Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1285: She wants to hug her mom

Chapter 1285: She Wants To Hug Her Mother

"As for the recent situation between you and your sister, in fact, I have only just learned ..."

The embarrassment on President Zhan Kai's face was so heavy that he could not look up.

For so many years, he was reluctant to ask all the information about Zhan Yang, even the two sisters Ruan Shishi and Ruan Mengmeng did not know.

"At that time, when I discovered that Zhan Yang had a problem, it was too late. I wanted to make up for it, but my people reported that your mother had already jumped into the sea and died at the time. You and your sister stayed at Ruan's house and were Ruan Zhaotian. Raising and growing up. I do n’t know if you and your sister are Zhan Yang ’s children or Ruan ’s children. Not to mention, even if you are Zhan Yang ’s children, I ’m afraid to bother you. I see Ruan Zhaotian being very kind to you Well, as if out of nowhere, so I didn't recognize you, just let you stay at the parent Ruan.

It wasn't until I saw you on the podium just now that you saw your grandmother's eyebrows and looks similar to those of your grandmother when I was young. Then I suddenly remembered that the family that was scourged by Zhan Yang was also named Ruan. After seeing the information from the investigation, Grandpa just realized that you are really Zhan Yang's children.

For so many years, it was Grandpa's fault ... It was Grandpa who neglected you. I know, your sister, she's already ... and you've had a hard time. "

President Zhan Kai's voice was full of self-blame and regret.

After the incident of Zhan Yang, he felt heartbroken.

After dealing with Zhan Yang with fierce and popular means, he devoted more efforts to national affairs.

This is a kind of compensation for him, and a kind of escape for him.

He fought for Kai throughout his life, and stood up to the ground, giving birth to such an inferior son.

This is an insurmountable blow for Zhan Kai.

If it wasn't for paralyzing himself with work, Zhan Kai himself would be deeply trapped and unable to get out of that heavy guilt.

When Zhan Kai finally said all this, he could not get a response from Ruan Mengmeng.

Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, President Zhan Kai raised his heavy eyes, only to find that the girl who was still sitting there did not know when she had stood up.

"Meng Meng?" The president of War glanced over his eyes with anxiety.

"I ... I'll go back first. I'm going back to see my mother." Her eyes were full of water, her somber regrets under her blurred vision.

Ruan Mengmeng remembered her misunderstanding about Chen Qingzhi, thinking that when she knew that Zhan Yang was her biological father, she even had doubts about Chen Qingzhi.

But how innocent is her mother?

No wonder Chen Qingzhi was so scared when he heard the word 'Zhan Yang'.

Ruan Mengmeng and Ruan Shishi are almost five years old. If Grandpa said everything is true, everything is persecuted by Zhan Yang.

So what happened to Chen Qingzhi that year?

What exactly did she suffer under that power?

The girl was shaking with her hands hanging around her, biting her lower lip and telling herself not to cry, and she would go back to see her mother.

But tears are the brushes that are difficult to suppress and fall.

"Mengmeng, about your father ..." Grandpa and grandson met for the first time, and the old president didn't tell Ruan Mengmeng much.

"No, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear from him now. Isn't he dead, Yingnian died early? Then it's better to have no one at all ... Grandpa, I will go back first."

After talking about it, Ruan Mengmeng didn't even need a bag, he just drew out the door of the meeting room.

She can't bear it, she can't bear it ...

She wants to see Chen Qingzhi earlier, and she wants to hug her mother.

The girl ran fast and rushed out of the gate of the presidential palace.

When she just rushed to the side of the road, a black luxury car suddenly passed by, blocking her path.

(End of this chapter)

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