Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1284: Zhan Yang and Chen Qingzhi's Past

Chapter 1284 Zhan Yang and Chen Qingzhi's Past

Ruan Mengmeng unconsciously remembered the diamond cufflinks hidden by the old lady.

Such cufflinks, extravagant and exaggerated, inlaid with huge diamonds, are all worth millions.

She looked up at President Zhan Kai again. Although the old president was wearing a formal dress, the cufflinks on his suit were of ordinary design. The watch on his left hand also appeared to be a style of more than a decade ago. He has worn it for many years.

She couldn't help but said something about the cufflinks. The old president then knew that Ruan Mengmeng guessed her own life.

"Because of this ..." After listening to the girl, the old president shook his head.

"He's really extravagant. Even the cufflinks have to be made of diamonds. Unfortunately, I never knew it. He was never in front of me. Look at this watch. It was your grandma who chose it for me before marriage. of……"

Zhan Kai raised his left hand to let Ruan Mengmeng look.

"Perhaps for the sake of reassurance, your father also learned from me. Before the marriage, he asked the Duan family girl to pick a watch for him for many years. Every time he sees me, the most valuable thing in his body is only that watch. In addition, it is the most common cost.

I used to think that he would be a good heir, a good man, a good husband. It wasn't until Dongchuang's incident that I saw the only son of my fight against Kai for the first time. His true face ... "

Ruan Mengmeng choked: "He disappointed you, didn't he?"

"Oh, it's more than disappointment. He not only encroached on the interests of the country and the people, but also shouted wind and rain for the benefit of my signboard. In his eyes, other ordinary people are regarded as ants."

Speaking of this, President Zhan Kai's heavy voice suddenly stopped.

He lifted those melancholic, weather-beaten eyes, and looked at the young girl with shame.

The old president bit his back alveolar, and the man with the iron bones always had red eyes, but even shed tears in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

"It was him—that raped your mother. I'm sorry, Mengmeng, I'm sorry ... I didn't teach this son well, I killed your family. When I knew everything, it was too late ..."

"How, how ..." Ruan Mengmeng listened to President Zhan Kai's words dullly, and at this moment the entire brain fell into a blank.

Rape ...

How could it be **** ...

Before that, she thought so much, and even wondered if it would be her mother's affair with her father, or even inferiority of her illegitimate daughter.

She thought that the three of them were sinners and sinners who had damaged the families of others.

But rape, my mother was raped? !!

Ruan Mengmeng can't accept this answer, not only emotional, but also rational.

"It's impossible, is there something wrong? Rape ... but my sister ..." She asked suddenly, the tears falling out of control as soon as she spoke.

She and her sister are several years apart. They are not Ruan Zhaotian's children, which means that they can only be children of Chen Qingzhi and Zhan Yang.

But if Zhan Yang is forced Chen Qingzhi, why is she and her sister, both of them ...

Seeing the girl with tears in his eyes, President Zhan Kai felt deep heartache.

He wanted to pat his granddaughter's shoulders and hugged her to comfort him, but in front of his granddaughter's deeply hurt emotions, he seemed to do nothing in vain.

"The specific process may only be clear to your mother. I can only be certain that Zhan Yang forced your mother back then."

[As far as possible before 21:50 in the next chapter]

I changed my avatar ~ haha, let me see ~

(End of this chapter)

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