich. Wood carried too many hopes and expectations, but this scene, I don’t know how much to let People are speechless.


   "If the Steinway family saw Wood's performance, I'm afraid they would be mad?"


   "Hey, Heinrich is really the first person in the world to refuse to give up. Who will not submit to this aura and strength?"


   "If Di Lanxue is here, you can see the confrontation between the two kings!"


Various thoughts lingered in the hearts of the representatives. Although Heinrich was not a king, no one doubted his status. The Supperung family had several chances to rise to the throne and exercise the kingship, but they all gave up. This is The ancestral training of the ancestor Heinrich, one of the eight holy coffins, who had the title of unbreakable army god.


  This group training made the Saint-Jeland's kingship change several times, and the Supperung family could still hold the position of Saint-Germain's first giant.


   is not just a giant, but even ordinary noble families have a habit, that is, only the most outstanding children are eligible to inherit the surname of their ancestors, hoping that they will make achievements that exceed their ancestors.


  After thousands of years of repairing the Pelong family, only the young man in front of him received the name Heinrich representing honor, which shows how satisfied the family is with him and the high hopes he places on him.


  Wood's hand under the table. Grabbing tightly, his nails pierced his skin, and his face was as thick as ink. He wanted to go away, but he refrained, he wanted to imprint this shameful scene in his heart forever, as a driving force to chase Heinrich!


   "I will not sit forever!"


  Wood swears.


   "Duke Downton, do you have any objections?"


  Inzaghi opened his mouth, and let all his eyes gather on Downton, and everyone found out. Among the third-rate countries, there is actually an alternative.


   "He wouldn't think he married Princess Sissi. When he became Prince of Bavaria, he really has the strength to challenge Heinrich?"


   "It's a delusion!"


"However, if Heinrich didn't plan to tear his face, there was no way to punish Downton. Don't forget. Maximilian II was notoriously a girl-loving idiot. With the affection of His Royal Highness to him, it's all right. Eighty-nine will do cold treatment."


   "Huh, I want to be posted by the princess too!"


  The delegates looked down at Downton, not the kind of regret that was facing Wood, but a kind of envy and jealousy, not to mention that he had just killed the little madman and became the first person under the marshal, but in their hearts. He and Heinrich are still people from two worlds.


   "What do you see? Cast a negative vote. Is there such a novelty?"


   Downton snorted. He glanced at the audience, and since Heinrich appeared, he was neglected, so the long-lasting anger burst out at this moment.


   The darkness and divine power raged, causing the delegates to shivering involuntarily and quickly looked away.


   "In fact, Downton's record is not bad!"


   Someone muttered. If you think about it, Downton is born as a lowly civilian. It is also remarkable to be able to achieve the current achievements in just a few years.


   "Do you think I don't know? It's a pity that his identity is too poor, too low, even if he is successful, he will always be labeled as a princess princess, as if he was sleeping by a woman."


  Many people are jealous of Downton, so there are various unpleasant words on the market, saying that he is gifted and uses his obscenity~ The drow elf has developed the extraordinary bed skills and conquered Princess Sissi.


   "Duke Downton, can you say the reason for your opposition?"


  Heinrich looked at Downton and asked sincerely.


"I'm coming!"


   Representatives of each country looked at each other with excitement, and the two men finally met, especially those who hated him, and wished Heinrich immediately gave him a lesson and let him lose face.




   Suddenly someone smashed the table.


   The delegates were shocked who dared to smash Heinrich's place, turning their heads to see Princess Sissi's fist on the table.


   "Against opposition is opposition, can it only be agreed?"


  Cici asked again.


  The Bavarian Rose, who has always been known for innocence and elegance, made such a rude act, which was a surprise, but soon people reacted, and His Royal Highness was to save Downton.


   "Downton, what the **** is it!"


   "Yes, Sissi must have loved him, otherwise he will never provoke Heinrich!"


   "To know that this fist will continue, all friendships will be finished, and even if it is not an enemy, it will have to be a stranger!"


  The delegates were filled with emotion. What regrets can a girl like Sissi get in her life?


   ignored those inexplicable eyes, and Sissy raised her white right hand.


"I object!"


   "Do you have any opinion on NATO?"


  Heinrich smiled and asked softly that he would not care about anything with a girl.


   "I don't have an opinion on NATO, I have an opinion on you. I propose Downton to be the first leader of the Peking University Westland Convention Organization!"


  Qi Qian's words immediately caused an uproar, and everyone thought she was crazy.


   "His Royal Highness, you are so kidding!"


   Representatives of the Saint Judeland department opened their mouths in an attempt to relax the atmosphere.


