He’s As Dazzling As The Stars

Chapter 1278: Looks like a girlfriend (3)

"This kid, don't you say that you didn't work all day? He said he would pick me up at the airport in person, and I haven't seen him." Li Qiming muttered.

When Song Zhixing heard this, there was a bang in her heart, and the dream of last night suddenly popped out of her mind. She suddenly felt cold in her hands and feet, and she was flustered.

"Uncle Mo, please drive faster." She straightened up, urging the person in front, her face a little pale.

"What's the matter?" Li Qiming discovered that something was wrong with her, "Why is her complexion so bad suddenly?"

"I'm worried about what happened to my aunt."

Li Qiming laughed and waved his hand, "If you don't listen to the phone for so long, I might be worried. Your aunt is no longer a child, so she's so reasonable that nothing can happen."

However, Song Zhixing was still very uneasy, and he was playing drums all the way.

Originally, Old Man Li was still very calm, but because Song Zhixing urged Uncle Mo to speed up a few times, Li Qiming also became nervous inexplicably.

After an hour's journey, Lao Mo drove the car to the bottom of the building where Li Hanyan lived. The group rang the doorbell, but no one came to open the door. Song Zhixing turned over the spare key from his schoolbag, and he could easily touch it. However, the more anxious at the moment, the less he knew where he put the key.

At this moment, the neighbor next door seemed to hear the movement and came out of the house to greet her: "Xingxing, you are back!"

"Auntie, is my aunt at home?" Song Zhixing asked while still touching the key.

"I don't know if I'm there now. I haven't seen her one day. However, when I came back last night, I saw that something was wrong with her."

"What's wrong?" Li Qiming asked in a deep voice.

The neighbor did not recognize him and did not respond. Song Zhixing hurriedly introduced: "This is my grandpa."

"Oh, Miss Li's father." The neighbor said: "She was happily before going out last night. She was very happy when she greeted me. But later, when she came back again, I saw that she came back crying I don’t think she was in the right mood and didn’t step up to say hello, so I don’t know what happened."

When Li Qiming heard this, his eyebrows jumped.

In his impression, his little daughter rarely shed tears since she was sensible. The last time I cried was when the eldest daughter and son-in-law both died.

"Have you found the key? You can't find it and hit the door directly!" Li Qiming ordered and glanced at the assistant.

When the assistant put down his luggage and was about to smash the door, Song Zhixing finally took out the key, "I have it!"

"Quick!" Li Qiming yelled, clenching the crutch in his hand.

Song Zhixing inserted the key into the hole, holding the thin metal piece in his hand, only feeling that it made her feel cold. When he twisted the lock to open the door, his breathing stopped. Finally, he made up his mind and pushed the door open suddenly.

There is no one in the hall.

However, her car key and door key are in the hallway.

"Cold smoke." Li Qiming walked around the house with a cane, "Cold smoke!"

Song Zhixing had never been so scared before. She dropped her schoolbag and rushed to Li Hanyan's bedroom. The bedroom, like the hall, was empty and there was no one.

"Auntie!" Song Zhixing called, searched through the locker room, then to the bathroom, and finally rushed straight to the bathroom.

"Ah—" The picture inside, without warning, went straight into her eyes, making her scream in shock, and she took a step back suddenly, tears of regret and guilt suddenly fell from her eye sockets.

"What's the matter? What's the matter!" Li Qiming heard this voice and rushed over at the fastest speed.

Seeing the picture inside, it was shocked. The eyes are bigger than bells!

Li Hanyan was soaking in the bathtub at this moment. I don't know how long I have been soaking, my body seems a little swollen, my face is buried under the water. The picture is shocking.

Watching this scene, Song Zhixing only felt that the sky was spinning, and he was about to lose his footing.

Do not! Do not! Will not! Auntie won't die!

When she recovered, she rushed into the bathroom like crazy, and grabbed Li Hanyan's head from the bathtub, "Auntie, don't die! I beg you, don't have any trouble!"

She squatted on the ground, her voice trembling. His hands kept patting Li Hanyan's face, his tone of despair, "Auntie, wake up! You wake up, don't scare me!"

She couldn't help it and cried out, "I won't fight with you anymore, I won't fight with you anymore, okay? I beg you, don't die!"

Old man Li was in a terrible blow, and he didn't hear Song Zhixing's words of repentance at all. When he came back to his senses, the assistant had already stepped into the bathroom first. He could no longer care about Li Hanyan's right now. He was naked, he walked over and probed his fingers under Li Hanyan's snort, then pulled the big bath towel on the shelf to wrap Li Hanyan, hugged it out, and laid it flat. on the ground.

He folded his neat hands and squeezed her chest, while doing emergency treatment, he ordered: "Miss Song, quickly call the hospital and ask them to prepare for first aid, there is still a glimmer of hope."

Song Zhixing dared not delay a second, and immediately ran out to make a phone call. Excessive shock and guilt, every step is chaotic, staggering all the way out.

Li Qiming asked Uncle Mo to drive downstairs and wait. Here, after Song Zhixing called the emergency call, the assistant had already come out of the bathroom holding Li Hanyan. Song Zhixing grabbed a trace of reason, pulled out a few sets of clothes from the cabinet, stuffed them into his schoolbag, and followed.

Uncle Mo was waiting in the car, and seeing this, he was also frightened. However, I didn't ask much, just drove the car to the hospital quickly.

Along the way, Li Hanyan did not wake up, his face was pale as if he had no life.

Song Zhixing didn't dare to speak, and pinched the skirt of the school uniform with both hands, so that the skirt was wrinkled. Li Qiming held Li Hanyan’s pale face in one hand, leaning her on his shoulder, and tightly holding her cold hand in the other, both hands shaking violently, "Dad has lost a daughter, and I can’t lose you anymore. !"

The old man was heartbroken. He spent his whole life rolling in the mall, shrewd and cruel, but at this moment, the corners of his eyes were flashing tears.

Seeing Song Zhixing's eyes, he only felt that his heart was severely beaten by tens of thousands of dollars.


When they arrived at the hospital, the emergency room was already ready, and she was pushed in.

Li Qiming wanted to follow up, but was stopped outside by the doctor. He was a little emotional, and the assistant calmed down for a while before he finally managed to calm down.

Song Zhixing lowered his head all the way, not daring to look directly at Li Qiming. Li Qiming finally calmed down and sat down on the chair on the promenade.

"Xingxing, come and sit here too." He patted his side. On the face of it, although his emotions have improved a lot, but from the tight hands holding the crutches, it can be seen that his emotions are not too stable.

Song Zhixing followed step by step, as if he had done something wrong, standing against the wall guilty, not daring to sit down.

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