He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1277: Looks like a girlfriend (2)

"Poor Little Red Riding Hood, finally being eaten by the big bad wolf!"

"Chen Cheng, you are not allowed to laugh at me!" Song Zhixing rushed forward and snatched the phone.

"Look at your blushing face!" Chen Cheng poked her red face with a finger, "Xingxing, you are so tender, you will be swallowed up by your second uncle, right?"

Song Zhixing blushed even more, embarrassed to pick up her topic, just pretending to be fierce and said: "Go to bed, it's late."

She said, grabbed the phone, and quickly crawled back to the bed. Chen Cheng also climbed up.


That night, Song Zhixing finally fell asleep, only to dream again.

At first, the dream was beautiful, and Tang Yu was all in the dream. They hug, kiss, and even do something bolder. But, gradually, this beautiful dream suddenly turned into a nightmare.

The picture of her lying naked in Tang Yu's arms was seen by everyone. Everyone despised, ridiculed, and spurned her. In the end, she was like a sinner, with her hands and feet tied up, and she was being judged by everyone.

And the aunt...

When the auntie was pushed in front of her, she just lay there quietly, no longer breathing. She is like a delicate flower, destroyed by her own hands, and finally thanked it.

"This is what you did!"

"You killed your relatives!"

"You are the murderer!"

A scolding pierced her nerves.

Do not!


Her aunt will not die! Absolutely not!

Song Zhixing burst into tears.

"Stars! Stars!" Chen Cheng's hastily sounded in his ears. Song Zhixing was awakened and suddenly opened his eyes. Looking at the pale ceiling above his head, he didn't recover for a long while. The cramps in her chest were so real, so real that she felt pain even when she woke up.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Cheng looked at her worriedly, "Why did you cry while falling asleep?"

Crying yourself?

Song Zhixing slowly raised his hand and touched his face. Sure enough, his face was still cold with tears.

But, fortunately, everything is a dream. It's just a dream. Yes, it is a dream. How could something happen to her aunt?

She breathed heavily, sat up desperately, and asked in a dumb voice, "What time is it?"

"After 7 o'clock. Wash your face, class is about to start."

Song Zhixing wiped his face with the quilt, and then slowly crawled out of the bed after a long while. Chen Cheng looked at her worriedly, "Would you like to ask for a vacation?"

"The exam is only four days away. I can't ask for leave anymore." Song Zhixing refused. She took a deep breath and tried to adjust her emotions.

It's just a nightmare. Nothing will happen! As the second uncle said, the aunt is very smart, and she can never do anything stupid because of a relationship she can’t ask for.

She kept comforting herself like this, went to the bathroom to wash her face, and the scene in the nightmare gradually faded. But, after all, my heart is still heavy and uncomfortable.

On the blackboard in the classroom, another day was counted down. There are only four days left until the final college entrance examination day. The courses have been completed, and they are self-study all day long.

In terms of academic work, Song Zhixing doesn't actually have too much pressure. In Yucheng, if she missed any school, it was actually just a word from Tang Yu. But even so, she can't really just let herself go. A person as good as Tang Yu is one to look up to, but what about her? If one day, it wouldn't be too bad to really stand beside Tang Yu. Although, she doesn't know if there will be that day, or how long it will be after that day.

However, at the age of 18, it is still too difficult for her to compare with her aunt who is 10 years older than herself.

Song Zhixing is working hard to make the final sprint. After the last class, I received a call from the driver Lao Mo.

"Uncle Mo, why are you calling me at this time?"

"Little Miss, if you have finished class, come out. I'm already at the gate of your school."

"Now?" Song Zhixing was surprised. He gave the book to Chen Cheng and asked her to bring her into the dormitory. While talking, he walked towards the school gate, "What's the matter?"

"The second master sent me to pick up Master Li, saying that you want the little lady to go with you."

"Ah. That's right!" Song Zhixing glanced at the time, a little excited, "Grandpa will get off the plane in an hour! I'll be out soon!"

As she spoke, she ran all the way to the gate of the school. Uncle Mo's car was already parked there. Song Zhixing sat up and urged Uncle Mo to drive quickly.

When she arrived at the airport, Old Man Li just came out of the airport. He followed the assistant to help him push his luggage.

Song Zhixing saw that his hair had turned white and his body was obviously not as good as the old man before, and his eyes felt a little sore.


When Li Qiming saw his granddaughter, he immediately smiled. He handed the crutch in his hand to the assistant beside him, and he opened his arms towards Song Zhixing. Song Zhixing ran over happily and plunged into the arms of the old man. The momentum made Li Qiming take a step back before he could stand firmly, but his face was full of smiles, "My little star grows so tall!"

"Grandpa, you have lost weight."

"Old man, it's better to be thinner." Li Qiming smiled, squeezing Song Zhixing's shoulder, "Come on, stand up straight, let grandpa take a good look at our baby granddaughter."

Song Zhixing stood up straight obediently.

Li Qiming looked down at Song Zhixing, but seeing her face that looked more and more like her mother, the old man's eyes gradually flickered with tears, "You and your mother are really more and more alike...Your mother It would be very gratifying to know that you are so old."

"Old sir, it's better to get in the car first, and then talk in the car." Uncle Mo interjected from the side.

Only then did Old Man Li come back to his senses, "Yes, that's right, get in the car and talk again."

The assistant has handed the crutches over, with Song Zhixing holding his other hand.

"Grandpa, my second uncle has arranged a place for you. Uncle Mo and I will take you there."

"No need to arrange a special place for me. I told your aunt, I will live with your aunt these days."

"The second uncle said that my aunt's house is not big enough, and I am afraid that you will live in uncomfortable conditions."

"It's okay to live in a small house. Recently, I feel more and more boring to live alone in such a big house."

Song Zhixing heard the old man sigh, then looked at him full of silver threads, thinking about an elderly old man living alone in a villa. Whatever happened, only the servant was by his side, and he had no relatives. He felt that he insisted on staying after the exam. Jucheng's decision was somewhat selfish.

The old man insisted on living with his aunt, so Song Zhixing certainly didn't force it. A group of people got into the car. Li Qiming ordered his assistant to call Li Hanyan.

After a while, the assistant turned around and said, "Master, Miss Hanyan has not answered the phone."

"Fight again."

"This is already the fifth call."

"This kid, didn't you say that he didn't work all day? He said he would pick me up at the airport in person, but I never saw him."

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