"Joke? On military talent, Duke Downton settled the civil unrest of Drankford and the invasion of Samosir in two less than half a year, and played four classic battles that were enough to be included in the textbook. On the ruling ability, he In less than three years as the king’s hand, the national income of Frankfort has tripled, and the economic situation is very good. Huize’s population has reached 30 million. I would like to ask you, who can do this?


  Cici questioned politely.


   The representative who spoke was embarrassed.


   "Haha, when it comes to being ruthless, Duke Downton is definitely not as good as us politicians!"


  The diplomat of the Saint Laurent Empire spoke. This time all the representatives were embarrassed, but after seeing him raise his right hand, he was relieved. Heinrich seemed to persuade him, but at the next moment, they were beaten.


   "I agree with Princess Sissi's proposal to elect Duke Downton as the first NATO leader!"


   The words of the diplomat exclaimed the audience, except that Heinrich and Wood's face remained unchanged.


   "What? Are you sure you are kidding?"


  The representative of the Napoleon family asked subconsciously, and stared at the diplomat. What does it mean? Why did you make a decision without consulting with yourself? Do you still think about the Napoleon family?


   "No way. Her Royal Highness adored Duke Downton very much, we naturally want to please him!"


  The diplomat shrugged his shoulders, and if he talked casually, he dumbfounded the delegates.


   "The princess of Saint Laurent worships Downton?"


   Some people looked at Downton subconsciously. Then she looked excitedly at Sissi. Is this a love triangle?


   "Is it the second princess?"


   asked a representative of a country with a good relationship with Saint Laurent in a low voice, after all, the grand princess was already married, only the second princess was the same age as Downton.


   "No, it's the three princesses!"


   Diplomats did not conceal.


   "What a joke, where are you three princesses from Saint Laurent?"


   Some people called out that this was perfunctory. For every great empire like Saint Laurent, every royal member was born. It will be announced to the outside world, and it is not worth keeping a secret, so we all know it.


   "Wait. Are you talking about the third princess? The little princess that Her Majesty lost 17 years ago was found?"


   An old representative suddenly spoke. His words also reminded some old politicians. Saint Laurent had indeed lost a princess at that time. For this reason, the king furiously opened the killing ring and cleaned the entire palace.


"what happened?"


   Representatives of various countries looked at the diplomats. I hope he gives an explanation on diplomatic etiquette. Identity is very important. It can be called the third princess by diplomats, then it can only be the princess born by the king and the queen, not the non-straight blood relatives of the concubine!


  Know that if you marry a prince from another empire, only the direct princess is equal in status.


   "Yes, the princess where the queen has been separated for 17 years has been found. It is just right. I am here to inform you that at the beginning of next month, we will hold a grand celebration ceremony to officially recognize the status of the three princesses!"


  The words of the diplomat made everyone cool down. At this point, obviously it would not be a joke. That three princess worships Downton? So what is their relationship? Saint Laurent would certainly not make a joke about the reputation of an imperial princess in order to fight against Heinrich.


   "Is this guy an illegitimate child of the goddess of luck?"


   The eyes of some representatives wandered on the faces of Sissi and Downton. They found that these two people were also puzzled.


   Downton frowned and shook his head towards Cici.


  The hustle and bustle hadn't settled yet, and the Breton diplomat raised his hand.


   "On behalf of the Empire, I applaud the election of Duke Downton as the first NATO leader!"


   "What are you doing together? Is there a Britannia princess who worships Downton?"


  The diplomats of Saint-Gerrand could not help but ridicule~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as disgusting as eating a fly.


   "Huh? How do you know?"


   diplomat pretends to be amazed.


   "Quiet, this is an important meeting, I hope you will correct your attitude!"


   Wood shouted with a serious expression, but the heart was full of joy, Heinrich, this time I am afraid to eat a dark loss.


   "Yeah, don't joke!"


   Someone spoke, trying to ease the atmosphere.


   "Joke?" The diplomat stood up and greeted Downton's precious salute. "Master Duke, I formally represent the Royal Family of Brittania and invite you to visit Buckingham Palace. Your Majesty wanted to know you very early!"


   "It is an honour, I will go to the appointment as soon as I have time!"


   Downton stood up, according to the ceremonial statement, in fact, he now seems calm, in fact, covered with fog, he has never been to the Britannia Empire in his life, let alone know any king and princess.


"What's the matter?"


  Cici’s eyebrows frowned deeply, and she saw that Downton looked over, and she quickly shook her head, which was not arranged by herself.


  The Great Conference Hall went silent. The delegates of all countries did not expect that the three empires would support Downton together. Knowing their right to speak, it was more than the sum of all the countries present.


  No matter what the final result is, the delegates know that there is a good show! (To be continued)

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