He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1239: Sweeping out (3)

"Miss, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and admit your mistake with your second master. I won't stay outside next time. Obedient." Sister Li couldn't help but coax Song Zhixing.

Song Zhixing recovered, tears flickering in his eyes. She has always been a stubborn and hard-talking child, let her admit her mistakes, and she still admits mistakes when she is swept out at this moment, she can't do it at all. She sniffed and swallowed all the grievances and bitterness into her abdomen. She said angrily, "Thank you, second uncle, for packing up my luggage. Anyway...I plan to move out anyway when I come back."

"Miss!" Sister Li whispered, subconsciously looking in someone's direction.

Although Er Ye still didn't look up, his fingers holding the pen were obviously stretched to whiteness.

Song Zhixing was not allowed to cry herself, she turned around and took the luggage from the servant.

"Miss, where are you going?" Sister Li grabbed her. She knows that the noise today is different than usual. Usually the young lady loses her temper. Her temper comes quickly and goes quickly, and it disappears within a few days. However, now the second master drove people personally.

Song Zhixing broke Sister Li's hand. Sister Li said distressedly: "You still have asthma! Without me taking care of it, how can I rest assured? Miss, you can't be angry!"

Sister Li cherishes this child without a father or mother, and has treated her like a daughter for so many years, so she is naturally not assured that she will go this way.

"I'm not angry, nor am I angry." Although she tried her best to restraint, Song Zhixing's voice still choked up. Her eyes were so indifferent to Tang Yu that she didn't loosen at all, and the tip of her nose suddenly became more sour when she felt uncomfortable. , He said nothing, "...Anyway, I'm the only one whose surname is Song, and I'm not from the Tang family. I just sent someone to the fence, and sooner or later I will be bombed out, neither today nor tomorrow."

The blue veins on Tang Yu's forehead throbbed fiercely.

What a "Send someone under the fence"!

For so many years, he gave up the entire villa just to take care of her feelings. When did she feel like being under the fence again? Every time he came back before, it was him who felt like he was under the fence.

"Let her go!" Tang Yu finally said, but he hurried people out again. "Whoever dares to keep her, clean up things with her and go off!"

Every word is as cold as it pops out of his teeth. More ruthless and indifferent than before.

Song Zhixing was shocked by the words and stood stiff on the spot, and did not move for a long time. The eyelashes trembled, and large tears slipped out of the eye sockets. It fell on the lips and slipped into the mouth, with a bitter bitterness.

When she recovered, she grabbed her luggage and strode out. Suddenly, tears on his little face spread all over.

When she was fostered in Tang's family without a father or mother, for a long time, she lived with care and insecurity.

She knew that she was not from the Tang family, for fear that she would be driven away if she accidentally made a mistake. In each dream, she and her friends stood barefoot in the wind and rain. In the end, all the friends around her were taken away by their parents, and she was always alone and miserable.

However, such a dream has never come true. Gradually, she began to integrate into the Tang family, and gradually became clearer, no longer so cautious...

But finally... he was kicked out of the house.

what is the relationship? She is not rare! Hasn't she already disliked Tang Yu's life, hasn't she decided to move out a long time ago? So, leaving here is just a matter of time! Being kicked out just prevented her from taking the initiative to speak!

Song Zhixing thought about it over and over again, but his tears were still disobedient, and he didn't feel any better for it.

What happened to her?

"Wait." Tang Yu's voice sounded again as Song Zhixing raised his hand to wipe away the tears.

This sound made her heartstrings tremble hopelessly. What are your expectations? Expect him to stay behind?

Song Zhixing squeezed the luggage lever, but did not stop in anger. As soon as Sister Li heard the words of the second master, she thought she had hope to keep her, and stepped forward to stop her, "Miss, the second master said wait, hurry up, put your luggage down."

Sister Li said, already dragging the luggage over. Song Zhixing didn't use any strength, so Sister Li took the luggage away easily.

Tang Yu threw the document in his hand on the coffee table, buckled the pen on the document, "Come here and sign it."

What to sign?

Song Zhixing was suspicious. She turned around and held the document in her hand. Seeing a few words at the top of the document, I was stunned, my hands trembling almost unsteadily holding the document.

She felt that she just thought he would keep her own mind, it was especially funny!

This man... when he became ruthless, he was far more hateful than he thought!

The tears suddenly couldn't be controlled, and the big one smashed on the document, which suddenly blurred the black words.

Touching those tears, Tang Yusen's cold face loosened for a moment. He moved and adjusted his posture. Looking at her from the bottom up, he said in a deep voice, "Why are you crying?"

If this little girl was softened for a moment, or if she only said that she was unwilling to leave, he would immediately tear up and invalidate these documents.

And those things last night...

He closed his eyes.

He can ignore it. Try!

For a long time, Tang Yu opened his eyes, condensed all the complex feelings in his heart, and restored that indifferent look, "I remember this is what you always wanted. As long as you sign it, from today onwards, we 'S custody relationship is immediately terminated!"

"That is to say..." As if afraid that she would not understand, Tang Yu added: "Sign the word, in the future...you Song Zhixing and Tang Yu have nothing to do with me again!"

No more...

Song Zhixing suddenly felt that he could not play this mature man completely. She used to want to move away and want to clear up the relationship with him, but more often she just talked about it, arguing with him, it would never be so ruthless and so determined.


Sitting in front of him at the moment, such a ruthless man is still the man who once vowed to her,'I will fix her forever!


Fortunately, she never took it seriously. Therefore, the pain will not be so sharp!

She took a deep breath, grabbed the pen, bent over and wrote her name on the signature column. Because the hands were shaking so badly, every stroke was messy. She also seemed to be afraid that she would regret it, so she signed it so quickly that her sharp pen pierced the paper.

Tang Yu's expression sank, his eyes appearing scarlet.

The update is complete today~~~ Continue at 0:00 tonight! 0 o'clock~

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