Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1659: Too strange

Chapter 1659: Too Strange

"Jun Yu, is it convenient for you now? Grandpa has something to say to you."

Behind him, Father Li suddenly appeared.

Different from the tough attitude when I met last time, today's Mr. Li became very good at talking, with a faint smile on his face from beginning to end, as if he had really accepted the fact that Ruan Mengmeng was his grandson.

Of course, it doesn't make any difference to Ruan Mengmeng whether his laugh is genuine or just maintains hypocrisy.

She always feels bad for Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, especially after knowing the story of Yue Xuexin and her mother's experience that year.

"I went in to change my wedding dress, and you talk slowly." Ruan Mengmeng stomped his feet, and while Li Junyu wasn't paying attention, he licked on his lips.

Smell the leek smell in her mouth on the man's **** thin lips, and her grumpy lips smirked and turned into the lounge to change clothes.

Li Junyu was put together by her young wife, and her long fingers touched the place where she had kissed, and then hesitated for a moment.

Then, he could only chuckle and shook his head helplessly.

The pampering and pampering in his eyes revealed that there was no doubt that Father Li was watching the close interaction between them.

Those eyes that were hiding their hearts seemed hesitant, but they were replaced by a firmer decision.

Father Li urged: "Jun Yu, come on ... I want to talk to you about your father, Yaoyang, he suddenly dumped my people ..."


In the bride's lounge, the makeup artist, stylist, and several assistants who had been waiting here already took out Ruan Mengmeng's wedding dress.

Ruan Mengmeng has tried several wedding gowns long ago, but that's it. Once again, she will still be easily attracted when she sees the wedding gown hanging on the side.

The wedding dress that drags the ground and is cut in layers, and the pure white color is worn on the body, like a princess from the fairy tale world.

"Ma'am, let's take off the Chinese dress on the body first, change the light clothes and make up and put on the makeup again. When the hair and makeup are done, we will put on your wedding dress.

Professional stylist provides advice for Ruan Mengmeng.

It is really inconvenient to wear such a large wedding dress. Ruan Mengmeng went into the locker room and took off the Chinese dress, and put on light clothes.

She sat in front of the make-up mirror, and the makeup artist and stylist immediately came up to reshape her hair and change her makeup.

At this moment, the lounge door was unscrewed from the outside, Ruan Mengmeng looked through the mirror, and it was Li old lady who came in.

What is she doing here?

Ruan Mengmeng frowned a little. She and Mrs. Li had nothing to say, and I didn't know what Mrs. Li was doing at this time.

"You go out first." As soon as the old lady came in, she ordered to others.

The makeup artist, stylist and assistant present knew the identity of the old lady, and immediately stopped the movements in her hand and looked at Ruan Mengmeng.

After all, the bride's elder, it seems that there should be something to tell the bride.

"Don't go out, continue."

Ruan Mengmeng did not intend to give the old lady a face, she found a sound reason: "Grandma, the wedding is about to begin, Jun Yu and the guests are waiting for me, it is not good to delay. What do you have to say? Just say it right here, it's fine. "

The old lady Li frowned, but did not expect Ruan Mengmeng to give herself such a shame.

Anyway, she is an elder.

At this moment, the old lady got upset and said in a less happy tone: "I came here to tell you about Chen Qingzhi. Do you know what your mother did to Jun Yu's mother ..."

"Wait." Ruan Mengmeng interrupted the old lady.

It's weird. The old lady Li would suddenly take the initiative to bring up her mother and Yue Xuexin.

(End of this chapter)

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