Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1442: He, Li Junyu, belongs to Ruan Mengmeng

Chapter 1442 He, Li Junyu, belongs to Ruan Mengmeng

The girl was ashamed and looked up.

But Li Junyu just missed her.

Such an occasion is exactly what the tyrant intended.

Originally, he wasn't going to be there, but after learning from Li Junting's mouth that his young wife came to the party, Li Junyu immediately rushed over.

What Jing Yiyi and what male companions are irrelevant people.

He just wanted to let everyone know-he, Li Junyu, belonged to Ruan Mengmeng.

Li Junyu picked up the little woman still buried in his arms and went to the rest area of ​​Li's house.

Bo's side, naturally, cannot sit.

He now looks a bit offensive to Bo Hanyuan.

The warriors can't go there either.

In addition to Li Junting, the rest of Jing Yihuan and Shen Yu's eyes looking at his cute Meng Meng, all showed wolf.

Only Li's seat, only Shen Lan and Li Jinghui's stupid.

Li Junyu hugged his woman and strode to the rest area of ​​Li's house.

Raising the cold and proud jaw, he looked down at Shen Lan and Li Jinghui who were still sitting on the main seat.

The contempt at the bottom of the eyes seemed to be saying, not yet rolled.

Shen Lan: "..."

She knew that the protagonist of the engagement banquet was Li Junyu.

Whether it is better than Li's status, power in the eyes of outsiders, or the absolute protagonist tonight.

None of her Shen Lan and Li Jinghui.

So this position should not be where they sit.

But Shen Lan was unwilling, deeply unwilling--

Li Jinghui on the side was in the same mood.

He is the male companion who is going to dance with Duan Muer later. He is the eldest grandson of Sanfang. This position should be his.

"Lingnan." Li Junyu's voice sank, and a tall figure appeared behind the sofa.

The heavy man stood behind Shen Lan and Li Jinghui.

His two big hands rested on the back of the sofa.

Li Junyu's voice was low and indifferent: "In public, if you are thrown off the sofa by Ling Nan, it will always affect the image of Li's family. I will give you five seconds to consider. If you still do n’t know what to do, then Ling Nan can only ... "

Before he finished speaking, Li Jinghui sitting on the sofa bounced first.

Just kidding, how could he be the grandson of the three-room grandfather, who was thrown off the sofa by the back of a rough man with the back collar.

Just thinking about being seen like this, Li Jinghui felt that there was a needle sticking under his bottom.

Frightened, "Fart rolling", he rolled down from the large main sofa and ran to the small sofa next door.

"..." Shen Lan stared angrily.

She was so angry.

This Jinghui is really too timid, and actually believes Li Junyu's intimidation!

Both the old lady and the old man looked upstairs.

Li Junyu is no matter how bold he is, he does not dare to lose his face in front of outsiders.

Unfortunately, Li Jinghui was scared away.

In order not to humiliate his son, Shen Lan could only keep up gracefully and chuckled, "It doesn't matter, I am an elder, I let you. Come, Junyu, sit down."

The main character of the 'engagement' tonight is Li Junyu.

This rest area is also specially prepared for Li Junyu.

But Shen Lan was just cheeky, saying such ignoring facts.

Li Junyu was too lazy to deal with her. He hugged Ruan Mengmeng and sat down, paying no attention to the inquiring eyes cast by others.

It's just displeased that more people will see his little milk cat's exquisitely delicate face after he is well-dressed.

So under the eyes of everyone, he lifted Ruan Mengmeng's little chin again, and leaned down and kissed.

"Li Junyu, you have no end to it ..." Ruan Mengmeng complained after she was breathlessly kissed.

Kiss across the dance floor and kiss again on the dance floor.

Don't Li Junyu feel ashamed?

"Endless, I want to kiss you like this forever."

Yes, let everyone know that Meng Meng is his. Men are not only ashamed, but also very proud.

[More late]

(End of this chapter)

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