He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1256: Should come or come (2)

Tang Yushen glanced at Song Zhixing, and finally took the lead in opening the theater door and going out. Light projected from the outside, drawing his shadow wider and wider. Song Zhixing hid in the dark shadow and took a few breaths to stabilize himself. When I was with Tang Yu just now, passionate emotions swarmed up, drowning her intellect, but now that the passion gradually dissipated, the real problems came up again, dragging her into the endless darkness, ruthlessly Tortured her conscience fiercely.

Every time in the past, if the second uncle took the initiative, she could still shirk responsibility and refuse to admit that she was also caught in this flustered relationship. Then, after tonight, she has become a must in this emotional dispute. Evasive accomplices. She just hugged him, kissed him back passionately, and danced lightly with him, and her **** was only caused by him...

She sighed heavily, and some did not dare to think about what it would develop into in the future. Or how should she face it.


When Tang Yu walked out, the house was quiet. Elder Tang was about to go upstairs to rest. He didn't seem to expect that he was still there, and he walked out of the elevator again in surprise.

"Second? You haven't left yet?"

"Yeah." Tang Yu's expression was very pale. The clothes on his body had already been neatly arranged at this moment, and no one could see that something was wrong.

Elder Tang looked at him twice and asked, "Where is the child Xingxing?"

"Still inside." Tang Yu didn't hide it. In the next moment, he said again: "The little girl is still having a temper with me, so I just chatted for a while."

There is no concealment of the pampering in the tone.

Elder Tang glanced at his grandson meaningfully, "Xingxing, the little girl has a stubborn temper, you are an elder, let her take it. And..."

Speaking of this, Father Tang squeezed the crutches in his hand, his eyes were a bit serious, "After all, we are sorry for this child, sorry for their Li family, so, you..."

"Grandpa, it's all over!" Tang Yu's words were suddenly cut off by Tang Yu, and every word was thrown loudly. The look has also become more serious than ever. He glanced back at the still closed door behind him, and said again, "I hope Grandpa won't mention this kind of old past. Especially, when she is there."

In the last few words, the voice was lowered. The air pressure in the whole hall is a bit dignified.

Elder Tang glanced at his grandson's expression, and finally nodded and didn't say more. Just waved his hand, "Okay, everyone is gone, you all go back too."

With a ‘um’, Tang Yu remembered something, and then said: "Grandpa, about the wedding, you'd better ask the two parties again to see if they are both willing to get married. Don’t let the time come, everyone will be busy for a while."

The old man looked at him suspiciously, "Why do you suddenly say such a sentence? Jin'er Liangyan and Lao Wuke are sitting there, I didn't hear them say they don't want to get married."

"As far as I know, the fifth child has a very interested woman recently."

Father Tang waved his hand with a smile, "You still don't know your little brother? What kind of interest is this? He doesn't know the truth for a moment, and he can't recognize it. Besides, how can the women outside compare to Liang Yan?"

"Do you think he is playing around?"

"He's all jokes." The old man has no choice but to do with his grandson, and he is very helpless. "You see that he has been serious about anything? The investments he made, if it weren't for fun, I think He can't even touch it."

Simply, this kid has nothing to say about his talent. No matter what it is playing, it is played in a good manner, so that people can't find the slightest fault. This is what this kid is capable of!

"I saw that young lady five years ago - I stayed with him for a while five years ago, and now Tang Yi is entangled in it again. Do you think he will play with his ex-girlfriend with his temper?"

After Tang Yu said this, the old man was also shocked, "This kid is definitely not a master who can turn his head back. Is it possible to change his sex?"

"Have you seen that, what does it look like? How is the person?"

"I don't know the specifics, but I heard the latest news that the lady already has a big child."

"Is a kid already?" Old Tang's face collapsed and he snorted, "You guys one by one, none of them made me worry. Even though the girl Qiqi was married, she had no children at all. It's a fake marriage anyway. What is his fifth year? Oh, study with his brother and get a single mother back? He must really dare to take home, don’t let the cold smoke, I will cast his eyes and forget it! To the point, the length is also white!"

The old man was so angry that he slammed the crutches on the ground and banged loudly.

Tang Yu thought to himself, this group of people really didn't feel too uneasy. Tang Jue is already married, so let's leave it alone. There is a single mother here in Tang Yi, and he is about to set a star here, and Tang Lao Liu is with Mo Liangyan again. If all this stuff is pulled out, it will be thunder on the ground, or a chain. The old man is afraid that he will live a short life for several years.

When Tang Yu was thinking, behind him, the door was pulled open with a ‘click’. Song Zhixing popped his head from inside.

Tang Yu looked back at her, she was cautiously like a thief, ridiculous and cute. He beckoned to her, "Come out."

Song Zhixing has organized himself very neatly. His eyes were a little erratic, and he didn't dare to meet Tang Yu's gaze, for fear that the grandpa could smell something wrong from it. She only greeted Old Tang as easily as possible: "Grandpa."

"Listen to your second uncle, are you still angry?" Old man Tang smiled, "In this way, if you are still angry with your second uncle, you will move to the grandfather's place in the future. We are not rare to live with your second uncle. , Right? Anyway, the swing in the backyard has not been removed for you, how?"

Song Zhixing was taken aback for a moment. When he was thinking about how to answer the call, Tang Yu had already taken the lead and said in a deep voice, "No need."

He cast his eyes on Song Zhixing, and said to the old man, "We just made peace."

Song Zhixing didn't dare to say anything, she was nervous when the old man saw her. Tang Yu added another sentence: "Her aunt is waiting for her at home, I will take her away first."

Old Tang's eyes wandered around the two of them probingly. In the end, he didn't say anything, just nodded without a trace: "Okay, look at the little girl and don't mean to stay, I won't be ignorant of keeping it ."

"Grandpa..." Song Zhixing felt embarrassed and a little overwhelmed when he said this.

"Grandpa is joking with you!" Grandpa Tang laughed and waved his hand, "Go back, let's go back, my old man has to rest too, I won't entertain you anymore."

Tang Yu nodded, Song Zhixing also said goodbye, and the two went out of the Tang house one after another.

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