He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1240: Strange to each other (1)

Song Zhixing put down the pen heavily, and for a long time, his breathing was still shaking severely.

The pen rolled all the way from the table and dropped to the ground with a ‘pop’, making a harsh sound in the quiet hall.

Sister Li didn't know what document was signed, only that after the lady wrote the pen, the faces of the two people facing each other became quite ugly. She stooped to pick up the pen on the floor, put it back on the document, and stared in shock when she saw the large characters on the document.

This turned out to be... the custody release form! Sister Li felt unbelievable. The second master usually cares about the young lady, she sees it. I can't believe how they both will come to this point.

Song Zhixing supported the coffee table, swayed her slender body and slowly stood up, tears falling down all the time, she stubbornly raised her hand and wiped it off, touching the luggage lever, and squeezed it tightly. Then, he stepped out.

"Second Lord..." Sister Li called out again without giving up.

Tang Yu seemed to have not heard her, sitting there with a cold face, drew a pen, took the release of the relationship, and wanted to sign his name. The hand was very hard, and the pen in her hand seemed to be crushed by her.


At the moment when the pen was written, he only heard a ‘pop’, and he threw the pen out violently. At that moment, everyone in the villa fell silent. Sister Li didn't dare to speak any more, even the servant who was doing sanitation next to her tightened her scalp, stopped all her movements, and stood straight aside.

Tang Yu crossed his hands and leaned on the armrest of the sofa, with his forehead resting on his fingertips. There, at this moment, it seemed to be sawed hard by a knife, and the pain was terrible.

He lost another bet...

She can write her name without hesitation, write it so fast and decisively, and keep her relationship clean with him! Whenever she has such a little thought for him, she will hesitate!

A 30-year-old man, in the world of love, could not beat an 18-year-old girl, and he lost so ugly. This is really a funny and ridiculous thing!


Song Zhixing walked out of the villa with his luggage.

There was a torrential rain last night, and the weather has cleared up early today. However, the sunlight penetrating the clouds is cold. Standing at the door of the villa with her luggage, she stared at the front blankly, not knowing where she should go for a while. From today, she really has no home...

The tip of the nose is sour and unbearable. Lonely and dazed, she dragged her luggage to the main road, forcing herself not to look back. She was kicked out, and if she looked back and cried and begged him to take her in, she would be too hopeless. She can't do that either.

Suddenly, a familiar car drove over. Then, stopped beside her. The window of the car was lowered, and Li Hanyan's face appeared from the window.

Seeing her tears that Song Zhixing hadn't had time to hold back, she shed more.

"Auntie..." she called in a dumb voice.

"That's good, why are you crying?" Li Hanyan took off his sunglasses and got out of the car. Song Zhixing's heart seemed to be stuffed with thick cotton, boring and bitter, but at this moment he couldn't say a word. She was just standing there like a helpless child holding the luggage trolley, crying like a tearful person.

"My eyes are swollen from crying, be good, don't cry." Li Hanyan drew a tissue from the car and wiped her tears. He touched her face again, leaned slightly to look at her, and said like a child: "What's wrong? Is there something wronged?"

It's okay not to be soothed, and Song Zhixing's tears fell even more as soon as he was soothed.

Li Hanyan sighed, "Did you stay out overnight and your second uncle was angry with you?"

Song Zhixing let out a dull ‘um’ and choked twice, "Auntie, why are you here?"

"Your second uncle called me early this morning and told me to pick you up and stay for two days."

Song Zhixing understood. It turned out that Tang Yu had thought about it a long time ago. She wiped her tears, "Auntie, I let the second uncle out..."

Li Hanyan was shocked by Song Zhixing's words. Thinking of Tang Yu worrying about her last night, he felt it impossible, "Tang Yu is worried about you, so he is getting angry now. When he is gone, he has to pick you up again."

"No..." Song Zhixing shook his head, his voice hoarse, "Just now... we have already signed a custody release form."

Li Hanyan was shocked. But seeing Song Zhixing's horrible sadness, he also knew that this matter could not be taken away. I didn't ask any more for the time being, just took her suitcase and put it in the back box, "Get in the car first, go home and talk about it."

Li Hanyan did not enter the Tang house again, but turned his head and left. Song Zhixing was sitting in the front passenger seat, her eyes constantly falling on the rearview mirror. Seeing the villa that she had wanted to escape so much from, she was getting further and further away in her eyes, and finally disappeared, she only felt like a piece of her chest had been severely poached away.

It hurts terribly.

She closed her eyes hard, pinching her palms with her fingers, patiently and restrained, and refused to let more tears seep out of her eyes.


In the Yuexihu district.

Li Hanyan led her into the house. Seeing that she was still a little depressed and her emotions hadn't fully eased, he didn't ask what had happened. It stands to reason that if it just happened to stay overnight with classmates outside, Tang Yu wouldn't be so angry that she would be released from custody.

"From now on, you will live with me. If you like a big house, my aunt will change to a big house. Okay?" Li Hanyan put her suitcase in the guest room and came out to talk to her. The voice was as soft as possible, coaxing her emotions.

Song Zhixing looked at Li Hanyan's gentle face, feeling uncomfortable and guilty in his heart. She lowered her eyes, "Auntie, don't be so good to me... I don't deserve you to be so good to me at all."

Li Hanyan only thought she was talking childish nonsense, and touched her head amusedly, "What a child. Don't think so much, take a break, drink some water, and pack your luggage."

"Auntie, I don't like big houses, it's good just like this."

Li Hanyan turned to the kitchen to pour water, and talked to her, "It's okay to change the house, but I really have to find someone to come back and take care of you. I'm usually very busy, and the cooking skills are not good. No one can cook for you. ."

Song Zhixing thought that he was too troublesome, a little annoyed, "Auntie, I can take care of myself and cook for myself."

Li Hanyan took the water out and looked at her with a smile, "For so many years, your second uncle has never let you into the kitchen. Now come to me, I can still let you cook? What if your second uncle..."

Speaking of this, Li Hanyan noticed Song Zhixing's low mood, sighed, and closed the voice.

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Li Hanyan handed her the water, "Xingxing, although I don't know what happened, but since you have dismissed your custody relationship with your second uncle, then you have to Don't think about going back to Grandpa's side?"

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