Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1248: You should be responsible for fire fighting, preferably to me

Chapter 1248 You Should Be Responsible For Fire Fighting, It Is Better To Be Responsible For Me

Ruan Mengmeng had purposely made a small face with a cold and ruthless expression. When she heard this sentence, she suddenly fell down.

Her little mouth that Li Junyu just kissed was red and swollen, her mouth widened, her jaw almost fell to the ground.

Shameless, so shameless!

How can Li Junyu say such a thing!

The young girl who was blocked by the sudden “accusation” could only stare at the man who looked as usual, completely changing his face and not beating.

And Li Jun Yuguang said such a sentence is not enough, he still has to make progress.

"I must seduce you first."

"You should put out the fire."

"Better to me."

Mom, it's nonsense.

Ruan Mengmeng finally came back after being bombarded by Li Junyu's low voice.

"Li, Jun, Yu ... you are endless. I just did that just to be angry with Ruan Jiaojiao, you know that ... you are enough, who is responsible for you and let go ..." Ruan Mengmeng pushed hard Open Li Junyu's hand to jump out of his arms.

Who knew that as soon as she stood up, her small waist was grabbed by a man and dragged back.

Li Junyu grabbed her into her arms, pressed it on her lap, and whispered, "Even if it is to be angry with Ruan Jiaojiao, you can't deny it. The person who hugs me is you, and the person who hooks my neck is you. Keeping your face close also made me kiss you. "

"Meng Meng, you've stabbed it twice today, you can't run after you finish it, eh?"

That ‘hm’ hushed, hoarse, hidden deep in awe.

Ruan Mengmeng knows exactly what ‘it’ in Li Jun ’s words is worth.

That it is the thing sitting under her ass.

As for what he said, he has 'slammed twice'. The first time is when the film was shot, and the second time is now.

The girl's face was slightly hot, but it was not because of being moved by Li Junyu.

She just suddenly felt that she was like a **** to tease good women.

It seemed a bit unkind to run away after dialling people.

After all, Ruan Jiaojiao was just her decision.

Li Junyu and Ruan Jiaojiao have no revenge, maybe they can't wait for something to happen with Ruan Jiaojiao.

Maybe her presence is bad for someone.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mengmeng's heart was a little bit big.

She lifted those beautiful eyes and said coolly, "It's not me who runs after you're done, it's not Ruan Jiaojiao. You don't say I have forgotten, it's the good thing that I came in to disturb you? After all, It ’s very likely that something is happening in the same room, is n’t it? ”

Speaking of which, the young girl's lips curled, and the aura and beautiful apricot eyes showed a little coldness.

"You want me to be responsible for fighting the fire. You want me to be good for Ruan Jiaojiao. Li Junyu, you can really tell ..."

I don't think so.

Obviously never suspected that Li Junyu would happen to Ruan Jiaojiao.

But the girl who was injured before can only drive the man back in this way.

She knew that pride, like Li Junyu, could not tolerate such absurd accusations.

Ruan Mengmeng guarded, flinched, evaded, and never wanted to take a step forward.

She would rather push back the man who wanted to approach in such an extreme and sharp way.

The girl's words were like a pot of cold water pouring down from the beginning, and even the valley owe just picked up by her was completely wiped out.

Seeing his entire body retracted into his armor, the spikes were all upright.

He would rather say these things that misunderstood him than accept the girl he was close to.

The dark eyes of the man were deeply sinking.

(End of this chapter)

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