Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1203: Tears were falling and they couldn't stop

Chapter 1203 Tears Falling Flabby, Can't Stop It

Ruan Mengmeng, who was left by Li Junyu, almost reached out and grabbed him for a moment.

But his right hand clasped around the table was slightly loose, but he did not reach out after all.


After this, Ruan Mengmeng didn't have the heart to watch the movie anymore.

She packed up and went back to the bedroom.

As soon as I reached the door of 511 bedroom, I heard a low weeping sound coming from the door of 512 bedroom next door.

It was the cry of a girl, depressing and sad.

At this time, other students were in class, and there were no people in the dormitory building.

Although Ruan Mengmeng didn't like 512 Ruan Jiaojiao and Huang Yintong, when she heard the cry, she approached subconsciously.

The door opened slightly and the crying girl sitting at the table hadn't looked up.

Ruan Mengmeng looked in through the crack of the door and found that the short-haired girl crying inside was just the one who had just been rejected by her and Li Junyu.

Seeing the girl crying so sadly, Ruan Mengmeng guessed it was because of the 'misunderstanding' just now.

For this reason, she was a little embarrassed.

Misunderstood them, and made them so cute.

"Well," Ruan Mengmeng knocked on the door.

"Sorry, what happened just now may be a misunderstanding. Well ... you said you wanted to make a movie, could you tell me what it was?"

I don't know why, Ruan Mengmeng wanted to protect each other when she saw this shy and shy girl with short hair.

It seemed that I had misunderstood her in the borrowing room just now and hurt her. I felt very embarrassed.

Meng Siwen, who was crying holding her own script, heard her voice and suddenly looked up.

She turned to look at her beautiful star eyes with teardrops.

The pink little mouth was wide open, unbelievable.

"You ... you ... Mr. Ruan Mengmeng, what did you just say?"

"I said, it was a misunderstanding just now, and I misunderstood what you meant. Now, can you please take the time to talk to me about your drama again?" Ruan Mengmeng remembers that this girl wanted to ask her to film .

The short-haired girl lives in 512, and seems to be a freshman.

Although she is a freshman and not too experienced, Ruan Mengmeng thinks she is the same.

She is also a newcomer without any actual combat experience, and will not look down on anyone because she signed the play of Master Andrea.

Meng Siwen couldn't believe what he heard, there was a kind of surprise that was `` goddess ''.

She stood up sharply, dragging the cover with tears in her hand, and passed it.

"Hello Mengmeng, I'm Meng Siwen, director of the director's department. Well, that ... can I call you Mengmeng? You are so nice, thank you for giving me a chance. You really are a good person like the fairy sister said Sister Fairy said, you will definitely help me! "

Uh, Ruan Mengmeng was a little embarrassed when I was issued a good guy card somehow.

"Who is the fairy sister?" She asked.

"It's your mother, Ms. Chen Qingzhi!"

Meng Siwen's fat face showed an expression of worship.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

She was speechless. It turned out that this shy little girl was sent to her by her mother.

Thinking of Ms. Chen Qingzhi's rather flickering mouth, Ruan Mengmeng silently sympathized with Meng Siwen.

However, it does matter.

She turned over the script and read it carefully.


Half an hour later, Ruan Mengmeng, who had watched the entire script, had gathered tears.

Drops of crystal clear teardrops hit the paper surface.

Even turning to the last page, Ruan Mengmeng's tears showed no sign of stopping.

She raised her head suddenly, and her red eyes flashed with tears: "Siwen ... Who wrote this script? Is it you?"

"Yes, yeah ..." Meng Siwen was frightened. She didn't expect Ruan Mengmeng to cry like this, and she was panicked.

"Meng Meng, you don't care ..."

Meng Siwen wanted to care about Ruan Mengmeng, but next second, Ruan Mengmeng, who could not stop crying, suddenly let go of the script and hugged Meng Siwen.

"Sorry, don't talk ... please let me hug for a while, just for a while ..."

Meng Siwen: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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