Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1338: Old president matchmaker

Chapter 1338: Old President Matchmaking

Because President Zhan Kai did not believe it, Ruan Mengmeng could only tell what he knew.

After the old president heard--

"Oh, huh, huh, huh ... a man, holding left and right, already has two fiancees, and he is also deceiving to deceive my baby granddaughter. It is really despicable. Mengmeng, obedient, you have to talk to him this time Broken, you will never be allowed to go to him again, even if you are confused, you have to be strong, you know! "

In the eyes of President Zhan Kai, black is black and white is white. A man cannot even be responsible for the feelings of the male and female masters. So what else can be responsible?

Such a man is simply unbearable!

Ruan Mengmeng was a little bit crying when she heard what his grandfather said.

What does it mean, "Even if I'm dizzy, I can't see clearly" ... It sounds so wronged.

But at this moment, compared with the excitement of the grandfather, the girl calmed down.

In this way, Li Junyu really did not lie to her.

His two fiancees should have been secretly settled by the elders at his back.

The Duke of Redington should have been investigating Jiang Yiming's case, only to find the Polkin family.

And Duan's side was ordered by Li's ...

Thinking that Li Junyu didn't mention it when he met today, Ruan Mengmeng guessed that I was afraid Li Junyu himself didn't know it.

Alas, it's miserable, and somehow there are two more fiancees.

Ruan Mengmeng thought of the wedding photo that wrote her and Li Junyu's name. For some reason, she wasn't angry at all, but she felt happy.

When President Zhan Kai saw Ruan Mengmeng's eyebrows froze and his lips suddenly turned on, he suddenly became nervous.

"Mengmeng, are you okay? Don't be mad at yourself for this kind of man, it's not worth it. In short, you don't have to worry about it, Grandpa will definitely plan for you. You are still young, so I see that kind Men will be tempted ... wait, wait for Grandpa to find you some good-looking boys back, and you won't be like this ... "

Later, Ruan Mengmeng didn't listen.

Because she was full of thoughts, if you had the chance to meet Li Junyu again, you must joke him and ask him how it feels to enjoy the blessing of Qiren.


"Meng Meng, Meng Meng ... Are you listening? Do you have any opinion on what Grandpa just told you?"

"Ah, oh, okay." The girl answered mechanically, but in fact did not hear President Zhan Kai's question at all.

Grandpa noticed that she was distracted, Ruan Mengmeng glanced at the open folder and saw the unsigned asset transfer letter inside.

Thinking of President Zhan Kai's incorruptible style, she felt that she still needed to be reported like grandpa.

"Grandpa, you have arranged the matter just now, I will listen to you. But, look at this, this is the transfer letter of Ruan's shares. You should already know about my mother and Ruan's family. I want to tell you something Tomorrow, I'm going to return to Ruan's house, and return everything that Ruan's family owes to her mother.

And my sister's company, I will come back together. Grandpa, wouldn't you blame me for forcing me? "

President Zhan Kai frowned: "Are you doing this, are you breaking the law?"

Ruan Mengmeng: "No, there are grandpa Ruan's will. Those companies were originally sisters."

President Zhan Kai: "That's good, since you don't break the law, you can rest assured to do it."

Speaking of this, President Zhan Kai frowned and suddenly thought of someone.

Yes, the young man is of good character, motivated, and handsome and perfect.

Maybe he can match up with that person.

"In this way, Grandpa will send someone to accompany you tomorrow. When he helps, things will be smoother."

"6 more, see you tomorrow night"

(End of this chapter)

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