He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1255: Should come or come (1)

Tang Yu was obviously quite satisfied with this answer, and at this moment, she was soft and soft as if she could greasy water, especially pleasant, like a peach that was about to mature gradually. A peach that has not been touched by anyone other than him; a peach that matures under the tide of love he has given.

Tang Yu impatiently sucked on her lips, which were a little red and swollen from the kiss, and was reluctant to remove it, but greedily felt her sweet breath.

"Then where are you?" He asked again, without removing the flap of his lips, the voice lingered on her lips. Song Zhixing felt that those breaths were like feathers, and they kept pushing to the bottom of her heart, and to the apex of her heart, making her tremble. The discomfort between the legs gradually turned into hot flashes. She had long forgotten her reservedness, put aside her pride and stubbornness, looked at the man in front of her in confusion with her moist eyes, and said the truth: "Just...nothing..."

"Do you still like him?"


Tang Yu's eyes sank, his breathing heavier, and his hand punishingly increased the force of his strokes. Song Zhixing couldn't stand it at all, and immediately shook his head, his voice trembling, "I don't like...I don't like him..."

"Xingxing, you think about it clearly, do you like it or not?" Tang Yu's voice was low, revealing danger.

Song Zhixing’s eyes were filled with a layer of uncomfortable and comforting water mist. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Under his teasing, her body had already become less like herself, so her eroticism and emotions made her feel The shame is extreme. She looked at this man who made herself such a man, she wanted to push away, but she couldn't do it either physically or mentally. She gasped and whispered softly: "I have always been the most common feeling between classmates..."



"Never had other feelings?"


Tang Yu looked down at her from the top down, his eyes deep, "But I remember that we, the stars, wrote him a love letter? Huh? Don't you want to grow wings and fly with him?"

Thinking about it now, he still felt cruel. I don't know if one day, will there be a chance for this little girl to write a love letter to herself.

Song Zhixing 囧. She didn't remember the content of the love letter anymore, but she didn't expect Tang Yu to remember it so clearly.

"That love letter was written by Chen Cheng and I bet...just a joke."

Tang Yu seemed to be considering the truthfulness of these words. However, at the moment, her body and mind are all controlled by him, and this little inexperienced thing can't make up a lie at all.

"Then, that night..." He uncontrollably thought of the mess of clothes on her that night during the rainstorm, his eyes darkened, "Dare you wear someone else's shirt and pants?"

Song Zhixing's mind was confused. When he said this, her beautiful foggy eyes fluttered a few times before she finally remembered and felt wronged.

"That's my own...we bought it newly, all three of them wear the same thing."

"Three? Which three?"

"Xi Nan and I, and Chen Cheng." Song Zhixing is rare to be so well-behaved. She will answer whatever he asks, and explain all of them honestly.

Tang Yu understood. It seemed that she and Xi Nan were not staying overnight. He misunderstood her.

"Xingxing, every one of your answers tonight makes me very satisfied, so you deserve a reward."

"What...reward?" Song Zhixing asked curiously.

Tang Yu raised his lips, and his indescribable smile made Song Zhixing almost bewildered. In the next moment, I just listened to his ambiguous whisper: "How about satisfying your body?"

Of course, Song Zhixing understood this kind of suggestion. When he thought of the words of Uncle Six and Auntie just now, and of the words he had said that it was too early to go to bed, his face was blushing at the moment.

"Second Uncle, don't mess around... Grandpa and they are still outside..."

"Hush!" Tang Yu pressed her lips against her lips, "You have to be louder, you really should have called Grandpa and the others."

His words came to an end, without giving her room to resist, his lips kissed her again.


Tang Yu really satisfied her. However, he did not want her.

Song Zhixing climbed to the top under Tang Yu's finger teasing, which made her embarrassed and embarrassed. In the end, she didn't even have a trace of strength, and she was soft and weak. It was Tang Yu who held her buttocks, hugged her from the window sill, and carefully arranged her clothes and skirts.

"Have you gotten over?" Tang Yu held her waist, lifted the hair on her cheeks, twisted her small face, and met his own eyes. His breathing was still messy, he had to support him to stand still. He liked the feeling of being so dependent on her, and he stood there holding her without moving for a long time. After a long time, I asked: "Does it hurt?"

It was a bit painful at first.

However, afterwards, it seemed that the pleasure was much greater. However, Song Zhixing couldn't say this, and only shook his head embarrassingly. Tang Yu was relieved, and laughed ambiguously, "Xingxing, this is just the pre-dinner. In the future... after dinner, it may not be so easy to accept."

Song Zhixing's ears are red. In fact, tonight, I am already a little embarrassed and unsuitable. If you really accept him...

OMG! What is she thinking?

Song Zhixing shook his head. She felt that she was completely destroyed by Tang Yu.

Tang Yu seemed to see through her mind, laughed low, and his voice was incredibly dumb, "You are too tight, in order to avoid accidentally hurting you in the future, I think we should practice more for this tonight."


Song Zhixing was so dry that he didn't dare to take the conversation. He just pushed him away, trying to stand up straight. As a result, his body was still limp and couldn't stand. Tang Yu hugged her again, "Okay, don't toss about it. Stand for a while, let's go home."

His tone is so gentle that it is rare to coax a half-year-old child. Song Zhixing felt very useful again, and did not toss about it any more, but hiding in this dark room, he still inevitably worried about being broken in.

after a little while……

She has completely relieved, Tang Yu wants to lead her out. When he reached the door, Song Zhixing retracted his hands, Tang Yu looked back at her, and she whispered with a guilty heart: "You go out first, and I will come out later."

Tang Yu knew she was timid and afraid. After all, she is different from him. She is only a child, and her defense is very fragile, so she can't be forced to be mentally prepared to face all wind and rain so quickly.


The one that should come, one day, will come in the end. Sooner or later!

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