Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1041: Loading, continue loading

Chapter 1041: Continue Loading

‘Why he has a manager and I do n’t’

Jin Canchan's party barrage, floating in the center of the screen, almost flashed Ruan Mengmeng's eyes.

What the big golden letters represent-that means the super privileges that can only be granted by the system if you reward more than 100,000 yuan at a time.

Although there are many such super tyrants, they are not many.

Up-and-coming newcomers like ‘Let me have long hair and a waist’ and have no face show, have encountered two in total since the live broadcast.

One is ‘North North I Love You’, and the other is ‘333’, which was just sealed by her yesterday.

The girls are almost conditioned, and immediately turned their attention to the fan list on the right side of the screen.

Originally, the number one on that list was '333'.

The second one is ‘North North I Love You’.

And now, 'North North I Love You' has been squeezed to the third position.

‘333’, which was at the top of the list, dropped one place behind, and was pushed to the second place by newly emerging reward users.

At the top of the list, he is a newcomer.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand ..." Ruan Mengmeng was too late to look at the name of the new boss, and after subconsciously counting the username, the long list of zeros.

Lots and lots of zeros, in a string, counted her dizzy.

The girl can only see clearly. The beginning of the number has a ‘2’ followed by a long ‘0’.

Before the live broadcast today, she had watched it again. The amount of ‘333’ reward for her was not 1 million, but 1.4 million.

But now, there is a new big guy, who starts with a shot of 2 and can crush the amount of 333 rewards.

Therefore, even if Ruan Mengmeng's number is not clear, you can think of it-two million, absolutely did not run!

Who is so generous, two million in one shot?

And depending on the situation, she was silently rewarded when she was not online.

During the non-live broadcast, she was rewarded with two million, and she couldn't even thank her, and she couldn't make a big impression on her fans.

Therefore, this big man must be a low-key person who does not like to show off.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mengmeng was even more surprised.

You have to know that the reward is either true love or love to show off.

And why does this person specifically reward her when she is away?

With this confusion, the girl's eyes shifted, and she curiously looked to the top of the fan list.

As a result, at this look, he almost shocked his chin.

Because the user name at the top of the list is impressively [3333]

"3333 ?!" The girl didn't hold back, and shouted the man's name directly into the microphone.

On the live broadcast screen, two golden words appeared suddenly: [I am]

"No, I didn't call you ..." Ruan Mengmeng said this, and felt wrong, and immediately changed his tongue.

"No no no, I mean, I'm calling you. 3333, you ... are you 333?"

With such an obvious ID, the girl felt that all the questions she asked were stupid.

The barrage was also lively at this time, and they were all saying--

【Definitely is】

[This look is 333 big brother]

[Sure enough, it is a local tyrant, so inhuman. The second place on the list is 1.4 million rewarded by big guys, and the first place on the list simply rewards 2 million. I have a hunch that the top 10 in the future will all be a row of 3333333333333333 ...]

Netizen's barrage, Ruan Mengmeng also saw it.

Not to mention the hunch of netizens, at this moment, Ruan Mengmeng also suddenly had a hunch that will be buried by countless 3s.

However, at a time when the discussions were hot.

On the barrage, two lines of golden characters were brushed.


[I do n’t know who 333 is]

Ruan Mengmeng: ...

[Sorry for late, the company worked overtime tonight, took the time to write the company, the next chapter as far as possible before 21:00]

(End of this chapter)

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