Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1202: Li Junyu, what exactly do you want to do?

Chapter 1202 Li Junyu, what exactly do you want to do?

Hearing Li Junyu's words, Ruan Mengmeng, who was imprisoned in his arms, had a momentary mistake on that delicate face.

She stared at Li Junyu skeptically, suspecting that she had heard it wrong: "Resigning ... Master Andre's play? Li Junyu, do you know what you're talking about? That's a master's play, do you know how many people want You ca n’t even act. Do you know how important this opportunity is for me? ”

"Not only that, I am a freshman in the acting department who will resign as a master. If I do this, it is not just a missed opportunity, my teacher, the school leader, and I will enter the entertainment industry in the future. Others will What do you think of me? You have to play big names before you debut, even Master Andre doesn't look at it. Li Junyu, what exactly do you want to do, do you want to ruin my reputation? "

Ruan Mengmeng is not speaking fast, but she is very anxious.

Why does Li Junyu make such a request?

He had nothing to do with her at all. He had been separated for a long time. Why did he show up and interfere with her life.

The most overwhelming is-why did he let her give up the master's movie, such a rare opportunity.

Unexpectedly Ruan Mengmeng's reaction would be so intense.

Li Junyu looked down and was imprisoned in the table and his arms.

Looking up at the head, Xingmu's eyes were shining brightly, and the girl with a face full of anger and interrogation anger asked.

He wanted to hug her and tell her not to be angry.

Even if there is no master, he will pave the way for her in the future. He will give her the best resources and the best connections, watching her skyrocket.

But when Li Junyu bowed his head to Ruan Mengmeng's shiny pair of eyes, he was soaking up tears because of anger or other emotions.

All the comforts and guarantees are stuck on the lips.

At this moment, Li Junyu had a hunch—even if he said everything and told her his arrangements, she would no longer accept his ‘goodwill’.

The decisiveness and resistance of the girl's eyes made Li Junyu's eyes deeper and deeper.

Until this moment, Li Junyu finally saw through one thing.

He couldn't give Ruan Mengmeng a promise, she couldn't give her the future ... and she would never trust him again.

In some cases, once exported, it is wounded.

Some people, once separated, cannot turn back.

And he, who has hurt her deeply, may not appreciate it if he wants to make up for it.

His jealousy, his perseverance, all just his.

To the girl in front of him, he was just a person who gave up her, did not want her, and hurt her.

The bitterness is spreading.

Li Junyu never knew that one day, an indifferent person like him could also feel the feeling of losing his love.

Ruan Mengmeng was raising her head at this moment, staring at Li Junyu.

She was waiting for him to speak, wait for him to say, wait for him to explain ...

He was dead early in the morning, but he suddenly appeared and stopped suddenly, always letting her give birth to a look of unclear words.

She didn't know what she was expecting.

But those bright water eyes were staring at Li Junyu's handsome and beautiful face, waiting for his explanation.

However, I don't know how long it took before the man finally moved.

He raised his broad and rough hands, and gently covered the girl's dark and soft hair ...

Li Junyu reached out and rubbed Ruan Mengmeng's head, spoke softly, his voice was low and hoarse: "Then you come on ... wish you well.

Having said that, the man who was still temperament the moment before suddenly withdrew his hand.

With Ruan Mengmeng's slightly confused expression, she opened the door and left.

(End of this chapter)

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