Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1353: Get back what belongs to her (1)

Chapter 1353: Taking Back What Happened to Her (1)

A total of two people were sent by Zhou Zhengji to help Qin Fang.

One is a bodyguard dressed as Zhou Zhengji's personal guard, and the other is Zhang Mingyi, the country's premier barrister.

After Qin Fang “arrested” herself at the Ruan's side, she called and Zhou Zhengji sent the two.

In the rank of the Ruan family, let alone a barrister of the level of Zhang Mingyi, I have never seen it even a few levels lower than Zhang Mingyi.

Because of this, Qin Fang has always been fearless.

But she did not expect that Ruan Mengmeng would suddenly appear.

In her impressions, Ruan Mengmeng, who had long been helpless, even brought a person who seemed more valuable than her lawyer status.

Lawyer Zhang saw a middle-aged man standing next to Ruan Mengmeng and opened his mouth. "Teacher, why are you here? Haven't you gone abroad for your vacation?"

The middle-aged man in front of him is older than Zhang Mingyi, and his meticulous combed hair has a chance of white hair.

The wrinkles at the ends of the eyes are obvious, but those eyes are hidden with wisdom and deep.

Attorney Zhao glanced at Zhang Mingyi and calmly replied: "I was temporarily entrusted by an old friend to handle legal affairs for Ms. Ruan Mengmeng. Xiao Zhang, my client, Ms. Ruan Mengmeng, has a direct relationship with this matter, yours The agreement must not be signed until my client confirms certain matters. "

Attorney Zhao, who was called as a teacher by Zhang Mingyi, did not have any modesty at all, nor did he have any kind of regard for teachers and students.

In an absolutely strong tone, he directly announced the next operating standard.

Zhang Mingyi's face was slightly heavy, but he didn't dare to object at all.

Qin Fang couldn't help squinting and said, "Even if you are Mr. Zhang's teacher, you have to talk about everything first come first? Obviously we came first, and the agreement has to be signed. You ca n’t say halfway if you interrupted ... "

"Ms. Qin, just do as the teacher said." Attorney Zhang Mingyi interrupted her embarrassed expression without waiting for Qin Fang to finish.

Qin Fang: "Why, we obviously ..."

"This is Zhao Hongji and Zhao Zhao ..." Zhang Mingyi stopped Qin Fang's words, bowed respectfully and raised his hand to introduce.

"It is my mentor, the former Dean of the School of Political Science and Law of the Zhisong Private University in S City, and the former Secretary-General of our Bar Association. The teacher just retired last year and began to travel the world. See you here today. "

Qin Fang frowned, never thinking that Ruan Mengmeng could bring such a cruel character.

She couldn't help narrowing her eyes, even wondering if Ruan Mengmeng had been adopted by the warring family?

No, it's impossible.

Qin Fang desperately calmed himself.

If Ruan Mengmeng was acknowledged by the war fighters, Zhou Zhengji would not be unaware.

Ruan Mengmeng is only a wild seed in the eyes of her biological father. President Zhan Kai has been hidden for so many years, even if she saw her, she would not be able to recognize it.

Yes, it must be.

Qin Fang desperately calmed herself, thinking of Ruan Jiaojiao's story of Ruan Mengmeng's collusion with Li Junyu, she could not help associating the appearance of lawyer Zhao with Li's family.

Zhao Hongji laughed: "Oh ... I'm also helping my old friend. When I retire, I occasionally work as a legal adviser. Ms. Meng Meng really likes me and helps her by the way."

Attorney Zhao said so, Zhang Mingyi was unbelievable.

No one knows, but he is a proud disciple of Zhao Hongji.

How can a person like Zhao Hongji be a legal adviser to a little girl, I'm afraid-behind this little girl named Ruan Mengmeng, there are others who support her.

(End of this chapter)

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