Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1352: See clearly (3)

Chapter 1352: Seeing Thoroughly (3)

Qin Fang's two words can not be described as heartless.

And in one word, she caught all the weaknesses of Ruan Zhaotian and the old lady together.

Old Lady Ruan thought, yeah, anyway, the last property was from her son to her grandson and granddaughter.

Although she hated Qin Fang's disrespect for herself and had completely annoyed Qin Fang, she really hurt Ruan Mingyu and Ruan Jiaojiao.

Especially Mingyu, but her golden grandson, even if Zhaotian and Qin Fang divorced, gave Qin Fang all the money.

Qin Fang is a woman who is so old. What else can she do with her two children?

It is not yet to raise the two children and transfer the property to them.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Ruan was almost out of breath just now, and she was unconsciously much better.

"Zhaotian, or listen to Qin Fang, and leave the money to Xiaoyu and Jiao Jiao ... after all, it is your own flesh and blood."

Ruan Zhaotian frowned slightly when she heard the old lady's words.

He is really ashamed of the two children now.

Even if it was inexplicable, he did have a relationship with Cao Mei.

He is sorry for his wife and his children.

Perhaps Qin Fang was right, he really should compensate and at least do his father's responsibility.

"Okay, I signed this agreement ... and the supplementary agreement, I signed both. I leave all my property to Jiaojiao and Xiaoyu."

Then, Ruan Zhaotian picked up the pen again.

Just when the pen tip just touched the paper surface, a familiar, soft waxy voice came in from outside the door—

"Wait a minute, no signing is allowed."

Ruan Zhaotian has already dropped his first hand, and stopped.

He looked up in disbelief and opened his eyes wide in the direction of the entrance.

Surprised expression slowly appeared on that tired face.

Not only Ruan Zhaotian, except for the lawyer whose name was Zhang, almost everyone heard the voice.

They couldn't believe it and looked back towards the door.

When I saw the familiar, beautiful and charming figure came in with a group of men and women, everyone had a complicated expression on their faces.

"Meng Meng ..." Ruan Zhaotian's pen fell off.

He stood up and looked at Ruan Mengmeng, his eyes excited.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't talk to him, went to the table and glanced at the contract, and said indifferently, "There is something wrong with this agreement. It is not allowed to sign."

"Okay." Ruan Zhaotian closed the agreement without a word, and threw it back to Qin Fang, who actually obeyed Ruan Mengmeng completely.

Seeing things were about to happen, they were interrupted by Ruan Mengmeng who broke in.

Qin Fang's delicate eyebrows were twisted together, and she looked impatiently at Ruan Mengmeng: "Ruan Mengmeng, this is the housework of our Ruan family, and it has nothing to do with your wild species. There is no part of you here!"

After speaking, Qin Fang looked at the lawyers and bodyguards around him: "Mr. Zhang, invite someone out."

Saying yes, but actually it's not just asking.

Kong Wu's powerful bodyguard behind her was not a reasonable person at first glance.

Mr. Zhang, an old **** named by lawyer Qin Fang, was walking two steps out. He was stern and looked at Ruan Mengmeng indifferently: "Ms. Qin is right, this is a private house, and a project is currently underway. The signing of a private contract is not suitable for outsiders.

This little girl, please leave immediately, otherwise Ms. Qin's bodyguard can only ask you to go out. "

"Oh, right? If my client happens to have the most direct interest in this so-called private agreement?"

After that, a middle-aged man with a serious and solemn look, came out from behind Ruan Mengmeng and others.

He is the exclusive lawyer assigned by President Zhan Kai to Ruan Mengmeng, not only to solve her legal problems in starting a new company, but also to accompany her to Ruan's house to resolve her will.

See the middle-aged man with a familiar and long-lost face.

Attorney Zhang brought by Qin Fang opened his mouth, "Old, teacher ... you, why are you here ..."

[Update finished today, see you tomorrow night at 8]

There will be a meeting tomorrow, and today will be more 4 ~ Am I going to write tomorrow's deposit?

(End of this chapter)

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