Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1018: Offer letter

Chapter 1018 Admission Notice

Master Andre is talking to Dean Wang about his new film, which is exactly what he said.

He turned sideways, raised his coffee cup in his left hand, and took a casual sip before setting it down.

But just when I touched the file at the bottom of the coffee cup, I glanced inadvertently.

"Dangdang ..."

The coffee cup fell over instantly, the coffee spilled over the table, and a small portion splashed down on the master's leg.

But Master Andre didn't even realize it, but like rescue the treasure, he took out the piece of archive paper that the director of admissions office used as a coaster.

"Muse ... my muse ..."

The master was excited, with a gesture of worship.

Hold the sheet of archive paper that has been stained with coffee stains with both hands.

Those light brown eyes became deep, flaming the flames.

He stretched out his right hand and rubbed the file gently with an unusually cherished attitude. The girl smiled slightly, revealing the two delicate faces of Pear Vortex.

"Andre, what are you talking about ... muse ..." The principal was taken aback by the master's performance.

"Pharaoh, I found it, I found my goddess ... she was there, she is my inspiration goddess, the only heroine of my show. I'm going to find her for this show, this time Election cancellation, cancellation ... No need, I have found my muse! "

Once Master André is immersed in art, he will no longer care about any mundane interruptions.

At this moment, let alone his old friend's face, even when the King of Heaven came, he would not budge.

Master Andre was excited to see what his muse was.

Such a beautiful girl is an angel, she must also have a beautiful name.

However, when the master took a closer look, he found that the information on the file was stained with coffee stains.

You can't see the original undertext at all.

"Pharaoh, who is she ... tell me, who is she?" The master was so excited that she couldn't wait to see the little girl and invited her to act as her heroine.

"She ... she is our college, this freshman freshman admitted this time." Dean Wang has calmed down at this time.

At a glance of the excitement of Master Andre, he knew what the master wanted to do.

For this reason, Dean Wang persuaded immediately: "Hanke, look ... I'll just say, we must find the hostess you need in our college ... You see, now the heads of several departments have gone down, They must have notified their respective departments of the election. "

"Since this child is a freshman in our college, we will continue with the election ... At that time, you can choose her by yourself, just to give her momentum. As for other people, you do n’t need a supporting role in your movie, you can Choose together, don't you? "

The implication of President Wang's words is that the election has been notified, so don't cancel it.

Otherwise, their college faces don't look good.

Master Andre heard it, though reluctantly.

But I thought my old friend helped me so much.

Moreover, if he didn't agree, Pharaoh might get angry and not give him the girl's information.

With only a little hesitation, Master Andrea temporarily pressed his Majesty's emotions and agreed to Dean Wang's request.


Later, a blue letter of acceptance letter was sent to Ruan Mengmeng.

Open the admission notice and see the big characters in the Department of Performing Arts, School of Drama, Zhixue University.

The girl frowned slightly--

She filled out the director's department, but did not expect to be transferred to the acting department ...

It ’s so difficult to perform ... It ’s so difficult ... I do n’t know if I will make a movie later. Is it easy to play games and make a lot of money?

The girl braced her chin and froze for a while.

Then put the admission notice in the drawer, put on the headset, and started the journey of making money on behalf of others.

[Complete the update, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

In the top of the comment area, there is a step-like-like activity in April ~ babies can go like-like and like to participate in the lottery ~ Mody ~

(End of this chapter)

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