Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1229: This **** scene must be wonderful, I'll add a few more shots

Chapter 1229 This Sex Scene Must Be Wonderful, I Want To Add More Lenses

Xiu Yushang is also very speechless.

He was very happy when he just accepted the play of Master Andre.

Such a good crew, such a powerful Cass, such a strong production lineup, is really a pleasure for people like him.

When the crew came, even though the three main actresses were newcomers, Xiu Yushang didn't think it mattered.

Who knows, just a few days after the filming started, the female No. 3 named Ruan Jiaojiao started to gather close to her, and tried hard to get close.

Xiu Yushang has always hated this kind of woman's ‘caring and giving away’, so she is naturally too lazy to deal with it.

Originally thought that if he did not accept the move, the other party would retreat with difficulty.

Who knows, the new guy named Ruan Jiaojiao had two brushes, and actually got him to a dinner party through an acquaintance relationship.

After eating that meal, Xiu Yushang finally knew the purpose of Ruan Jiaojiao.

She wants to deal with Ruan Mengmeng, that is, the female newcomer who is serious in filming and does not act as a demon except for filming.

Xiu Yushang still has a low profile, others only think he is a national film emperor.

But no one knows that Xiu Yu is still his stage name, but he is not Xiu.

His surname is Zhang, and his real name is Zhang Shang.

Zhang Shang, the nephew of Li Wan's wife, Zhang Wanyu.

In other words, Zhang Shang's aunt is Li Junyu's second wife.

Although he has no blood relationship with the Li family, when he sees Li Junyu and Li Junting, he still wants to call his brother.

Xiu Yushang is a person, and it was impossible for Ruan Jiaojiao to help him.

In addition, when he was in the crew, he encountered Jun Tingge's warm greetings to Ruan Mengmeng, and naturally knew that Ruan Mengmeng was an artist of Jun Tingge's company.

Therefore, Xiu Yu still promised Ruan Jiaojiao, but she was telling her.

And he has been reporting privately to Junting.

I thought that Brother Junting knew it.

Who knew that last night, Jun Yu, who had always dared not be interested in their showbiz, actually called him in person.

Li Junyu directly ordered him to make bed scenes with stomach pain.

Not only stomach pain, but also a set of speeches to change people.

Now, Xiu Yu Shangquan understands!

He said that Ruan Mengmeng, as a newcomer, didn't even have a debut work. Why did Jun Tingge provide delicious and delicious food every day?

I thought it was Junting brother who wanted to make a family.

He didn't know until now that this is simply Jun Yu's woman! !! !!

Xiu Yu still dare not follow.

Not only immediately arranged the agent to memorize the "line".

In the morning, I met Ruan Mengmeng, who was chased by reporters outside the studio. He also brought in people ‘very kindly’, and by the way taught a few seniors ’experiences, in order to win the future grandmother and build relationships.


At this moment, Xiu Yushang ’s gold agent is still lobbying the director: "Take the shots that do not need to show their faces, and the rest can be retaken tomorrow. That script only has to take off the mask and need to show the whole face, no problem Master. "

The character of Master Andrei naturally does not agree to such a thing that is not perfect.

Seeing this, the agent hurriedly whispered, "Master, the main reason for making bed scenes is good body. Isn't the script intended to shoot the innocent naked back ... What about @ # ¥ @ # ¥ @%?"

Ruan Mengmeng opened her ears next to her. Unfortunately, Xiu Yushang's agent's voice was very low.

She only heard about changing people, but she didn't hear exactly who was going to change.

However, when Master Andre heard it, he opened his eyes wide open: "Really? He is willing to shoot ... No, no, no, how can he ..."

Agent: "It's a real master. Everyone is on the road. Come here right away. Don't tell you, he has a relationship with our family, A Shang."

When Master Andre heard it, he believed it.

Also, how can such a character casually act as a "naked replacement" for Xiu Yu Shang.

Unless there is a relationship, this makes sense.

"Okay, you can take it to the backstage to put on makeup as soon as you come. If you can ask him for help, this **** scene will be very exciting. No, I have to check it out, or add a few more shots."

After that, Director Andrea was busy discussing with the associate director.

Ruan Mengmeng, who has put on her makeup and is sitting on the bedside, is aggressive.

So, who is going to do a bed scene with her, Xiu Yushang's fellow teacher brother?

Also, the director just said, what does it mean to add a few shots? Is this **** scene not intense enough?

[Beyond 1300 words: Update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

I ’m really super cute to drown you guys recently ~ 4 of them have 3 more and they are more than the number of words. Rounding up is to write more of 1 more ~ ​​Do you want to vote for babies?

(End of this chapter)

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