Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1222: I ignored you at the beginning, but now you ca n’t afford it

Chapter 1222 Ignore My Love At First, Now I Can't Afford You

"Li Junyu ... you ..." Ruan Mengmeng was a little embarrassed by Li Junyu, and he was still out of condition.

But the man holding her had long been deeply rooted.

He frowned, resting his chin on the girl's soft hair, and wished to rub the girl hard into his chest.

Li Junyu made up his mind and never let go.

Unwilling to let go ...

I am ashamed of my mother, of my two younger brothers, of my father and of my father.

No, even if he is against the whole world ... he must hold on to the girl's lost hand.

"Yeah, it hurts ..." Ruan Mengmeng whispered, disgusted, and pushed Li Junyu hard with his elbow.

"I have a broken hand. You hurt me."

She raised her hands like a mule and raised her.

I felt that the men standing in front of her were mostly brain drained.

Inexplicably came to hug her to say what love or not, and somehow pinched her injured hand.

Ruan Mengmeng knew that Li Junyu was absolutely uncomfortable.

"..." The man's throat was slightly tight. Obviously, he didn't expect that Ruan Mengmeng's attitude would be this way after his ‘passionate expression.

Moreover, he just wanted to catch the girl's hand, but he hurt her.

Seeing the small milk cat wrinkled into a small face, Li Junyu's cold eyebrows passed a distressed distress.

"How's it hurting?" He asked, lowering his voice.

But harvested the girl's unlucky eyes.

"Of course it hurts, how can it not hurt ... I have all injuries on my hands, and you are still so heavy ..." Ruan Mengmeng stepped back subconsciously, and distanced himself from Li Junyu.

This spontaneous alienation motion slightly darkened the man's deep eyes.

But before it was too late to save, she saw the girl look at him with vigilance: "Why are you here? Do you also see a doctor?"

The girl looked at him with unabashed defense.

Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng looked at each other in a defensive manner, and instantly felt that their hearts were taken aback.

The man's grim complexion became more gloomy: "I saw the news on TV and I was worried about something wrong ... come and see."

"You came to see me?" Ruan Mengmeng almost laughed out loud.

This man has already let go of her hand, why is she always playing affectionately and unable to let go?

Looking at his slightly messy hair, slightly messy collar, and that slightly embarrassing gesture.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't believe what she said. Li Junyu's disorientation was to 'care' her.

Unless ... it's to come early to make sure she's dead.

Thinking of this, the young girl's mood is not even happier.

She said lightly: "Oh, see it, I'm fine ... just a little hurt."

Ruan Mengmeng held up two 'little sisters' and shook them.

Later, he said to Li Junting, "You are here with your brother ... I will go and see the others."

There are also many injured crew members in the hospital.

She didn't want to face Li Junyu, and found an excuse to flash people.

"..." Seeing the back of the girl leaving, the man kept talking.

Li Junting went to Li Junyu, reached out and shook his eyes: "Brother, everyone is gone, don't watch ..."

He can now understand, this is the truth of suffering.

Oh no no no, it should be said that I have not experienced loss, how to know to cherish it.

Before his iceberg, for some inexplicable reason, he suddenly alienated Xiaotao.

Obviously they like others, but the ducks die hard and do not admit it.

As a result, now it's okay ... As soon as Xiao Mitao had an accident, he knew how important people were in his mind.

It's a pity ... hehe ...

Li Ershao evoked a smirk, and Xiaomi Tao is not dumping him now!

Hahahaha! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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