Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1660: Prescription

Chapter 1660: Medicine

Ruan Mengmeng said to the people around him, "You go down first."

The door opened and everyone left.

Ruan Mengmeng said to Mrs. Li, "Okay, now you can say ... What did my mother do to Jun Yu's mother then?"

She would love to hear what kind of story she would hear from the old lady.

By the way ... Look what the old lady is going to do.

Ruan Mengmeng's bright eyes blinked, and she did not miss the action of the old lady's right hand shrinking into the sleeve.

It seems that things are not what they expected.

The Zhanjia and Duanjia people did not make trouble at the wedding banquet, but the Li family had problems.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't stop the old lady's movements or deliberately pierced. Instead, she slightly lowered her head and pinched her hair, giving the old lady a space to 'play'.

Sure enough, the old lady took the opportunity to open the cap of the small medicine bottle while Ruan Mengmen bowed her head.

The old lady was afraid to cause Ruan Mengmeng to doubt. If nothing happened, she said: "Chen Qingzhi accepted the love of Yue Xuexin but seduced Yaoyang in turn. I do n’t know what a good woman like this is, but she is in Yue Xuexin After he went, Yaoyang married her.

Ruan Mengmeng, if I tell Junyu about this, he will definitely have a heart for you. But I do n’t. Do you know why? "

A familiar cold fragrance gradually spread.

"Why?" Ruan Mengmeng naturally smelled the cold fragrance. She propped her head on her hand and leaned on the dressing table, her eyes gradually ‘blurred’.

After just getting the international film, she has confidence in her acting skills.

The old lady Li saw her look away, knowing that the medicinal effect was working, and suddenly she was out of guard. She said in her heart: "Of course it is because I know that you can never become a royal wife. Ruan Mengmeng, tell you the truth I don't like you from the first sight. You are like Chen Qingzhi, but you are more like Yue Xuexin.

That kind of image is not an appearance, but a similar character in the bones. You are too awed by your elders, and you are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves. I will never allow a woman like you to be with Junyu. "


The old lady said nothing, and watched Ruan Mengmeng's right hand holding her head soft, and she fell on the dressing table.

As promised, time was not too long, just three minutes later Ruan Mengmeng passed out unconsciously.

The old lady quickly rushed the gold inlaid bracelet around her nose and smelled it, for fear she was dizzy.

This secretly locked the door and went to the locker room inside.

Ruan Mengmeng's halo was in front of the dressing table, half of her small face was lying on her arm, her hair was scattered, covering her other half of her face.

She listened carefully to the old lady's movements and wondered what the old lady was doing in the dressing room.

Just then, two '咚咚' sounds came from the locker room, similar to the sound of knocking on the door.

Then there was a squeaking sound, like the sound of the door being gently pushed open.

But there is only one room door in this lounge, just outside. Why does old lady Li open the door in the locker room?

"Zhan Yang ... she's dizzy, you can go in."

The voice of the old lady Li came from the dressing room. Ruan Mengmeng, who was "dizzy" in front of the dressing table, suddenly became stiff, her right hand under her face clenched uncontrollably into a punch.

If someone noticed her at this time, she would find that pampering was just after she won the international award, and then she could not use her acting skills to conceal her trembling and anger in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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