Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1251: Why is her biological father so mysterious?

Chapter 1251 Why Is Her Biological Father So Mysterious?

"It can't be done." Li Junyu didn't need to consider it at all, and refused neatly.

Girl: "..."

I didn't expect to be so dignified ... not to mention credit.

Ruan Mengmeng sank his face: "You look at you, there is no credit at all. You said just now that it is a special case, what now, what is it now? Li Junyu, how many special cases do you have.

Too much, to say so well, is actually flickering her.

"Meng Meng, everything about you is a special case for me. As long as it is related to you, I must consider the actual situation before making a decision. I will make the best decision for you ... but, I promise, anything I need to let you go, leave you, leave you ... I will never do it again. "

He has dropped it once, and he will not throw it again.

Let go of the girl's hand once, and let him learn the pain.

Almost lost her ...

Li Junyu doesn't know what he will do in the future, but he only insists on one thing, that is, never let go.

"His ... you're pinching me." The girl frowned slightly, frowning Li Junyu bitterly.

The man clasped her big palm and immediately released it, but it was not completely loose, and still held her little hand.

Ruan Mengmeng tilted her head aside and took the opportunity to stagger her eyes and not look at him.

Just now, for a moment, when she saw Li Jun Yu Junmei's immaculate features covering her with a serious and serious look, staring at her intently speaking the words.

She admitted that her heart was shaken for a moment.

But soon, she was thrown out of Li Yuan by him, and he was thrown back to Ruan's house. The moment's weakness was overwhelmed by the memory of his cold and ruthless hurt.

The girl Shuirun's apricot eyes reappeared with a sense of will. She lifted her head again and looked boldly and firmly towards Li Junyu: "I ... I don't want to hear you say this. If you want to talk about my biological father, That said. If I don't say it, I'm going back. "

After speaking, Ruan Mengmeng would go down from the man's leg.

She had been held by him for a long time, so long that she almost forgot that she was still in his arms.

Habit is really a terrible thing.

Because she was used to his embrace, she didn't even feel embarrassed just now.

It was found that Ruan Mengmeng's eyes suddenly became clear and indifferent. Li Junyu knew that his attempt to approach was another failure.

But fortunately, the dark belly is as deep as Li Li naturally knows that rice is eaten bite by bite, the road is to be taken step by step, and chasing his wife can only come slowly.

Reoccupying the girl's heart can only eat away little by little.

Just like today, progress is very good, at least until Mengmeng is here to kiss.

Thinking of this, Li Junyu firmly held the girl's soft waist and pressed her firmly on her leg to prevent her from running.

He Shen said: "As for your father, if you want to listen, I can tell you everything I know. Not only can I tell you, but I can also verify for you ... Are you sure you want to listen? Because of your biological father, he is a very special person, and if you really want to know, it may cause you trouble. "

From the beginning, Li Junyu did not want to threaten Ruan Mengmeng.

He just wanted her to think clearly that she was a major event in her life and she had the right to make a choice.

When Li Junyu's words were finished, Ruan Mengmeng crossed the letter left by Ruan Shishi to her.

She remembered her sister saying that she must not check the information about their father.

At that time, Ruan Mengmeng didn't understand why, but now ... she didn't understand ...

But her sister refused to let her check, Li Junyu warned her like this, but she wanted to know more.

The biological father of her and her sister, who is that man?

What is his identity and why is he so mysterious?

do not care--

"I think so, you say, I want to know."

(End of this chapter)

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