Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1571: The truth after the truth (2)

Chapter 1571: The Truth After the Truth (2)

"My father would not do such a thing."

Li Jun's cold eyes quenched the cold. Although he was holding Ruan Mengmeng, he said seriously.

He knew Li Yaoyang, his father was not like that.

"I don't know, I don't know ..." Chen Qing subconsciously lowered his head, covered his mouth with one hand, and took a deep breath.

"I don't know if your father deliberately regarded me as a substitute or was really drunk. I even suspected that maybe we were designed together and arranged by your grandma. But I had no choice at that time, I didn't Dare to choose ... "

Chen Qingzhi, who was deeply hurt by the incident of Zhan Yang, knows clearly that he is just a crippled ant in front of these powerful and powerful people.

The old lady Li's approach is very simple. They can let her sleep in bed, and she is unknowingly sent to Li Yaoyang's room in the middle of the night.

Then they have the same way to let her close her eyes unknowingly in a certain dream and never wake up.

This was the punishment and warning given to her by the old lady Li.

Warn her to shut up and refrain from talking about the lady.

"I can only seek to protect myself in situations of extreme fear. I compromised, and as the woman behind your father's will, at least lived in peace.

It was just this decision that made me feel ashamed of your mother, who did not dare to appear in front of her for a while, and avoided her intentionally. But not long after, I found your mother started to get strange.

She would suddenly talk to herself and suddenly become hysterical.

In front of your brothers, she is still a gentle and beautiful mother, but in private, she has some deities.

By the time I found out that it wasn't right, she seemed to have fallen into a world of self.

My first reaction was that the old lady and Shen Lan gave your mother another medicine, but your mother's diet has been taken care of by me and has never been faked.

I even told your father about it, but he thinks I am deploying and slandering your mother.

How dare I be so mean to vilify your mother, because of this ... Well, your father warned me at the time not to think about things that did not belong to me. "

Li Junyu's black eyes sank heavily: "If you haven't slandered my mother, and you haven't specifically transferred between them, why would he later marry you?"

He can trust Ruan Mengmeng, but he won't easily trust anyone other than Mengmeng.

In Li Junyu's view, there is something contradictory in Chen Qingzhi's speech.

He never doubted his father's love for his mother, even though his father was not determined enough, he seemed too weak.

But ... he loves Yue Xuexin, no doubt.

Under such circumstances, how could he agree to make a woman who climbs the bed a step-wife.

Chen Qingzhi heard Li Junyu's words, and Xing Xingmu's eyes first stunned, then he suddenly smiled: "Why ... why should I allocate one, and at the last moment of my life, will arrange a benefactor for me? "

"Your mother, she is really a very nice and respectable woman. Following her, I learned a lot, and she is the true fairy in this world.

I told you just now that there was a problem with her mind during that period, and a private person would talk to herself. But one day, she was sober, and remembered that it was a sunny afternoon.

She was sitting on a small balcony chair full of flowers and personally called your father. "

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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