Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1339: Unexpected person

Chapter 1339: The Unexpected

The next day, when Ruan Mengmeng saw a tall man in the living room of the presidential palace.

A terrified and shocked expression appeared on her delicate little face.

"Come, Mengmeng ... I'll introduce it to you. This is the only younger brother of the president of the Golden Lion Group, Jing Xiangjin. He is handsome, perfect, and young."

"Xiang Jin, this is Meng Meng, Ruan ... Meng Meng." When President Zhan Kai mentioned the word 'Ruan', he was obviously stuck.

He wanted to tell others that this was Zhan Mengmeng, his granddaughter.

President Zhan Kai: "Meng Meng is a little hero who sees justice and courage. I get to love her character more and more after getting along with her these days. Something happened at her house and someone needs help, so keep going ... You go with her Right. "

From the beginning to the end, the old president looked like Roshan to the front ... Hey, it's not. He hasn't seen Jing Xiangjin for a long time and has lost a lot.

Today it is not Roshan, it is a mountain at best.

President Zhan Kai seemed very satisfied with Jing Xiangjin, who looked like a big mountain in front of him. From the moment he saw Jing Xiangjin, he always smiled with a serious eyebrow.

Ruan Mengmeng has been completely aggressive at this moment.

She was very happy to see Jing Fatty and very happy.

But does the situation of Jing Fatty have anything to do with the handsomeness, integrity, and youth of her grandpa?

She really wanted to ask President Zhan Kai if there were any misunderstandings about these words.

"Mr. President, rest assured, I must live up to your entrustment." When seeing Ruan Mengmeng, Jing Fatty showed no unexpected surprise.

Instead, a respectful and steady reply to the president now shows a calmness from beginning to end.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

Is this still the fat Jing Jing she knows?

But Jing Xiangjin's performance was too abrupt, apparently pretending not to know Ruan Mengmeng.

Seeing this, the girl said nothing at all and said goodbye to President Zhan Kai until she stepped out of the gate of the presidential palace and came to the car.

"Hum, it's exhausting me. It's really hard to pretend to be polite." Ruan Mengmeng hadn't had time to ask the bottom of her heart. Jing Fat on the side couldn't hold it.

A bear hugged, Jing fat man hugged Ruan Mengmeng, "Boss Meng, I miss you, I want to die for you! Do you know that you suddenly disappeared, it really scared us. Mu Yan also said that he should take care of your emotions, My brother wouldn't say more than one word. Several of us thought of many ways to find out your news in wisdom. "

"Come and come, Mengzhu get on the car, brothers are waiting for you in the car!"

The door of the large off-road vehicle opened by King Fat opened, and his familiar faces all appeared in Ruan Mengmeng's sight.

There is Ye Lingxi, there is Sigou Yun, there is Ye Hanting, there is Li Yifan, there are red, yellow and green hairs ... and even Li Junche! !! !!

The Qingxiu boy sitting in the front passenger's seat raised his clear eyes and gave Ruan Mengmen a slight glance.

Although the look seemed cold and impatient, Ruan Mengmeng saw the teenager's long and fair white right hand stretched out.

"Marshmallow ..." Li Junche's right hand fell on top of Ruan Mengmeng and rubbed gently.

The next moment, Ruan Mengmeng was full of a petite and soft body.

"Meng Meng ... you are suffering ... I miss you ..." Ye Lingxi got out of the car and rushed to Ruan Mengmeng.

If it wasn't for the girl to settle down and stand still, maybe Ye Lingxi would have fallen.

"Mengzhu, welcome back!"

"Mengzhu, we are here to help you!"

"Mengzhu, you can't run anything this time ..."

[As far as possible in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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