Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1444: Duanjia Best Hot Pot

Chapter 1444: Duan Family's Best Boiler

"Mom, don't make a mess ... How can a father, an uncle, and Li Shao be compared. People like an uncle are lonely and desolate, and they don't look down on those women at all. It is aunt's luck to marry him. He is even closer to being born, not a vulgar, cowardly man like his father. "

The father in Duan Muer's mouth is naturally Duan Yuanxun.

The uncle is the CEO of Beacon Group, which was the former Zhan Yang.

But it is strange that Duan Muer, as the daughter of Duan Yuanxun, regards his father very lowly.

Instead, he held his uncle Zhan Yang and held it high.

As for Master Li's, she is the one she admires, and naturally it is different.

"Mur, don't say your father like that." Mrs. Duan patted her daughter's hand and pressed her down.

But Duan Mu'er still complained: "Originally, my dad couldn't compare with my uncle, and even less with him. People like dad would be confused with those women outside, and they would be born with foxes outside. Seed. Look at your uncle. Only women have been entangled with him. When did he look straight at those women?

People like an aunt, even if their three wives and four concubines are normal, he never has, but only his aunt. And Li Shao is even more impossible. I have been concerned about Li Shao since I was a child. Except for the fiancee who had regretted marriage, Li Shao has never been close to any woman. "

The Duan family's junior did not know about the previous generation.

Especially the two girls in the family, Duan Yier and Duan Muer, in addition to dressing up beautifully every day to attend banquets, expanding their connections, and never knowing the family's secrets.

The only thing they knew better than outsiders was that his uncle Zhan Yang was still alive.

It's just that from childhood to junior, all the juniors of Duan's family were told that it was absolutely forbidden to disclose to the public that his uncle Zhan Yang was still alive, not even his family members.

Therefore, the juniors have become accustomed to it and kept silent.

Mrs. Duan did not expect that in the eyes of her daughter, her husband's image had become so fragile, but his uncle Zhan Yang was so tall.

She knew it was all because of that incident.

Because of that, Zhan Yang, the true originator, was okay, but his husband carried the blame.

Mrs. Duan's gaze turned to the face of her eldest daughter, Duan Yi'er, and she saw her empathy.

My heart is deep and dull.

Since both daughters are so old, she doesn't hide it.

These things were caused by Duan Xiuhui's little aunt that year, and what made her husband bear.

Mrs. Duan was anxious, and rushed out: "Who said that the fox spirit outside was your father's, that was your uncle's woman at all! That woman had bewildered your uncle, and climbed into your uncle's bed while your aunt was pregnant.

Do you think your aunt is going to catch it back and treat your cousin Jiaer with the wild seed, is your father and that fox really born? Alas, no, it's not at all ... that wild species, your uncle and the daughter of vixen.

In order to cover up your marriage failure and to protect her image of a happy lady, your aunt has put that woman's affairs on your father. "

"This, how is this possible?" Duan Mu'er and Duan Yi'er were surprised at the same time.

Yeah, how could that be, how could my father be willing to bear such a big pot.

"Oh, how can't it be ... your father was a sister, otherwise, how could your aunt be spoiled by him when he was young. In short, you remember, no one can say this. Suffocated in the stomach. As for you, Muer ... "

Mrs. Duan turned to look at her little daughter.

"I don't know if it's a fate, I'll tell you the truth, the girl who seduce a little less outside is the daughter of that fox spirit."

[One more chapter, late]

(End of this chapter)

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