Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1250: Confession

Chapter 1250: Confession, Rejection

"What did you say ... me, father?" The attitude of the girl who had just evaded suddenly changed with the words of the man.

She raised her face and looked at him subconsciously.

With a slightly surprised complexion, those apricot eyes with water light were staring at Li Junyu's handsome face momentarily.

The girl who was unwilling to look up the second before and didn't want to look at him.

This second stared at him tightly.

The man's deep and narrow eyes also looked back at her, unwilling to miss it.

Li Junyu looked at Ruan Mengmeng intently and seriously, saying, "I ask you, do you want to know who your biological father is? Maybe, I will have the news you want here."

Ruan Jiaojiao tried to threaten him with a cufflink and a photo of the wrong period.

However, he did not expect that he accidentally hit him by the cufflinks.

A man who has been away from country S for many years, but once stood on the highest position and was looked up by everyone.

Ruan Mengmeng glanced through the complex and transparent apricot eyes, she asked subconsciously: "What do you have?"

This is the first time she made a conditioned reflection after hearing Li Junyu's words.

It's not good to be too early. She doesn't trust the man in front of her, nor does he believe that he will be good to him for no reason.

He mentioned it suddenly, for certain conditions.

Just like now, he is holding her, just to take advantage of her.

After eating for a while, Ruan Mengmeng is no longer the girl who was silly and would easily believe someone.

The hardships of life made her grow.

Although it hurts, it works.

The beloved girl looked at it with precautionary eyes, and heard her ask this sentence in a particularly distressing tone.

Li Junyu only felt that his heart was hit by an invisible heavy object, and the feeling of heartache like angling followed.

He pressed the pain that was touched by the girl's cold and guarded eyes, reached out and touched Ruan Mengmeng's delicate white face, and said hoarsely, "No need

Conditions, as long as you want to do, I will do it for you. What you want to know, I will tell you. "

"Really?" Ruan Mengmeng's soft apricot eyes flew cold, and hesitantly asked, "Can you tell me, the real reason for our breakup?"

He said it was not because she was dirty.

But only talking about this, she will not continue to solve the mystery for her.

Although the girl has been put down, she does not expect anything to solve the misunderstanding and return to a good dog blood plot.

But when she was broken up somehow, she still had her throat in her throat.

Even if she has repeatedly shown Yun Dan Feng Qing, but once a little sign appears, she will unconsciously raise it.

I didn't expect Ruan Mengmeng to ask this, Li Junyu's dark-colored eyes froze slightly.

Then he shook his head with a bitter smile: "This can't be done for the time being."

After all, it was the hatred of his aunt and her mother. He hadn't figured out how to tell her.

He knew the girl's heart, and even if she acted indifferently, then resisted and stubborn, her heart was soft and kind.

If she knew it was her mother who did that kind of thing ... she would hide, go where he couldn't find her, and never show up in front of him again.

Li Junyu cannot bear the pain of losing the girl again, so he must wait for an opportunity.

Even though the man's answer had been guessed long ago, I heard him say that Ruan Mengmeng's lips could not help but pull out a touch of irony.

"You don't need to explain that much, I already knew you would say that ... Li Junyu, you just said, if you want to know, you can tell me.

But if you look, you just broke your word within 5 seconds, and you have no credit at all. "

"Meng Meng, this is a special case ..." The man's voice was low and his eyes were helpless.

"Exception? I don't think so." The girl's pretty eyes raised, staring straight at him.

Looking at this man who once loved deeply, Ruan Mengmeng said, "You said just now that you will do it for me if you want to do it. So now, I will let you loose me and never show up again In front of me, don't approach me ... can you do it? "

(End of this chapter)

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