Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1061: The lingering numbness is actually lingering ...

Chapter 1061: It's Mian Mian ...

Talking, the little guy got closer and lowered his voice.

"Just like Mian Mian ... Mian Mian, like his uncle, also lost important people. But now, Mian Mian has found it again."

The little guy saw Li Junyu gradually raised his head and looked at her with confusion in his dark eyes.

Afraid that the pretty uncle couldn't understand, the little guy quickly explained.

"What Mian Mian lost was Mian Mian's favorite mother. Mian Mian's mother, she left Mian Mian. But later, Mian Mian found the current Mama again. She is Mian Mian's young aunt, Meng Meng Aunt. She is now Mian Mian. The most important person found, she is Mian Mian's favorite ...

"So, the beautiful uncle has lost important things, and he can definitely find them again ..."

"Shh, pretty uncle ... this is the secret of Mian Mian, you must not tell other people! Mian Mian only tells you if you are unhappy. You have to be obedient, keep secret for Mian Mian, boo ..."

The little man held out his fleshy forefinger and gently touched Li Junyu's thinned lips.

Li Junyu, who originally hated contact with people, this time, it was rare that he did not show displeased expression, nor did he avoid it later.

He lifted his eyes slightly, and the bottom of the dark and cold eyes flashed a dim light.


No one expected that this "interview" made Ruan Mianmian a good friend who could exchange secrets before entering the wisdom school.

When 'Interview' ends, Xiao Mianmian is ready to go out.

She suddenly turned back, looking at the pretty uncle who had just ordered the chairman to buy a rabbit doll and come back.

"Pretty teacher, can I meet you often after entering the kindergarten? Can I play with you?"

The little guy found that he seemed to like this pretty uncle.

He looks good and beautiful ... but more importantly, Mian Mian always feels that although the beautiful uncle looks good, there seems to be a loneliness in his eyebrows.

Even if he didn't laugh very much, cold, that painful silence, still haunted his dark eyes.

Subconsciously, she wants to warm this beautiful uncle.

It's like, when she first woke up in the lingering arms, she felt the same.

At that time, Mian Mian also felt that her eyes were full of sadness.

She wanted to be warm and numb.

Li Junyu apparently did not expect this small point, and would ask such questions.

His cold ink pupil froze slightly and nodded: "Yes, in the future, the teacher will often go to your class to see you. So be obedient and listen to your aunt."

"Shh ..." The little boy immediately stretched out his fleshy forefinger and reached in front of his mouth.

"It's Ma Ma, not the aunt, the beautiful uncle mustn't be mistaken. This is our secret. Keep it secret and don't make any mistakes."

The little guy was very nervous and worried.

Li Junyu saw the pink toot, nodded, and corrected his appearance seriously.

Subconsciously said, "Okay, it's Ma Ma. So, after listening to Ma Ma's words, you know?"

"Well, I see. Goodbye, that pretty uncle, gone away!"

The little guy focused his head, holding the hand of the bunny doll, and waved with Li Junyu.

Going out happily.

However, the little hand just touched the doorknob and stopped again.

The little guy turned his head: "Bright beautiful uncle, what's your last name? I don't know your name yet, what should I do to find you in the future?"

She can never ask people everywhere, where is the beautiful teacher?

"Me?" The man frowned, trying to tell her that his surname was ‘Yue’.

But thinking of his little milk cat's understanding of him, when he had reached the mouth, he suddenly had a meal.

It cannot be surnamed Li, nor can it be surnamed Yue.

Li Junyu suddenly thought of the little milk cat he raised at home, and once gave him a note on his mobile phone.

And when she was talking about dreams, she always accidentally said the missing nightmare.

She thought he didn't know, in fact, he always knew.

"My surname is violent. From now on, you will call me Uncle violent ..."

[Beyond 1200 words: update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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