Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1201: Leaned on and shrouded her

Chapter 1201: Leaning On, Covering Her


Li Junyu, carrying Ruan Mengmen expressionlessly, entered a small conference room for students to discuss, and closed the door with ease.

Ruan Mengmeng was put on the conference table by him.

Originally thinking that she was not struggling, at most he took her out of the loan room and found a place to talk to her. Ruan Mengmeng found that she completely underestimated Li Junyu's ‘dangerous’ heart.

When I heard the "click" door lock, Ruan Mengmeng's sweaty hair stood up.

The girl turned back and wanted to climb down the table subconsciously.

The next second, the man's tall and erect body pressed down.

The slender hands with sharp bones clasped around the table, completely covering Ruan Mengmeng's petite body.

Ruan Mengmeng's breathing stagnated and backed up: "Li Junyu, what exactly are you doing? Are you a goldfish, and the memory is only seven seconds ... We say clearly, they are irrelevant, you ... what do you think now? ? "

The cold air pressure in the bottom of a man's eyes almost swept away Ruan Mengmeng's breath.

She could feel the coldness and coldness emanating from him, and even a violent storm and bloodthirsty from the rain.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't understand why Li Junyu suddenly became like this.

She didn't provoke him, he shouldn't show up.

"Nothing to do with each other ... huh ..." The man's lips curled, the coldness of the thin lips spread.

If it is something else, he can keep reason and keep a distance from her.

But the words 'bed play' are deeply stabbing Li Junyu, and every moment is tormenting his nerves.

From the moment he learned this, he kept telling himself to be calm and restrained and to stay away from her.

He is not qualified to interfere in her life, not to ask ...

There is no qualification to go to his mother, can not interfere!

As long as Ruan Mengmeng wants to make bed scenes with other men, all his sanity and education will fall apart.

Even if it was just a loan, even if it was just a movie, Li Junyu could not tolerate it.

He couldn't wait to drag the man out and beat him up.

Almost never a rough man, even for this matter, Master Andre was scolded dozens of times in his heart.

Ruan Mengmeng saw Li Junyu's icy phoenix eyes become deeper and deeper, and even got a bloodthirsty breath, and her heart was not good.

With past experience, Ruan Mengmeng can clearly feel that danger is coming.

He was preparing for the opportunity to drill out of the gap below him.

The man had slender fingers, but pinched the young girl's soft chin relentlessly.

"Li Junyu!" Ruan Mengmen frowned, her beautiful little face exuding heavy dissatisfaction.

She's really getting annoyed!

This man is getting bigger and bigger.

However, she was fierce, and he was not afraid.

Li Junyu leaned over, her thin lips pressed against her soft lips, only a few minutes apart.

His eyes were bottomless, and he squinted tightly at her, saying ruthlessly: "How can we resign."

"Resignation ..." Ruan Mengmeng was a little hesitant. "What to resign?"

"Master Andre's play." The man still looked at her tightly, his voice deep and cold.

He has threatened the master and has also lured him.

But for the sake of art, even if the master is threatened and enticed, he is also reluctant to change the plot, let alone give up Ruan Mengmeng.

Therefore, Li Junyu has no choice but he has no choice.

He couldn't see the girl he loved, and other men ...

Maybe many years later, he can let go and sincerely wish her a good man and marry someone.

But now ... sorry, he ... can't ...

[Complete the update, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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