Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1247: Tyrant wronged, tyrant suffers

Chapter 1247: Tyrant Aggrieved, Tyrant's Heart Suffering

The girl who was tightly hugged by a man in her arms, did not expect Li Junyu to come suddenly.

She just wants to look angry, Ruan Jiaojiao!

She ’s acting, she ’s deliberately ‘showing affection’, not really!

Although the girl thought so, the pink lips were blocked by Li Junyu.

He not only pinched her little chin hard to keep her away, but also deliberately penetrated, not only occupying her breath.

Ruan Mengmeng was almost choked to kiss, and her brain was completely in a state of hypoxia.

She doesn't like Li Junyu, she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it!

The girl desperately reminded herself with the remaining reason, but still unconsciously groaned and gave out a soft, moaning moan.

"You-you, you are too much !!!"

Ruan Jiaojiao was finally so angry that she couldn't help feeling hurt!

She was clearly on the side, she was clearly here, and she had just announced their relationship.

Why are these two people not only not afraid of avoiding suspicion but not being separated, but ... but also showing affection in front of her! ?

Ruan Jiaojiao has never been so frustrated as now.

Even if she had a thicker face and stronger confidence, she felt that the two people who were indifferent to each other were deeply hit when she saw that the kiss was so devoted.

In vain, everything is in vain ... She thought that the handles of Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng were all futile!

She felt like a clown, no matter how desperate she was, she couldn't attract Li Junyu's attention.

In particular, the one who snatched her limelight was still the one she hated the most and looked down on Ruan Mengmeng!

Rao is as thick-skinned as Ruan Jiaojiao, and she can't stay at this time.

Angrily and eagerly, she grabbed the cufflinks and mobile phone on the table, and ran out of the lounge in tears without even taking her coat.

"Bang--" The lounge door was slammed down.

The knock on the door awakened the girl who was almost intoxicated in the kiss just now.

Ruan Mengmeng pushed hard to push Junyu: "Enough, let go ..."

The girl who was still in the arms of the man the moment before, suddenly turned ruthless the next moment.

Ruan Mengmeng made her milk-feeding force twist to Li Junyu's strong upper arm. The man felt painful and sank, but he did not let go.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

"Li Junyu, I let you put it ... 唔 ......" Without saying a word, this horrible man actually bowed his head again, taking a bite on her lips.

The man's cold, thin lips pressed against her lips.

The clear breath that belongs to men, invading little by little.

Li Junyu slaps and bites at the young girl's pink lips, just as if she were to be dismantled and swallowed.

It was a hard time to seize the opportunity, and he could kiss his girl with a fair name, how could Li Junyu miss it.

Until a few seconds later--

The tip of the tongue suddenly hurts, and the sweet smell spreads between the lips and teeth.

The girl who was originally a cat suddenly turned into a puppy, and actually bit him hard.

The kiss between the two finally came to an abrupt end.

Ruan Mengmeng bit him fiercely, but there was no sense of shame.

She raised her eyes like water apricots, and Jing Jingliang stared at Li Junyu: "It's a light move to deal with perverts. Don't look at it this way, I won't apologize!"

She had a clear conscience and was right.

Li Junyu is too much, just act in front of Ruan Jiaojiao, just go away with her.

He's better, everyone has gone and he still knows what to eat.

Is he so bullied when she is Ruan Mengmeng?

However, in the next second, the cold-hearted girl found Li Jun's eyes glanced.

The icy and handsome face glanced past a faint, helpless look.

"Meng Meng ..." Li Junyu looked at her, his voice hoarse and hoarse.

"You seduced me first ..."

(End of this chapter)

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