Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1052: Tyrant, your wife is gone

Chapter 1052 Tyrant, Your Wife Is Gone

"The trouble is ... Although I have found a relationship, because the application for admission to the intellectual school is more stringent, and Mian Mian is now entering another class, I must participate in the entrance examination."

"Enrollment assessment ..." Ruan Mengmeng suddenly remembered that she had been enrolled in the high school of Zhixue.

It seems that the test papers were also evaluated first.

"It's okay, Mian Mian is very clever. She must be okay." They were not afraid of Mian Mian's assessment.

Mian Mian is the elder sister's daughter, and that IQ is almost crushing her childhood.

However, compared with Ruan Mengmeng's ease, Jing Yizheng's lazy magnetic voice has always been a bit heavy.

"It's not just the assessment of enrolled children. Today's kindergartens and elementary schools must see their parents. If the parents are not qualified, the child will not be admitted even if they are excellent."

This incident is really not Jing Yiyi Ruan Mengmeng.

Nowadays, it is not just intellectual studies, but even other ordinary and slightly better kindergartens and elementary schools will add an additional parental review.

Not only will you look at the education and work of the parents.

We will also carefully assess whether parents' education of their children is consistent with the school's educational philosophy.

Including whether the husband and wife are harmonious, whether they are attentive to the child, whether the family is warm and friendly, etc. etc. are all reference standards.

"On the side of Zhixue, although it has not been explicitly said that children from single-parent families are not accepted. In fact, except for widowed cases, from the establishment of Zhixue Kindergarten to the present, basically there has not been a case of a single-mother child."

In fact, it is manifestly discriminatory.

But Zhixue was originally a private kindergarten, with its own admission criteria.

Even if it feels unfair, there is no way to blame.

In fact, it is not just wisdom, but also many private and even public demonstration kindergartens. This is more or less the case.

Children are the treasures of parents, not to mention those rich and powerful families.

Choosing a better kindergarten is also choosing a better teaching environment.

Like kindergarten kindergartens, there are high-level kindergartens with family committees.

Even if the school accepts the disputed child's enrollment, other parents in the family committee will vote against it.

"If so, isn't it ..." Ruan Mengmeng's glory suddenly faded.

Really happy.

She thought that Mian Mian could study in wisdom.

But now ...

"So, this is a trouble. However, it is not completely unsolvable ..." Jing Yihuan said restlessly and seemed to be thinking about it.

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is a way to let Mian Mian go to a good school. Brother Jing, what do you think of, if I have to pay more, I can go again ..."

"No, you don't have to pay more, just find a father for Mianmian."

Jing Yiyi, after all, spoke his own words out.

He knew he was in danger, but he liked Mengmeng.

It wasn't until he nearly lost her that he discovered that he already liked it so deeply.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

At this moment, she suddenly understood what King Jing said.

Brother Jing means ...

Jing Yi paused for a moment, and finally said: "Meng Meng, I can be a father for Mian Mian. As long as we are together, let the garden think that Mian Mian has a happy and healthy family, then Mian Mian can smoothly enter the wisdom school."

[Before 22:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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