Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1230: Li ... Li Junyu?

Chapter 1230 Li ... Li Junyu?

Ruan Mengmeng was uneasy sitting on the big pear flower wood bed set up by the crew.

Representing the noble supreme red tents of the Holy Religion, layer upon layer, set off the girl's fair and small face to make it more ignorant and seductive.

Because the front face of the actor cannot be photographed, the scene where Jun Wuxie lifted Qin Xin's head and took off his mask will be left for later.

Therefore, today's shooting will be directly from Jun Wuxie, throwing Qin Xin overbearingly onto the big bed, the veil falls, and the clouds begin to rain.

"Meng Meng, you remember, after a while you will be pushed down first, and then your chin will be raised to question. At that time there will be tears in the eyes, but not the tears of fear but the sad grievances ... because Qin heart likes Jun Innocent, she just pinched her face and did n’t understand why Jun Wuxie became so ruthless. Then, at this time, Jun Wuxie would bite your lips hard and turn you over and tear you Wedding dress, say a line in your ear, and then bite your shoulder hard. "

The scene was basically ready, and director Andre was telling Ruan Mengmeng.

"But you can rest assured that the first bite of the lip will borrow, and I will let the other side tilt their heads and stagger with you to make the illusion of a bite. The second bite of the shoulder will also be misplaced ... I will call the card directly at that time Then we make up makeup and put a tooth mark on your shoulder, which represents Jun Wuxie's inner desire for you and regards you as his possession. "

"So, we have to succeed in the previous filming, and try not to repeat it. In this way, we can shoot it in one go and fill your teeth, and we will shoot the next story."

Master Andre made it clear.

The horror, loss, and grievances of the previous heroine are all the key points for Ruan Mengmeng to show.

However, there can be no hatred in that look, only innocent and unbelievable.

Then, when Jun Wuxie bit her lip fiercely, although she felt humiliated, she liked Jun Wuxie inside.

Therefore, when this man turned her over, bit her earlobe, and told her that she was his possession, the girl's eyes should be contradictory and shy, jerky and shy.

After that, Jun Wuxie bit her shoulder and finished the first shot.

Ruan Mengmeng went through the specific details in her head. Although making such an intimate scene with a stranger would make her feel uneasy, she knew that she couldn't live up to the master's disappointment.

"No problem, I'm ready ..." said the girl, taking a deep breath.

"Okay, then I'm going to urge, I should put on my makeup soon."

As soon as Master Andre's voice fell, a series of exhausting sounds rang out in the distance.

"This, this is ..."

"Oh, that's too beautiful ..."

"This is Jun Wuxie, the prince, the evil spirit is seduced, the evil is ruthless ... My mother, if Jun Wuxie looks like this, the heroine will only have to surrender."

Due to the clearance, many crew members waited in the lounge.

And those crew members have been completely lost at this time, sending out bursts of marvels.

I heard those exclamation sounds coming from the lounge.

The girl couldn't help wondering ... who, it sounds better than Xiu Yu Shang?

Ruan Mengmeng was curious and stretched her neck to look at the lounge.

A familiar long tall figure, wearing a black-colored slim robe, appeared in Ruan Mengmeng's sight.

The girl stayed: "Li ... Li Junyu ...?"

【carry on】

[You can draw a message in the previous chapter. Don't miss it ~]

(End of this chapter)

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