Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1042: I really want to beat 333

Chapter 1042 I Want To Fight 333

‘You do n’t know, how could you not know! !! !! ’

Ruan Mengmeng almost shouted into the microphone.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, she controlled her mouth.

"Ah ... wait a minute, I answer the phone."

It ’s not good to say in public that she has added ‘333’ friends, and the girl has an excuse to leave temporarily.

Turning off the camera and microphone, Ruan Mengmeng immediately touched her phone and sent a WeChat to 333.

[Hair grows fast: Brother, what the **** are you doing? Do you think I can't recognize another ID? 】

I really want to cry without tears, add 3 after 333, and the fool can see that it is him.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't understand, 333 what did you think.

WeChat was sent over, and 333 was over there quickly.

The news that came back almost made Ruan Mengmeng vomit blood.

[333 :? 】

A question mark reveals aggressiveness and doubt.

Suddenly she didn't understand what she meant.

How special can it be!

The girl couldn't help swearing in her heart.

[Hair grows fast: Don't play with me, you guys, you pretend to be confused, I also know that 3333 is you. We do n’t say anything secretly, you just promised me last night that I would n’t change ID or IP, and never came to my live broadcast room again. You said ‘Okay’, but now you regret it only one day. Is n’t it too fast? 】

To be precise, it is less than a day, not 24 hours!

This time, WeChat did not respond for a long time.

Ruan Mengmeng thought that 333 must be the time to pretend to die to the end.

WeChat shook again.

[333: drink too much last night, not count]

My second Olympics, is there such a thing? !!

This is obviously a trick.

[Hair grows fast: Big brother, you ca n’t talk too much if you drink too much. You are also rich and rich, and you have to be honest. You guys, you can do it, don't bother me ... you can hit millions of things like this, this baby really can't stand it. 】

One million million is not enough.

It will cost two million two million.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that big brothers are rich.

The big guy can take the money seriously, but she can't.

Even if she returns the money to 333 every time.

But she only got half of the money and half of it was withheld by the company.

In the long run, the more 333 rewards her, the more money he loses.

This will only exacerbate her lack of 333.

However, she said so much, and 333 only returned a word indifferently.

[333: No]

Just a simple 'no' word.

It is rich and willful.

When you saw the word "No", Ruan Mengmeng really wanted to grab the 333 on the other side of the phone.

She was going to ask him if she had seen a large casserole fist.

However, the girl did not know that the cause of a sudden change in attitude of a man last night and today was entirely her own.

Last night, Li Junyu promised the girl that she would never come to the live broadcast room again.

It was because he was determined that the new live broadcast company could dig girls out.

However, miscalculations are expected.

Ruan Mengmeng did not agree to change jobs.

Therefore, someone who was rejected was upset and very upset.

Nor did he keep any promises.

A new number was registered directly, and the IP was replaced with a proxy.

While the girl wasn't broadcasting, she succumbed to the live broadcast room, smashing two million directly in the unmanned live broadcast room.

[Hair grows fast: Big brother, can you not be so capricious? Even if you have money, you have to talk about the Basic Law! 】

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't stand it anymore. He rubbed his temples and wondered how he would provoke this god.

Sure enough, there are many local tyrants on the live broadcast platform.

Compared with the hidden and low-key real giants of Li Family, it is really high-profile and willful.

The subconscious made a comparison with Li's family, and when Ruan Mengmeng reacted, Shuirun's Xingmu was stunned.

Just when she was lost, the 333 side came, which surprised her.

[333: Yes]


Ruan Mengmeng had a happy face.

Does it mean to be unwilling and trouble-free ...

However, the smile on the corner of the lips has not yet spread, but received the next message.

[333: Give me the administrator, I won't mess around]

Girl: ...

Can she make an appointment for 333 and beat him up! !! !!

[Beyond 1200: I can only get here today. After the holiday, the company will work overtime. I will probably go back tonight. I'm busy, less 2 more tomorrow I will make up slowly the day after tomorrow ~]

(End of this chapter)

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