Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1443: Ruan Mengmeng is just a gadget

Chapter 1443 Ruan Mengmeng is just a gadget

Li's love words, although soiled and greasy, but for no reason made Ruan Mengmeng tremble.

Since leaving Li Yuan that day, she has found every reason to avoid Li Junyu.

He didn't know how to tell him anything extra, so hesitated.

Ruan Mengmeng knows that he is likely to abandon this relationship in order to carry the banner of the warring family.

It is impossible for Li Junyu to add extra burden, and it will never be possible.

Her nasal cavity was a bit sour, and her feelings were heavy.

"Um." Ruan Mengmeng hummed softly.

Her little hand proactively touched Li Junyu's sharp and handsome profile, "Give you a kiss."

After talking, the girl lifted her lips that had been eaten by men, which was pink and charming.

Li Junyu, who was sitting on the sofa, just leaned down again, pinched his cute little chin, and kissed deeply.

Come again ...

The audience at the scene said that the taste of being stuffed with dog food was really uncomfortable.

They are almost full on dog food.

Not only that, some people's faces are swollen.

Waiting to see Ruan Mengmeng this demon girl was thrown away and abandoned.

The result is not only not.

Instead, he watched Li Shao take the person to the rest area of ​​Li's house and drove away Shen Lan, who had just bullied Ruan Mengmeng. He said that he was still sitting on the main seat, and kissed the little woman in his arms. Give up.

Slap, slap face.

Not only hit the eyes of those celebrities and celebrities.

Also beaten Duan Jiasheng's face.

This is clearly the engagement banquet of the Duan family, but now it is born into a love banquet.

The most unsettling part of Duan's family was that the co-star with the shameless woman was the future husband of their Miss Duanjia.

This Ruan Mengmeng is really bullying!



"Mom, who is that woman, why don't you get her kicked out! Tonight is my engagement banquet with Li Shao. This woman, she clearly came to make trouble!"

In the lounge on the second floor, Duan Mu'er and Duan Yi'er, who had been making up and changing dresses, saw this scene and almost rushed downstairs to find Ruan Mengmeng's theory.

Especially Duan Muer.

Her fiance, Master Li, who has been secretly in love with her, even openly hugged the shameless woman and kissed her in front of the eyes.

Who doesn't know Master Li's family has always been abstinent, and is not close to women.

Duan Mu'er loved him since he first saw Li Junyu as a child.

The biggest wish in this life is to be a bride of Li Junyu.

For this, she not only desperately enriched herself, hoping to match Li Junyu.

Whenever there is an opportunity, she will go to a banquet attended by Li's family, especially when the old Mr. Li and Mrs. Li will show up.

Fortunately, Miss Duan's reputation in the celebrity circle is very good, and the generous and dignified reputation has spread to the upper society of country S for a long time.

This made her not long ago, finally liked by Mr. Li and Mrs. Li.

"Muer, don't worry, tonight is your engagement banquet. Since Li Shao is here, you must have approved the marriage. The girl is just a toy.

Well, you do n’t know, who does n’t have a few things outside. The more capable a man is, the more Yingying Yanyan will be rushing out. You see, your father, and ... your uncle, are not all the same. "

Speaking of the last ‘your uncle’, Mrs. Duan's tone was obvious.

This is really strange.

Dignified lady, it seems to be accustomed to mention that her husband has a confidant outside.

But the mention of Duan Mu'er's uncle revealed a few stiff expressions.

[More late]

(End of this chapter)

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