Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1223: Wow, Mengmeng was hugged by other men

Chapter 1223 Wow, Mengmeng was held by other men

"Li, Jun, Ting ..." The man withdrew his gaze from the distant back of the girl, and fell on a peacock who died beside him.

His cold eyes pierced Li Junting's eyes.

If it weren't for the matter yet, it would still be useful to keep this unbridled younger brother, and the man would not hesitate to let him go to heaven.

Li Junyu narrowed his cold eyebrows and said lightly, "Say, what's going on, your so-called" life and death "is still making a mess, eh?"

The last ‘hmm’ was low and condensed, and almost shocked Li Junting.

The eyes of his iceberg were so horrible. It was so cold and overcast that people shivered without saying anything, and threatened with words.

Wrong, too bad ...

Why did he forget that Bingshan was confessed to Xiaomi Tao when he faced him, even though he was watching it lively.

But now, Bingshan is afraid that even the heart of ‘killers’ will be lost.

At this time, Li Junting certainly did not dare to gloat or laugh.

In order to protect himself, he immediately drew his face and deeply reflected: "Brother, I didn't make a fool ... How dare I give you a report about such a matter of human life. In fact, the situation at the time was really dangerous, and you also watched it on TV. I saw ... But I didn't expect that Xiaomitao was okay after being lifted into the ambulance. "

Ruan Mengmeng was unscathed everywhere except her hand was injured.

She fainted just because she was fainted.

Take a break and you'll be fine.

"It's okay?" The man frowned, distrusting his unreliable brother.

"Are you sure it's okay and there will be no other hidden dangers? When Mengmeng was carried on the ambulance, he was obviously full of blood ..."

As long as the blood-stained picture flashes on the TV picture, the man's dark eyebrows are wrinkled.

How cute he should be.

Li Junting: "Cough, cough ... Big brother, Xiaomitao was indeed carried with blood to the ambulance. But the blood was not hers, but was someone else's."

Ruan Mengmeng rescued people at the scene of the incident, naturally contaminated with blood.

Don't look at her covered with blood, she looks badly hurt, but she's really fine except her hands.

Li Junyu apparently did not expect that the truth would be like this.

His deep, indifferent eyes flashed slightly, looking into the room, and he just held the choked 'female corpse'.

Li Junting naturally found that his brother's eyes were not right. He glanced at the hand showing the blue shirt, and immediately understood.

"That girl is an actor in the crew. It's the same role as Xiaomi Tao today ... so the clothes are a style."

Li Junyu: "..."

The man's ugly complexion turned blue.

But then I thought about it, even though I was a fool, and choked on the body of a strange woman.

But at least, he's fine and still healthy and safe.

Thinking of this, the man's already somber complexion finally eased up a bit.

He was about to let Li Junting roll away, but there was a sudden commotion outside the door.

"Meng Meng ... Meng Meng, are you okay ... scared us!"

"Hug, Miss Mengmeng, I worry about you ..."

"Fortunately, you are fine ..."

The voices of the men, or the voices of several men, came from the large emergency room outside.

As soon as Li Jun's eyebrows were cold, he took a few steps outside and saw Yu Sui, Rong Xiao, Wu Ranran, and Feng Yizhen all gathered around the girl.

Hug her one by one, greetings.

Feng Yizhen's hand fell on the girl's head quite indulgently, and gently rubbed it in a guarding posture.

While the man was angry, the dark-haired boy wearing a mask stood in the crowd, but suddenly squeezed Kaifeng Boss.

Hold the lost and recovered girl tightly in her arms.

The black-haired boy Yu Sui, buried deep in the girl's neck, was deeply disturbed and said, "Fortunately, you are okay ... great ... great ..."

(End of this chapter)

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