Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1060: Uncle, Mian Mian tells you a secret

Chapter 1060: Uncle, Tell You A Secret

"No, Ma Ma is lingering, Ma Mahui will always be with the lingering ... Bad uncle, you lie to me ..."

Xiao Mianmian was aggrieved, crying, crying, a pair of apricot eyes were red.

But the more she cried, the colder Li Junyu's face became, getting so cold that it almost sank to the bottom of the valley.

Li Junyu wanted to shut this little up, it was too noisy.

But his long fingers moved several times on the table, but he couldn't reach his hand.

He didn't want to touch other people.

Finally, the patience of the tyrant reached the bottom line.

Seeing Ruan Mianmian still crying.

Someone sank his face, like a devil in a fairy tale, threatening: "Shut up, don't cry ... but there is no mother, what is there to cry, I have no wife ...

As soon as the words came out, the man changed his face instantly.

Li Jun's eyes were slightly dark, and he was half annoyed.

I didn't expect him to spit out for a while, even telling the true thoughts in his heart.

However, such a sudden sentence is more useful than all intimidation.

Xiao Mian, who was crying with her mouth open, suddenly cried.

Blinking wet, black black eyes, staring blankly at the beautiful uncle.

"You ... your wife is gone? Beautiful uncle, you look so beautiful, your wife must be very beautiful, too ... are you too fierce and annoyed the beautiful aunt, so you will anger her? "

Little Mianmian people are small, although they don't know much about the world of adults.

But she was at home all day, watching her grandmother and grandmother watching those romance dramas, but she didn't understand something.

"Oh, the pretty aunt was run away by other uncles, and she wanted to be a cheap mother for other children, so I lost my wife."

Li Junyu knows that he is acting naive.

But since he was separated from Ruan Mengmeng, he has been bearing the burden of his heart silently.

Many things cannot be said to others.

Many feelings are hidden in my heart.

The only thing that can comfort him is the ‘li three years old’ at home, who is now dependent on him.

Suddenly, there was a little bit that allowed him to tell his secrets at will, but did not worry that he would be understood by the other party.

This feeling was unexpected and better than he thought.

"Well ... in that case, the pretty uncle should grab the pretty aunt back."

The little guy didn't know what he was talking about, but he couldn't help but want to comfort him when he saw the pretty uncle's frowning frost and the cold features.

An uncle who looks so good, if he smiles, he must look good.

A child is a child. He hated Li Junyu the moment before and hated crying, but the next moment he gave him advice without regard to the previous suspect.

"Grab it back? Oh ... it won't come back."

The man's deep black pupil suddenly dim.

Now, he is just lied to the child in secret, for his girl, he has long lost her qualifications to rob her back.

"Well, why can't you grab it back? The pretty uncle is so good-looking, it can be grabbed back."

Xiao Mianmian comforted, but saw that the man was still frowning.

The little man could not see such a beautiful uncle, showing such a look.

So, he took a small step and whispered, and said to him, "Nah, uncle ... Mian Mian tells you a secret, you ... can't tell anyone else. Mian Mian tells you what you lost You can really come back ... "

[Before 0 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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