Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1572: Truth after Truth (3)

Chapter 1572: The Truth After the Truth (3)

"I don't know if your mother saw anything, but until now I still remember how she glowed when she talked against the sun. She said, let your father take care of me. She said If she can't stay with your father in the future and wants someone to be with him. She says ... I ... I'm a poor woman ... "

Speaking of which, Chen Qingzhi's tears disappeared again and again.

In addition to her parents, the best person in her life is Yue Xuexin.

Without the old lady, there would be no subsequent her.

Without the old lady, she would probably sink into the mire forever and never climb out.

"I confessed that when I really became Mrs. Li's, I gradually lost my heart between fame and power. I wanted to climb up, I wanted to push Junxi to the top. But even then, how do I get lost? I never thought about making a big lady.

I admit that the clips in the video are all real without any editing, but this is not the case!

The reason I sneaked behind the old lady was because I felt ashamed. I wanted to find a chance to make it clear to the old lady, but I didn't dare. "

She was too hesitant at that time, and finally found an opportunity for the old lady to place an order, so she wanted to be honest with the old lady. But at that time--

"Just then, your mother suddenly walked to the stairs and started talking to herself. I couldn't hear what she was talking about, but I could hear something in her mouth. When I found something wrong, the whole lady's expression It's getting weird.

She still remembers the expression before her death, raising her lips, smiling and smiling, and then the body began to lean forward.

I was scared and went up to stop her immediately. It's a pity ... I'm still one step behind. I just touched her shoulder and she fell forward. "

Chen Qingzhi finally spoke out, telling the whole truth.

She had never dared to say or mention it.

She knew that no one would believe that she was afraid of being questioned about her motive, she was afraid to tell others about her relationship with Li Yaoyang in private, and she was afraid of being told by the old lady that she dared to tell the truth.

But these things have been accumulated in the bottom of my heart for too long, long enough that she lived more and more tired.

She originally thought that these secrets would be brought into the cemetery with her, but today, in order to let Meng Meng release, she must say.

"My story is over, and this is all the truth I know. Jun Yu, I know you may not believe it, and you may even think that these are lies that I fabricated. Because I and your father have already been infected, I have motivation Harm your mother. From the result theory, I did do something to be sorry for your mother. There is also a video to prove that I 'push' her down or save her, it is not clear at all.

However, these have nothing to do with Mengmeng and Xiaoxi, I hope you can remember your promise.

And the only thing I can do is make an oath for every sentence I just said. I, Chen Qingzhi, swear here today that if there is a false word in what I said just now, not only in this life, I will also live as hard as this life, just like this life, I will never get it happy. "

"Mom, don't say it!" Ruan Mengmeng broke free from Li Junyu's arms, and already took the first step to embrace Chen Qingzhi.

She believed, she believed in Chen Qingzhi.

The vows made by Chen Qingzhi may not seem to have any weight in the eyes of others, but Ruan Mengmeng knew very clearly how hard her mother's life had been.

If possible, Chen Qingzhi would not want to live such a desolate life in the next life.

[Continue to write, and later]

(End of this chapter)

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