Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1051: Brother Jing is beautiful and nice

Chapter 1051 Brother Jing Jing's Beauty and Good Face

Golden Lion Group headquarters, in the office of the president.

Ruan Mengmeng is a bit shy, sitting opposite Jing Yizhen.

On the phone not long ago, she hesitated and informed Brother Jing about her problems.

Today's Ruan Mengmeng is not used to giving people trouble.

If it weren't for the boring WeChat of 333, she found her helplessness, and she is so small today, she would never come to trouble Brother Jing.

"Brother Jing ... how long do you ...?"

Jing Yizhen's demon-like exquisite faces were right in front of her eyes.

And his glazed cold pupil fell straight on her face.

From the moment the girl entered the door, until now, she stared at Ruan Mengmeng's numbness, and finally couldn't help but speak first.

"See you, tell me the truth." Jing Yiyi said lightly, his eyes were deep, but there was a hint of affection.

Since knowing that Ruan Mengmeng is separated from Li Junyu, he has been waiting.

Waiting for the young girl to get out of her trauma, waiting for the young girl to recover slowly, waiting for her ... willing to find herself again.

And now, seeing her pretty short hair.

He thought, he finally waited ...

Ruan Mengmeng has a headache: "What I told you on the phone is the truth ... I didn't lie to you."

"Is it?" Jing Yi's evil eyes flashed.

"Then you told Brother Jing that you should still be in your third year when you were 15 years old. When did you have such a big daughter?"

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Alas, she knew that Brother Jing would not believe it.

However, for her sister, Ruan Mengmeng always had to obey the imperative.

No, it is a promise.

Promise sister, can't say.

"Can I not answer this question? I ... I have my own reasons, but if I have to, I don't want to bother Brother Jing."

"No, this is not trouble. For Brother Jing, helping you has never been trouble."

Jing Yichen looked at Ruan Mengmeng and chuckled his lips.


The wicked beauty suddenly smiled at her, and Ruan Mengmeng could hardly bear it.

"Brother Jing is just scared, you have been cheated. However, Meng Meng has grown up now, I believe you will have your own judgment. Well, leave this to me and I will help you arrange it ..."

Afraid to scare the young girl who had come to him so hard, the man took out a patience he had never had before and coaxed in a low voice.

Not only asked in detail about Ruan Mianmian's situation, but also assured the girl that she would do it for her at the fastest speed.

"Brother Jing, thank you ... by the way, my business ... didn't you tell Jing Xiangjin and Xiaoxi them?"

Before leaving, the girl remembered the last time she asked Jing Yiyu.

She didn't want her friends to worry, and she didn't want to owe too much affection, so she never contacted them.

"Rest assured, Brother Jing promised to keep secrets for you, and he will never tell others."

With this guarantee from Jing Yihuan, Ruan Mengmeng finally let go of her heart.

Goodbye to beauty Jing, the girl hurried home and took her baby.


That night, after having dinner, Jing Yizhen called.

The clearer the voice of a man, the better, came from the phone: "I have contacted you for the best intellectual private kindergarten in the city. From there, there is still a great opportunity to go straight to the intellectual primary school. The quality of intellectual learning You should know that this is the best arrangement for Mian Mian. "

Unexpectedly, when Yiyi Yi came out, he was 'intellectual private.'

The girl was surprised a little after a moment's stun.

It doesn't matter if she suffers a bit, but for those who like it, she likes it best.

"Okay, thank you Brother Jing, I ..."

"Don't hurry to thank ... Meng Meng, there may be some trouble ..." Jing Yi's sudden and heavy voice broke the girl's surprise.

Ruan Mengmeng asked: "What ... trouble?"

[Next chapter before 21:45]

(End of this chapter)

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