Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1019: Li Junyu's Change

Chapter 1019 Li Jun's Change

"Master, dinner is ready ..."

As soon as Li Junyu's car arrived in Liyuan, he was stopped by Zhao Shu.

Because Uncle Zhao was worried, he had to stop.

For a week in a row, the young and old have never had a meal at home.

Go straight in the morning and go home late at night.

After coming back, I went directly into the villa behind, staying for a whole night without coming out.

In the early morning of the next day, he went directly to the company.

So busy, two points and one line, all three meals are eaten in the company, even occasionally do not eat.

Although people are still cold and abstinent, they don't look much thinner.

But the cold and cold facial features seemed even colder.

Just raised the dark and deep eyes and glanced at people.

It will make others feel a deep coldness.

"Master, dinner tonight is for you in the kitchen ..."

Before Shu Shu had time to say, Li Junyu, who wore a gray shirt and black trousers and opened his long legs, walked past him.

Uncle Zhao was left behind, and he could only keep up immediately and said while running.

"Master, even if you don't have dinner, you can have a soup anyway. It is a tonic soup carefully prepared in the kitchen. You have eaten too casually and have no nutrition ..."

However, Li Junyu still calm face, do not listen, quickly walked through the lobby of the main building of Li Yuan.

Then walked through the long corridor to the little villa where he lived alone.

Uncle Zhao followed, trotting all the way, except to harvest Li Jun's cold and cold back, and indifference to the freezing point, nothing else.

"Little Master ..." Uncle Zhao didn't hesitate, and he tried to persuade him.

He didn't believe that Master could really ignore himself like that.

He was so shy, he also watched the young master grow up ... Even when the young master was a little cold and alienated, he never looked like this and ignored him completely.

But during this time, in Liyuan, the young master would occasionally say a few words to Ling Bei and others due to business affairs.

The rest ignored.

It is difficult to talk to him even if it is the second or the third.

Everyone can clearly feel that the young master has become.

The whole person becomes colder than before--

No ... To be precise, it shouldn't be cold, but it has become more devoid of the pyrotechnic atmosphere of life, and no longer looks like a living person.

Instead it is more and more like a cold, unfriendly machine.

It's also like the top, never reach the top of the snow-capped mountains.

In the past, because of the arrival of Ms. Mengmeng, the breath of life and the smile that had been dyed on it have long disappeared.

"Master, you just don't care about your work and you don't care about your body. If you don't want to go to the restaurant, I'll let them take you to the study. How about eating something at home ...

Zhao Shu bitterly persuaded, but Li Junyu didn't even raise his eyelids.

With a cold face, he moved on.

Until he pushed open the door of the cottage and walked inside, he saw the small figure on the sofa.

The frosty ink eyebrows were only slightly loose at that moment.

"Little Master ..." Uncle Zhao could not help calling him when he saw the look on the man's face changed.

The next moment, Li Junyu took care of himself, calling softly with a low magnetic voice.

"Three years old, come here ..."

He whispered, the little white dog who had been dozing on the luxurious big sofa suddenly raised his ears and stood up.

[Before 20:50 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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